/ Equity and Compliance

Support and Advocacy

Your confidential victim advocate on campus is Kelsey Colburn.

Kelsey's role is to provide nonjudgmental, private support to student survivors of interpersonal violence. Kelsey will not release personally identifiable information without your permission. She is specially trained to help students navigate options and services on campus and in the community.

Additional locations for confidential support on campus includeCounseling and Psychological Resources,Campus Ministriesand the世界杯2022赛程时间表 .


Kelsey is available to respond to student survivors of interpersonal violence. She can provide private support over the phone or in person. Available support includes:

  • Referrals to counseling and other supportive services on campus and in the community
  • Education about medical options and procedures, including evidence collection “SANE kits”
  • Information about and referrals to legal advocacy, including Personal Protection Orders
  • Support and assistance in reporting an assault to Hope College Campus Safety, if desired
  • Support and assistance in navigating Hope College Sexual Harassment and Assault Policy and Investigation, if desired
  • Support and assistance in initiating academic, housing, employment or other accommodations
  • Assistance for significant others and friends of victim/survivors of interpersonal violence

To set up a time to talk with Kelsey you can email her atcolburnk@www.icarseries.comor call her direct line,616.395.7802.

If it is after hours and you need to speak to someone right away you can contact:


Any Hope College community member can call Kelsey for victim services or to ask questions about resources. For instance, victims/survivors can call on their own or someone can call on their behalf.

Kelsey provides private support. This means that talking with Kelsey does not start a formal judicial or criminal process, unless the individual wants to access those options.


We invite all Hope students who have experienced interpersonal violence (e.g., sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, childhood abuse) to join a support group facilitated by a counselor or Kelsey Colburn.


If you are interested in participating, please contact Kelsey atcolburnk@www.icarseries.com.