/ Sponsored Research and Programs

Managing Your Award

Hope College provides assistance and support to investigators with extramurally funded projects.

Financial Management


Need help with managing your award?

The Office of Sponsored Research and Programs (OSRP) and Business Services provides support to Principal Investigators/Project Directors in managing your sponsored programs.

Do you need assistance with:

Annual and Final Project Reports?

Contact Ron Fleischmann, Director of OSRP (fleischmann@www.icarseries.com).

OSRP can assist you with proofing annual and final project reports prior to submission to the sponsor. In some cases, sponsors request specific information regarding time and effort performed on the project. Requesting a review by OSRP prior to submission can alleviate the potential for errors during the reporting process.

Changes in your Project Budget?

Contact Ron Fleischmann, Director of OSRP (fleischmann@www.icarseries.com).

OSRP provides support in managing changes in your project budget. In some cases, project budget modifications will require the prior approval of the sponsor before implementation.

To initiate this process, please complete aBudget Modification Request Formand send it to Ron Fleischmann, director of Sponsored Research and Programs (fleischmann@www.icarseries.com).

Changes in your Project Plan?

Contact Ron Fleischmann, Director of OSRP (fleischmann@www.icarseries.com).

OSRP can assist you if your original project scope has changed. Sponsors typically require additional details, such as a revised work plan and project budget, upon notification of a change in the original project scope of work.

Completing Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training?

Contact your Department Chair.

Two federal agencies — theNational Science FoundationandNational Institutes of Health— require Hope College to provide training to undergraduate students engaged in funded research projects on the responsible and ethical conduct of research (RCR). Both agencies consider RCR training critical to the preparation of future scientists and engineers.

RCR training is handled on a department-by-department basis at Hope College. The RCR plans for various departments are available through theProvost's Office.

Completing Time and Effort Reporting?

Contact Ron Fleischmann, Director of OSRP (fleischmann@www.icarseries.com).

Faculty and staff involved in sponsored programs are required to report and certify the time spent on funded projects. This certification confirms to the sponsor that the personnel have worked the stated amount of time on their project, fulfilling a condition of the award.

The Office of Sponsored Research and Programs will work with investigators to complete their Time and Effort Reports. If you have questions related to the Time and Effort Reporting process or if your sponsor has requested a copy of your Time and Effort Report, please contact Ron Fleischmann, director of Sponsored Research and Programs (fleischmann@www.icarseries.com).

Completing your Financial Conflict of Interest Reporting?

Contact Ron Fleischmann, Director of OSRP (fleischmann@www.icarseries.com).

Principal investigators seeking federal funds will be required to disclose their financial conflicts of interest annually in accordance with Hope College'sFinancial Conflict of Interest Policyand federal regulations. Disclosures will occur during the proposal preparation and submission process, the award acceptance process and/or during the annual notification of incremental funding (for multi-year projects). Investigators must disclose at least annually, even if there are no changes to their financial conflicts of interest.

However, a principal investigator must disclose a new financial conflict of interest when it occurs — even if it is outside the annual reporting cycle. Principal investigators must complete anAnnual Financial Conflict of Interest Formanytime they have a new financial conflict of interest to disclose.

Determining if an Expense is Allowable, Reasonable, and Allocable to your Project?

Contact Cameron Butler, Accounting Manager (butler@www.icarseries.com).

All expenses charged to sponsored programs must be allowable, reasonable, and allocable:

  • Allowable:All costs must be reasonable and necessary for the performance of the sponsored program, be consistent with Hope College's policies and procedures and whether the project is federal or non-federal, be afforded consistent treatment, and be incurred during the approved budget period.
  • Reasonable: A cost is considered reasonable if, in its nature and amount, does not exceed that which would be incurred by a prudent person at the time the cost is incurred. Costs should be generally recognized as reasonable and necessary for the performance of the sponsored program.
  • Allocable: Costs must be allocable to a particular sponsored program if the goods or services are chargeable or assignable to that sponsored program in accordance with the benefits received. Benefits to both a sponsored program and other work at Hope College must be proportionally charged that may be estimated using reasonable methods.

If you have a question as to whether your expense satisfies all three requirements, please contact Cameron Butler (butler@www.icarseries.com).

如果一项费用是不允许的、合理的或可分配给您的赞助计划的,该费用必须从您的基金代码中转移。Options for transfers include:

  • Using a PI's discretionary fund
  • Using a PI's Professional Development Fund
  • Using a PI's Indirect Cost Return fund
  • Using a department or division's non-sponsored program fund code
  • Reimbursing the fund with personal funds

Please contact Cameron Butler (butler@www.icarseries.com) to discuss which option is the best for the transfer — it may depend on the expense, when it was incurred, and whether it is eligible for reimbursement from a non-sponsored program fund code.

Determining Requirements under Export Control Regulations?

Contact Ron Fleischmann, Director of OSRP (fleischmann@www.icarseries.com).

Federal law regulates the export of certain technologies, software and hardware to parties located outside of the United States. These restrictions typically relate to items that are related to national security, economic competitiveness, foreign policies and the creation of weapons of mass destruction. Export controls govern transactions regardless of source of funding — projects funded by internal or external funds are governed by these regulations.

There are three sets of federal agencies and regulations governing these transactions:

Export control regulations are an institutional compliance issue, in that Hope College must comply with these regulations through the conduct of its business (for example, by issuing a subaward to a sanctioned party). However, researchers may also have personal liabilities as a result of their conduct associated with export control regulations (for example, bringing sensitive electronic files on a laptop to a foreign country).

Establishing and Managing Subawards?

Contact Ron Fleischmann, Director of OSRP (fleischmann@www.icarseries.com).

Participation of another institution/organization in the design and conduct of research are typically handled through subawards, an agreement between the prime award recipient and the subrecipient to carry out a portion of the project.

Principal investigators with subawards should contact Ron Fleischmann, director of Sponsored Programs and Research (fleischmann@www.icarseries.com), if they encounter any issues with subrecipients carrying out their scope of work.

Navigating Hope College's Expense and Resource Stewardship Policy?

Contact Cameron Butler, Accounting Manager (butler@www.icarseries.com).

The financial management of sponsored programs is subject to theHope College Expense and Resource Stewardship Policy. In the event of conflicting requirements, the more restrictive requirement would apply.

Reporting Fraud or Abuse through the Whistleblower Policy?

Contact Human Resources (hr@www.icarseries.com).

As a recipient of federal funds, Hope College has aWhistleblower Policyto alert institutional officials of allegations of misconduct or violations of federal and state laws and regulations, sponsor regulations and institutional policies. While institutional processes and safeguards are intended to prevent such abuses, Hope College relies on its employees to report potential fraud and abuse.

To initiate the process, visit the Office of Human Resources in the Anderson-Werkman Center.


Contact Ron Fleischmann, Director of OSRP (fleischmann@www.icarseries.com).

Inventions and patents arising from externally-funded sponsored projects may have specific ownership and/or reporting requirements in accordance with federal law, sponsor policy and theHope College Copyright and Intellectual Property Policy.

Faculty and staff seeking to report an invention should utilize theHope College Invention Disclosure Form. Please note that you must be logged into your Hope College email account in order to access the form. Once complete, a representative of OSRP will contact you to confirm receipt and discuss next steps.

Please contact Ron Fleischmann, director of Sponsored Research and Programs (fleischmann@www.icarseries.com), if you have questions related to intellectual property reporting on externally-sponsored research.

Reporting Research Misconduct?

Contact Ron Fleischmann, Director of OSRP (fleischmann@www.icarseries.com).

世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地希望学院希望全体师生在从事研究活动时保持最高的行为标准。As a result, Hope College has established aResearch Misconduct Policyto identify the general types of research misconduct and to establish procedures for handling research misconduct claims.

Additionally, sponsors may have additional research misconduct terms and conditions within their awards. Please review your award terms and conditions for sponsor-specific award terms and conditions.

Submitting Research with Human Subjects and Animals Study Protocols?

For research with human subjects, contact Brian Rider (rider@www.icarseries.com), Chair of the Hope College Human Subject Review Board.

For research with animals, please contact Thomas Groves (groves@www.icarseries.com), Chair of the Hope College Animal Care and Use Committee.

Projects which involve research with human subjects and animals will require documentation from the appropriate institutional committee (Human Subjects Review BoardorAnimal Care and Use Committee) that the protocol associated with the project has been reviewed and approved. In addition, some sponsors will also require that we provide the approval letter prior to issuance of an award.

For projects involving delayed onset studies, please contact Ron Fleischmann, director of Sponsored Research and Programs (fleischmann@www.icarseries.com), to discuss how to proceed with award acceptance and account set-up.The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs will also follow-up with principal investigators to obtain renewal documents for research protocols during active research projects.


Contact Ron Fleischmann, Director of OSRP (fleischmann@www.icarseries.com).

Several sponsors require investigators to comply with specific public access requirements, including theNational Science FoundationandNational Institutes of Health. Additionally, Data Management Plans submitted during the proposal phase also may dictate additional access requirements for your award.

在接受奖项期间,资助研究和项目办公室将仔细审查您的奖项文件,以确保您了解您的奖项的条款和条件,包括公众访问要求。If you have questions regarding public access requirements, please contact Ron Fleischmann (fleischmann@www.icarseries.com) to discuss.