
The Health Center is open 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. and 1–4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. To make an appointment, please call616.395.7585.

After-Hours and Local Care

Treatment Services

  • Rapid on-site testing for common health concerns
  • Illness
  • Minor injury including sprains, strains, and minor fractures
  • Minor lacerations and wound care
  • Sexually transmitted infections
  • and more

Wellness Services

  • Vaccine administration
    • Routine Hope-required vaccines
    • Influenza vaccine
    • COVID-19 vaccine
  • Annual women’s health exams
  • Physicals for travel, camp, work or sports
  • TB testing
  • Consultation with our registered dietician
  • Athletic training
  • On-going collaboration for health management with your Primary Health Provider while you are here at Hope
  • Coordination of mental health services

Travel Services

  • Customized travel report
  • Travel vaccines
  • Malaria prophylaxis
  • Travel prophylaxis

Our providers include medical doctors, physician assistants and registered nurses. We treat most college health concerns. When specialty care is needed, you may be referred to a local provider. All currently enrolled, full- and part-time, degree-seeking students are eligible to use our confidential services for their health care.

Services offered
  • Acute illness
  • Chronic illness – co-management with your specialist
  • Mental health concerns
  • Physicals for study abroad, camp, work
  • Women's annual exams (e.g., pap testing, self-breast exam)
  • STD testing
  • Tuberculosis testing
  • Immunizations, including for travel
  • Laboratory processing with an order from your home physician
  • Assessment of injuries
  • Allergy serum – We refer all students needing this service to Allergy Centers of SW Michigan, 616.392.8877
  • In accordance with theFamily Education Rights and Privacy Actof 1974 (FERPA, or the Buckley Amendment), which requires that colleges and universities protect the privacy of student records, it is Hope College’s policy NOT to release non-directory information (including medical records) to anyone other than the student, unless the student has given us express written permission to do so.Please note that this limitation includes parents and guardians.
  • A student may request to sign our release of information form if they would like us to speak with anyone concerning any of their visits.
  • If you wish to do this, be sure to ask to sign this release at the time of your visit to save you from making a trip back!
Specific Health Concerns

If you have health concerns that you would like to speak with someone about before or when you arrive to Hope College:

  • We strongly encourage those with serious or newly diagnosed health concerns to schedule an appointment to develop a “college health care” plan.
  • Call 616.395.7585 to schedule a time to meet with someone.
  • It would be helpful to have a summary of your condition from your physician to keep in your medical chart here.
Patient Rights & Responsibilities
  • You have theright, whenever possible, to select your own clinician.
  • You have therightto receive complete information regarding the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of your health problem.
    Yourresponsibilityis to provide complete, honest information to your clinician and to other Student Health Services staff, so that the best decisions may be made about your health care.
  • You have therightto request vaccine information statements in your preferred language.
  • You have therightto be seen in a timely manner for your health concerns.
    Yourresponsibilityis to cancel or change your appointment in a timely manner, to allow others in need to have access to a health care provider.
  • You have theright在开始任何程序、测试或治疗之前,获得必要的充分信息以提供知情同意。
    Yourresponsibilityis to make sure you understand or ask questions in order to clarify your understanding.
  • You have theright拒绝治疗,或要求第二意见或替代治疗,并被告知你的行为的医疗后果。
    If you agree to a course of treatment, you have aresponsibility对你自己和临床医生要遵守规定的指示,包括完成药物治疗和返回进行后续预约。
  • You have therightto ask for a prescription for an outside pharmacy, or to have diagnostic tests performed at another facility.
  • You have therightto privacy concerning your health care. All care received at Student Health Services will be kept strictly confidential except as required by law. You also have therightof access to your medical records. In accordance with Student Health Center procedural guidelines, you may review your record with an authorized staff member. You may also receive a copy of your medical record or designate a Healthcare Provider to receive a copy of your record on your behalf.
  • You have therightto receive an explanation of any service charge incurred.
    Yourresponsibilityis to be aware that, while there is no charge to be evaluated by Student Health Services, there may be costs incurred by outside services or that which exceeds policy limits.

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