Learning to take care of your mental health prepares you for a lifetime of overall well-being.Our professional counseling staff supports students as they learn skills to reach their full potential.


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) celebrates, embraces and affirms the diverse identities students bring to Hope College. We offer a safe and trusting space, inclusive of all beliefs, values and attitudes, which allows for the healing and supportive discovery of emotional, intellectual and social development.

CAPS staff appreciate and respect the race, color, ethnicity, language, national origin, ancestry, religion/spirituality (or lack thereof), veteran status, physical and mental abilities, size and appearance, family status, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information and socioeconomic status of all persons who enrich our campus community.

我们认识到,身份是多重和交叉的,而且往往被边缘化。压迫、歧视、偏见和无效都是损害情绪和身体健康的有害力量。我们邀请所有学生探索我们的服务,并研究我们如何才能最好地满足他们的需求。If you experience barriers as a result of a chronic medical condition, mental health, physical or sensory disability, an injury or temporary condition, learning disability and/or ADHD, contact Hope'sDisability and Accessibility Resources Office.

CAPS counselors follow and practice the multicultural guidelines and standards provided by the professional organizations in which they are members, such as the American Psychological Association (APA) and the National Association of Social Workers (NASW).

Many students experience personal, relational, spiritual, social or academic difficulties they cannot fully resolve on their own. We offer tools to help you:

  • Address personal problems that interfere with academic success
  • Adjust to college life, pressures and changes
  • Resolve life crises that threaten success in college
  • Explore questions of faith and how that impacts daily living
  • Cope with problems which stem from medical or physical concerns
  • Provide referral for medication evaluation
  • Succeed in college while coping with mental illness

Our team provides individual and group therapy for students, orientation for parents, training for faculty and staff, and stress-reducing events during exam weeks.

Would you like to know more? Call our office (616.395.7945) to schedule a time to speak to a CAPS staff counselor. After a few initial questions, you'll hear about opportunities and work with our professional team to determine next steps.

Recent Blog Posts

  1. Coronavirus Anxiety Workbook

    Postedby Aaron Schantz

    by Aaron Schantz, MA, LLP, CAPS Staff Counselor Perhaps you have a bit of time over break for you...

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  2. Mental Health and the Election Season: Part 3, Why Plan?

    Postedby Aaron Schantz

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  3. Mental Health and the Election Season: Part 2, Why Dialogue?

    Postedby Aaron Schantz

    作者:Bonnie Vander Wal, Ph.D, CAPS员工顾问本文是三篇系列文章中的第二篇。

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  4. Mental Health and the Election Season: Part 1, Why Participate?

    Postedby Aaron Schantz

    作者:Bonnie Vander Wal, Ph.D, CAPS员工顾问本文是三篇计划中的第一篇。

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  5. Does this sound like you, too?

    Postedby Aaron Schantz

    by Aaron Schantz, MA, LLP, CAPS Staff Counselor In the CAPS office, we have been thinking about a...

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  6. Dear Hope community (a letter from CAPS)

    Postedby Aaron Schantz

    Dear Hope community, As we return to campus (both physically and virtually) from the summer reces...

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