/ Campus Safety

Emergency Information

Hope College students shoulddial 911(the United States' primary emergency response system) from any phone if they or someone else experiences a medical or mental health emergency. Students can also contact Hope College’sCampus Safety officein any kind of emergency situation, and Campus Safety will contact the necessary emergency response service.


Emergency Instructions


A lockdown involves staying in a secure location and not evacuating. Do not sound the fire alarm. If a lockdown is issued, follow these directions:

  • 立即锁上门,用可用物品堵住房门,使自己和周围的人安全。
  • Lock and cover windows. Turn off lights and studio equipment. Stay away from windows. Move to a location in the room on the same wall as the door at the opposite end, which is not visible to someone looking through the door. Everyone should be on the ground if gunshots are heard. Take adequate cover (e.g., concrete walls, thick desks, filing cabinets, etc).
  • Students and staff in hallways must proceed immediately to a classroom or an office. If a classroom or office is locked, look for the closest unlocked room to take shelter in.
  • Stay out of open areas and be as quiet as possible. Silence cell phones. Do not use cell phones except for emergency notification of pertinent information to Campus Safety at616.395.7770.
  • Keep classrooms and other places of refuge secure until police arrive and give you directions.

Provide the following information to the dispatcher or any officer on scene:

  • The nature of the incident
  • Specific location and number of people at your location
  • If medical assistance is needed and types of injuries
  • Give the assailant's location, identity (if known) and description of the person (clothing, hair color, hat, backpack, etc.)
  • Type of weapon (long gun or handgun)


RUN and escape, if possible

  • Getting away from the shooter or shooters is the top priority.
  • Leave your belongings behind and get away.
  • Help others escape, if possible, but evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow.
  • Warn and prevent individuals from entering an area where the active shooter may be.
  • Call 911 when you are safe, and describe shooter, location and weapons.

HIDE, if escape is not possible

  • Get out of the shooter’s view and stay very quiet.
  • 关闭所有电子设备,确保它们不会震动。
  • Lock and block doors, close blinds and turn off lights.
  • Don’t hide in groups — spread out along walls or hide separately to make it more difficult for the shooter.
  • Try to communicate with police silently. Use text message or social media to tag your location, or put a sign in a window.
  • Stay in place until law enforcement gives you the all clear.
  • 你的藏身之处应该在射手看不到的地方,如果有人朝你的方向开枪,可以提供保护。

FIGHT as an absolute last resort

  • Commit to your actions and act as aggressively as possible against the shooter.
  • Be prepared to cause severe or lethal injury to the shooter.
  • Recruit others to ambush the shooter with makeshift weapons like chairs, fire extinguishers, scissors, books, etc.
  • 投掷物品和临时武器来分散射手的注意力并解除他的武装。

Additional information and training is available through the Campus Safety office.



Telephoned Bomb Threats

  • Employees that receive a telephoned bomb threat should obtain as much information as possible from the caller, recording the information requested on theBomb Threat Checklist. Attempt to determine the origin of the call (caller ID on the phone display or ask them where they are calling from).
  • 如果可能的话,收到炸弹威胁的员工应该通知邻近的员工炸弹威胁正在发生,并通知希望学院校园安全。世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地
  • Immediately upon hanging up, the employee who received the threat should complete theBomb Threat Checklistto the fullest extent possible and provide the completed form to Hope College Campus Safety. Keep bomb threats confidential to avoid potential panic.

Evacuation Decisions

  • 紧急反应小组将决定是否需要疏散。
  • Doors to all areas will be left open upon exiting the area.

In the event there is a serious assault, follow the suggested procedures:

  • Check that the area is safe to approach. Is the suspect still around?
  • Call Hope College Campus Safety.
  • Render assistance to the victim.
  • Protect the scene as best you can. There is often evidence that you cannot see.
  • 鼓励受害者不要使用洗手间或淋浴,防止有价值的证据被破坏。
Sexual Assault

Reports can be made to Campus Safety 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling616.395.7770. Staff will assist you with immediate needs and safety concerns while also providing you with options for seeking medical assistance and/or reporting to law enforcement.

Campus Safety staff are mandatory reporters, so reports filed with them will be shared with theTitle IX coordinator.

Campus Safety staff will do everything in their ability to respect the wishes of the victim regarding next steps. However, if they determine a potential on-going or immediate risk either to the victim or to others on campus, aTimely Warning Noticewill be sent to the campus community. (In the case of a timely warning, the identity of the victim will remain confidential.)

Confidential Resources and Support

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners

“性侵犯护士检查师”(SANE Nurses examiner)提供免费的性侵犯法医检查,可以在性侵犯发生后的120小时内进行法医检查。在性侵犯的情况下,如果受害者不选择法医证据收集,卫生保健提供者和SANE nurse仍然可以治疗伤害,并采取措施解决怀孕和/或性传播疾病的问题。如果您对法医性侵犯检查感兴趣,请联系弹性(以下信息)安排预约。


411 Butternut Drive
Holland, Michigan 49424
24-hour Crisis Line:800.848.5991
*Preserves evidence up to 12 months

Things to Know Before Your Forensic Exam

If the sexual assault occurred within the past 120 hours, it is important that you not:

  • Bathe
  • Douche
  • Smoke
  • Discard or wash clothing (store in a paper bag)
  • Clean the bed/linen/area where you were assaulted (if applicable)


Victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking and dating violence are encouraged to also preserve evidence by saving text messages, instant messages, social networking pages and other communications, and keeping pictures, logs or other copies of documents that would be useful to college investigators or police.


In Case of Fire

  • Call Campus Safety
  • Pull the nearest fire alarm pull box to activate the alarm and notify others of the fire.
  • Exit the building by the nearest available exit.
    • Do not use the elevator to evacuate.
    • Do not return to the building until the audible from the fire alarm stops sounding or you are given permission by fire safety officials.
  • Notify Campus Safety or Fire Department personnel of anyone trapped in the building, injured or unaccounted for.
  • 即使火灾已经被扑灭或紧急情况已经解决,也要及时向校园安全部门报告。

If you cannot leave the building or are mobility impaired:

  • Proceed to the nearest available stairwell or safety phone. Keep as many fire doors closed between yourself and the fire as possible. Fire doors are located in hallways by stairwells, and they keep smoke and fire out of the stairwell.
  • Call Campus Safetyand notify them of your position, or have someone else in the building make the contact for you. Usually there are other people in the building who can assist you.
  • 等消防部门把你救出来。他们的首要任务是生命安全,确保每个人在灭火前都能安全离开大楼。
  • Stay low to the floor where the air is less toxic and wait for assistance.

Report any fires or explosions Campus Safety at616.395.7770or to Physical Plant at616.395.7835.


Chemical or Biological Threat

  1. Call 911
  2. Stay away from the agent and leave the building if possible
  3. Keep others away from the agent
  4. Stay upwind
  5. Contact authorities immediately:

Chemical or Biological Threat guides:

Chemical Spill and Train Derailment

Because of the close proximity to the railroad tracks, Hope College needs to be prepared to respond should a train carrying toxic chemicals derail. If there is a train derailment you will be notified on what to do next. Be prepared to:

  • Stay upwind of the accident
  • Prevent others from going outside to see what happened
  • Keep an eye on local news and the college website for instructions on what to do next:
  • Prepare (if asked to do so) to evacuate the area nearest the railroad tracks and proceed to the college rally area located between the Schaap Science Center and VanZoeren Hall (if inclement weather, gather inside these buildings). (See map below)
  • Call 911如果你被困或需要帮助才能到达集结区。

A map of the rally area, which is located in the commons between the Schaap Science Center and VanZoeren Hall.


Emergency Alerts

校园安全通过HOPE ALERT系统发送紧急通知短信,包括与天气相关的关闭通知。

Sign up for emergency alerts or verify that your information is correct


Hope College will issue a HOPE ALERT will be generated by Campus Safety whenever a tornado warning is issued. When you become aware of a weather warning you should do the following:

In the event of a tornado warning (actual sighting of a tornado or funnel cloud by spotters or Doppler radar in the Ottawa County area):

  • Immediately seek shelter in the nearest designated shelter area.
  • Continue to monitor email, local radio and television for indications from the National Weather Service that the tornado warning is lifted. Do not clear your shelter area until officially given the all-clear for Ottawa County by the National Weather Services via local television or radio. Hope College will not issue an all-clear unless it is based on official information from the National Weather Service.

Severe Thunderstorm or High Wind


If lightning is detected outdoors, activities should be postponed for 30 minutes. Each time lightning is detected, the 30-minute clock will be reset. If lightning has not been detected in the past 30 minutes, the event will continue.

Prepare ahead of time for an emergency! Know in advance where to go and how to get there.Shelter Area Mapsare posted in classrooms and on the Campus Safety website. If your building does not have designated shelter areas, go to the lowest level. Interior rooms without windows, such as bathrooms or closets, serve as good shelter areas. Stay away from windows or open spaces, especially near the southwest corners of the building.

Winter Weather/Snowstorms

A decision to close campus offices and cancel classes is typically announced prior to 6:30 a.m. In the rare event that offices are closed and classes are cancelled, you can find the announcement in the following places:

  • Hope website:The announcement will be posted onwww.icarseries.com/alertandInHope.
  • Media:The announcement will be shared with local media, including WTHS radio and WOOD, WZZM and WWMT television stations.
  • Text alert:公告将通过HOPE ALERT紧急短信系统发布。Please take a few minutes to verify that your emergency contact information is current by doing the following:
    • Go toplus.www.icarseries.com. 

    • Select “Personal Information.” 

    • Select “Update Emergency Contacts.” Your name (Relationship: Self) and cell phone number 
entered as an Emergency Contact will register you to receive HOPE ALERT messages.

Remember, our proximity to Lake Michigan affects our temperatures and precipitation. This means that conditions on Hope's campus may be very different from conditions on other college campuses across the state, even those nearby. If you see that a college in West Michigan is cancelling classes, please do not take it as an indication that Hope will, or should, cancel classes.

When weather-related closures/cancellations occur, essential personnel (e.g., Campus Safety staff, snow plow drivers, etc.) are expected to report if at all possible. If you are unsure whether you are expected to report, please contact your supervisor directly.