/ Academic Success Center

Peer Partnership Learning (PPL)

Are you enrolled in General Biology (BIOL 105/106) or General Chemistry (CHEM 125/126)? We’ve got your back!

PPL is a free program designed especially for you! Different than a group help session or tutoring, PPL teaches you how to learn course content along with what to learn.

The fall 2022 PPL sign-up links forBiology 105andChemistry 125will go live on Wednesday, August 31, at 3 p.m.

On Friday afternoon, September 2, we will begin assigning students to PPL sections. Students will be notified of their PPL status via their Hope email address no later than Sunday, September 4, at 5 p.m.

PLEASE NOTE: If demand outstrips available PPL enrollment slots, the remaining students will be added to the waitlist and will be assigned to PPL as space permits.The PPL sign-up form will remain live throughout the semester so students can continue to sign up atanypoint.You will be placed in PPL sections as space permits.

Peer Partnership Learning at Hope College

PPL is unique for a few reasons:

  • PPL enrollment is voluntary.
  • PPL targets the course, not the student.
  • PPL sessions involve active review of course content, but also focus on study strategies.
  • PPL的领导者们已经上过这门课,并且获得了很高的分数,但他们还会再次旁听,做笔记和阅读作业,以使PPL课程尽可能地相关和有益。
  • Statistically, students who regularly attend PPL earn at least 1/2 letter grade higher than non-participants.

What Students are saying about PPL:

  • “I loved being a part of PPL this semester and I truly believe it helped me better understand and succeed in this course.”
  • “I've learned new study strategies and I've locked in the material I learned in class.”
  • “我绝对没有想到会在课程上做得这么好。到目前为止,PPL一直是我成功的重要组成部分。”
  • “I love PPL and I want this to exist forever. It really helped because I got to hear other people's questions and they were about things I never even thought about.”
  • “My PPL leader knew the material well and went out of her way to make extra practice quizzes and study guides for us that truly helped me do well in bio. I can't thank her enough!”
  • “It forces me to set aside time to study for bio and actually contemplate what we are learning. Hugely beneficial on tests.”