The Academic Success Center (ASC) offers a variety of free services for all students.

Our services are designed to equip you with strategies and resources you can use to:

  • Succeed in difficult courses
  • Be a confident and independent learner
  • Engage in productive and effective study and learning behaviors
  • Manage your time effectively
  • Reduce your test anxiety
  • Avoid procrastination
  • Achieve your goal of earning a Hope College degree


Each year, the ASC:

  • Serves over 1,200 students
  • Assists over 50% of first-year students
  • Employs over 200 students

Recent Blog Posts

  1. Exam Prep Starts Yesterday!

    Postedby David James

    Yes, you’re still prepping and learning new material, but it’s not too early to start...

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  2. Peer Academic Coaching from the ASC

    Postedby David James

    You’re in that limbo between first tests and midterms, first papers and upcoming projects, ...

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