/ Academic Success Center

Academic Coaching and Study Strategies Assistance

Academic Coaching

Is college not going as well as you had expected or hoped? Are you struggling to find the motivation to study? Could you benefit from new suggestions to increase your success? Do you need help devising and implementing a plan of action? Would an accountability partner help? Work with a trained peer academic coach!

Trained peer academic coaches will partner with you at any stage of college to help you examine perceived barriers to success, develop self-advocacy and accountability, learn and implement relevant strategies and skills, and take full advantage of campus resources.

You and your coach will begin by identifying your strengths, rather than weaknesses. Then, based on your strengths, you will:

  • Establish and clarify your academic goals.
  • Identify practical steps toward your goals.
  • Implement organizational tools and routines.
  • Strengthen your study skills.
  • Build motivation and self-confidence to succeed.
  • Balance academics and extra-curriculars.
  • Reflect on outcomes and retool based on new insights.

Study Strategies Assistance

Study Smarter!

Are your studying methods not working for you? Do you have more reading per night than you can finish? Do your lecture notes make little sense? Do you know the information but have difficulty showing it on the exam? Are you having difficulty managing your time?

Let us help you develop and strengthen the study strategies you need to succeed! We offer one-on-one study skills assistance at no cost to you.