Robert N. DeYoungRobert N. DeYoung

Robert N. DeYoung of Holland, who across 35 years at Hope earned the affectionate sobriquet “Mr. Hope College” through his service in admissions, student development and college advancement, died on Monday, Aug. 1, 2022. He was 89.

DeYoung retired as vice president for college advancement in 2000 after holding a variety of roles at the college. A 1956 Hope graduate, he joined the staff in 1965 as an associate director of admissions. He became dean of men in 1966, was appointed dean of students in 1968 and was promoted to vice president for student affairs in 1972. He became involved with fundraising at the college in 1974, when he was appointed vice president for development and college relations.

The citation for the Meritorious Service Award that the college’s Alumni Association presented him in 2014 celebrated not only his impact through the variety of roles that he had held at Hope, but his characteristic warmth and genuine focus on individuals: “Bob has often been defined as ‘Mr. Hope College,’ which is a perfect description. His personal service to Hope has been developing life-long relationships with students, alumni and friends of the college. Professionally his Hope College journey has allowed him to serve the college in admissions, student affairs and college advancement all with conspicuous success.”

For more about Bob DeYoung and his time and impact at Hope, please visit this link to read the feature story published on pages 7 and 15 of the August 2000 issue ofNews from Hope Collegein conjunction with his retirement.

除2014年获“杰出服务奖”外,他还于1995年获“人文希望”校友会颁发的第六届“人文希望”奖,并于1999年获“人文希望”校友会颁发的杰出校友奖。世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地霍普的年度高尔夫活动是在他领导发展和大学关系期间建立的,2000年以他的名字命名;2009年,位于德沃斯菲尔德豪斯的排球体育馆以德杨和他的妻子马西娅的名字命名。马西娅是1955年毕业的,2007年1月3日去世。Bob和Marcia也通过学院的Robert N. 56和Marcia J. 55 DeYoung奖学金基金被纪念,该基金是由朋友和家人建立的,以表彰Bob 35年对Hope的服务,以及这对夫妇对教育领域的终身承诺,优先考虑有经济需要并打算成为教育家的学生。

He also received external acclaim as an advancement professional. In 1989, he received the Benjamin Franklin Award for fund raising management from the West Michigan Chapter of the National Society of Fund-Raising Executives (NSFRE). Under his leadership, Hope was recognized nationally for outstanding fundraising management, including twice in a row (1988 and 1989) receiving the CASE/USX (Council for Advancement and Support of Education and USX Foundation) award for the best total development program among all U.S. undergraduate colleges with more than 10,000 alumni.

He was active in church, community and professional organizations. He served the Holland community in various capacities through the Chamber of Commerce (from which he received the Distinguished Service Award in 1996), Evergreen Commons, Rotary, Calvary Reformed Church and the Holland Country Club.

In addition to his undergraduate degree from Hope, he held a Master of Arts degree from Western Michigan University. Prior to joining the Hope staff, he taught, coached football and was a counselor at Whitehall High School, and was on the admissions staffs at both Michigan State University and Grand Valley State University.

Survivors include his children and grandchildren: Robert Todd and Christine DeYoung, Lexi, Tucker, Cole; Jane and Stein Slette, Ingrid, Andreas; and Katy and Ken Arthurs, Alex and Sara Arthurs, Patrick, Annie and Tim Cooke.

Visitation will be on Friday, Aug. 12, from 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. at Calvary Reformed Church, 995 E. 8thSt. in Holland. A memorial service to celebrate Bob’s life will be held at the church on Friday, Aug. 12, at 11 a.m., immediately following visitation, with the Rev. Tim Brown officiating. There will be a time of fellowship following the service. Burial will be in Pilgrim Home Cemetery. Arrangements are byDykstra Funeral Homes– Mulder Chapel, which is hosting hislife story/obituary online.

The family has requested that those who are interested in making memorial contributions donate to the Bob and Marcia DeYoung Endowed Scholarship. Gifts may be madevia this link.