Tonzia Buor, Alyson Davis, Jonathan Hatfield, Dr. Ken Janda and Leah Wicander

The Hope CollegeAlumni Association Board of Directorsappointed five new members and elected three new officers during its April meeting.

该委员会的新成员包括:2005年毕业于科罗拉多州丹佛市的Tonzia Buor;来自伊利诺伊州帕拉廷的大三学生艾莉森·戴维斯(Alyson Davis);2009年毕业于密歇根州大急流城的乔纳森·哈特菲尔德(Jonathan Hatfield);肯·简达博士,1973年毕业于加州圣地亚哥;以及2007年从威斯康辛州麦迪逊毕业的利亚·维坎德。

Newly elected as the board’s three officers are: president, Tracey Hoesch, a 2003 graduate from Ann Arbor, Michigan; vice president, Tonisha Gordon, a 2009 graduate from Perrysburg, Ohio; and secretary, Dr. Kiersten Krause, a 1997 graduate from Holland, Michigan. The outgoing officers are president, Dr. Jon Soderstrom, a 1976 graduate from Madison, Connecticut, who has concluded his tenure with the Alumni Board to serve on the college’s Board of Trustees; vice president, Lindsay Allward-Theimer, a 2011 graduate from Atlanta, Georgia; and secretary, Anna Hartge, a 2012 graduate from Washington, D.C.

Grace Purdue of Grand Rapids, Michigan, formerly Senior Class Representative, was appointed representative of the most recent graduating class. Naod Estifanos of Traverse City, Michigan, formerly Junior Class Representative, was appointed Senior Class Representative.

与索德斯特伦一起完成服务的还有1991年毕业于科罗拉多州科罗拉多斯普林斯的乔纳森·利佩(Jonathan Liepe);特雷尔·索尔伯格(Terrell Solberg), 2021年毕业于特拉弗斯城;1979年从伊利诺伊州林伍德毕业的卡尔·托伦(Carl Toren);1990年毕业于密歇根大急流城的苏珊·威廉姆斯。此外,董事会成员Lenora Koelbel, 1964年毕业于德克萨斯州拉雷多,于2021年11月6日去世。

Tonzia Buor majored in political science at Hope, and went on to receive an M.B.A. degree from Anderson University. She is the vice president of human resources at North Suburban Medical Center (HCA Healthcare) in Colorado. Her industry experience encompasses healthcare and nonprofit. Originally from Liberia, West Africa, she is a Board Member of her family’s nonprofit organization, Christian Leadership Training International, that recently opened a college preparatory school with 431 students in Ganta, Liberia, in November 2021. She is also passionate about the state of healthcare in Liberia, and not only opened a clinic for students, staff, and faculty in the college preparatory school, but is involved in providing hospitals and clinics in Liberia with basic equipment and resources. As a student at Hope, she was involved in the Social Activities Committee and Black Student Union, and was a Phelps Scholar.

Alyson Davis is majoring in psychology with minors in German and leadership. She is involved in the college’s Campus Ministries program as a Bible study leader and a student mentor. She is also a member of the Dorian Sorority, for which she is currently serving as the chaplain, and in the past has been an orientation assistant. She is a 2020 graduate of William Fremd High School in Palatine.

Jonathan Hatfield majored in business management and psychology at Hope. He joined J.P. Morgan’s Private Bank after graduating and spent time in both Michigan and Chicago, returning to Grand Rapids in 2018. He moved his wealth management practice to Merrill Lynch in the summer of 2020. As an alumnus, he has volunteered in the business department and connects with students who have a career interest in financial services. He has also served as a host for Hope-Calvin rivalry parties in Chicago, hosted visits from the Business Club and Baker Scholars at J.P. Morgan, served as a selector for the Baker Scholars, and frequently returns to campus for accounting and finance career panels. His activities as a student included the Wind Symphony, Club Hockey, and serving as president for the Baker Scholars. He also studied abroad through the college’s Vienna Summer School and London May Term. He and his wife, Lora-Jan (LJ), have two young children at home.

肯·简达(Ken Janda)毕业于霍普大学,获得化学和物理学位,并参加了英国南安普顿大学的夏季研究和研究经验。随后,他完成了哈佛大学的博士项目和芝加哥大学的博士后研究项目。他曾在加州理工学院、匹兹堡大学和加州大学欧文分校任职;物理化学教学与研究。在加州大学欧文分校,他被任命为物理科学学院院长,在退休前担任该职位10年。作为自然科学荣誉退休院长,他目前在加州大学全球气候领导委员会任职,支持对抗和减缓气候变化的研究,并促进气候社会正义。他对霍普的夏季研究充满热情,帮助建立并资助了该学院的谢尔顿和玛丽莲·韦特克夏季研究基金。他和他的妻子帕特里夏(Patricia)是1972年霍普大学的毕业生,有两个孩子和四个孙子。

Leah Wicander majored in Spanish and minored in German, both for secondary education. Following graduation, she taught courses for the Hope College language department before earning her Master’s degree in Applied Spanish Linguistics from Michigan State University. She pursued a Ph.D. in Second Language Acquisition through ABD status from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She works for Madison School & Community Recreation, which is the city's public recreation provider and a department of the Madison Metropolitan School District. She is the Youth Aquatics Specialist, primarily overseeing the swim lesson program, which serves approximately 4,000 swimmers on an annual basis. She also works closely with the Adult Aquatics Specialist to offer a host of American Red Cross courses to community members. Her activities as a student included the Phelps Scholars Program, serving as a resident assistant in Cook Hall, volunteering as a mentor with the Children’s After School Achievement program, intramural inner-tube water polo, and lifeguarding at the college’s Dow Center. She also studied abroad in Chile.