Seventeen Hope College teams have claimed the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association Team GPA Award for the 2021-22 school year.

The MIAA Team GPA Award is presented to conference athletic teams that achieve a 3.300 or better GPA for an academic year. Grade-point averages are calculated at the end of the academic year.

The women’s cross country team, led by head coach Mark Northuis, recorded Hope’s top GPA of 3.74.

The volleyball team, led by head coach Becky Schmidt, earned a 3.69 GPA.

The women’s outdoor track and field team, led by head coach Kevin Cole, each finished with a 3.66 GPA.

在主教练凯文·科尔(Kevin Cole)的带领下,女子室内田径队的平均成绩为3.64。

The women’s soccer team, led by head coach Leigh Sears, earned a 3.62 GPA.

由主教练布莱恩·莫尔豪斯(Brian Morehouse)领导的女子篮球队的平均绩点为3.55。

The softball team, led by head coach Mary VandeHoef, recorded a 3.51 GPA.

The women’s swimming and diving team, led by head coach Jake Taber, posted a 3.51 GPA.

The women’s golf team, led by head coach Greg Stafford, posted a 3.49 GPA.

The men’s tennis team, led by head coach Austin Hunt, also recorded a 3.47 GPA.

The men’s golf team, led by head coach Scott Lokers, posted a 3.42 GPA.

由主教练奥斯汀·亨特(Austin Hunt)率领的女子网球队的平均成绩也达到了3.41。

The men's soccer team, led by head coach David Brandt, earned a 3.38 GPA.

The women’s lacrosse team, led by head coach Keagan Pontious, finished with a 3.37 GPA.

The men’s lacrosse team, led by head coach Keagan PontiousMichael Schanhals, finished with a 3.32 GPA.

The men’s outdoor track and field team, led by head coach Kevin Cole, finished with a 3.32 GPA.

由总教练杰克·泰伯(Jake Taber)率领的男子游泳和跳水队以3.31的平均成绩结束比赛。