
STARS, the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System measures and encourages sustainability in all aspects of higher education. Hope had previously held a Bronze rating since 2012.

With more than 800 participants on six continents, AASHE’s STARS program is the most widely recognized framework in the world for publicly reporting comprehensive information related to a college or university’s sustainability performance. Participants report achievements in academics, engagement, operations, and planning and administration.

“STARS was developed by the campus sustainability community to provide high standards for recognizing campus sustainability efforts,” said Meghan Fay Zahniser, executive director of AASHE. “Hope College has demonstrated a substantial commitment to sustainability by achieving a STARS Silver Rating and is to be congratulated for their efforts.”

Unlike other rating or ranking systems, this program is open to all institutions of higher education, and the criteria that determine a STARS rating are transparent and accessible to anyone. Because STARS is a program based on credits earned, it allows for both internal comparisons as well as comparisons with similar institutions.

The ratings are at four different levels: Bronze at 25 percent, Silver at 45 percent, Gold at 65 percent and Platinum at 85 percent. Hope’s overall score is 48.64 percent. The college’s STARS report is publicly available on the STARS website at:

Sustainability is an ongoing process at Hope that includes not only individual and departmental efforts but the coordinating work of a Sustainability Advisory Committee, known as the “Green Team,” comprised of faculty, administrators and students.

荷兰霍普学院可持续发展研究所所长米歇尔·吉布斯(Michelle Gibbs)说:“我们的绿色团队很高兴我们获得了STARS银质认证。”世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地“该团队利用我们之前的报告作为工具,看看我们在哪些方面可以为未来做出改进。我们知道还有一些地方我们可以改进,但我们很高兴看到可持续发展融入了我们的校园文化。”

“We believe the Christian faith calls us to care for all of God’s creation and ensure preservation for generations to come,” Gibbs said. “Sustainability is an interdisciplinary matter, and we appreciate the support received from departments all over campus to collect information for this report. We have great student leaders working with us to educate our campus community on the importance of sustainability and they have helped to created videos, social media materials, events, and informational tables to bring awareness to various topics of sustainability. It is through our daily actions that each of us can make a big impact and help create a better world for every individual, as one created and loved by God.”

Activities and practices at the college have ranged from green purchasing policies, increased recycling and trayless dining to reduce food waste; to replacing residence halls’ windows with better-insulated models and adding insulation to the cottages’ attics; to the creation of academic minors in both environmental science and environmental studies. The Jack H. Miller Center for Musical Arts earned LEED Silver certification earlier this year; in 2015 Hope College Dining received Gold-level recognition in the SEED sustainability program of Creative Dining Services; and Hope received statewide recognition for its environmental stewardship through its grounds management practices with certification from the Michigan Turfgrass Environmental Stewardship Program in 2014.

自2014年该倡议成立以来,该学院一直是荷兰-霍普学院可持续发展研究所的合作伙伴,以及荷兰城世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地市和荷兰公共工程委员会。霍普也是签署了《塔洛雷斯国际宣言》(Talloires Declaration)的机构之一。该宣言包含10点内容,旨在将可持续发展和环境素养纳入高校的教学、研究、运营和推广工作中。霍普还与阿尔比恩学院、安提阿学院、迪堡大学和奥柏林学院合作,在五大湖学院协会支持的环境仪表板项目中,重点通过合作和使用新技术来提高五所院校的可持续性举措。

More information about sustainability efforts at Hope and in the area is available

AASHE is an association of colleges and universities that are working to create a sustainable future. AASHE’s mission is to empower higher education to lead the sustainability transformation. It provides resources, professional development and a network of support to enable institutions of higher education to model and advance sustainability in everything they do, from governance and operations to education and research. More information about AASHE is available