A College Education is too Expensive

A College Education is too Expensive

Hope is going to change that. Hope Forward is an entirely new funding model that will provide a tuition-free education for every student at Hope College.

Instead of charging tuitionbefore接受一种变革的希望教育,这种“把爱传出去”的方式将要求学生在毕业后向学校奉献,为未来的学生提供同样的机会。因为他们将从债务负担中解脱出来,他们将更好地追求有影响力的生活,not just income to pay the bills.


About Hope Forward Ways to Give

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College Without Tuition | SXSW EDU 2022

大学永远不会是免费的。我们需要问的问题是:谁该为此买单,何时买单?目前的模式——在整个高等教育中都在使用——迫使学生在他们生命中最贫困的时候支付大量的债务,使他们背负了几十年的债务负担。但一种名为“希望前进”(Hope Forward)的大胆新方法颠覆了当前的模式。

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Follow the Money: How Student Loans Derailed American Higher Education

Every student who takes Economics 101 learns the concept of supply and demand—specifically, how a decrease in the supply of a good or resource drives up its cost. Can supply-and-demand theory also explain the rising cost of attending college?

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Why the Four-Year Degree is Still the Best “Pathway Program”

This op-ed is the third in a series in which President Matthew Scogin from Hope College will be exploring the ways that the economics of higher education influence the decisions students make about their education—and what we (as a country) can do to improve access to higher education.

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Rethinking the Economic Model of Higher Education

This op-ed is the second in a series by President Scogin. "The discussion around improving access to higher education -- specifically due to the decades-long price increase of a four-year degree -- is typically framed as whether or not college should be free."

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To Preserve the American Dream, Improve Access to Higher Ed

This op-ed is the first in a series in which President Scogin be exploring the ways that the economics of higher education influence the decisions students make about their education—and what we (as a country) can do to improve access to higher education.

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Hope College Launches “Hope Forward” Strategy to Fully Fund Tuition

A new financial model to fund a Hope College education. That is the goal of a vision that Hope College recently launched, built on the long-range commitment to ensure access for every student who is admitted to Hope.

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Leading Hope with Hope

With the nation and world facing some of the largest challenges of the past several decades, it would be easy to hunker down and despair. One of the most important things to know about President Matthew A. Scogin ’02 is that he doesn’t think that way.

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A Bold Vision for a New Era

President Matthew A. Scogin ’02 shared a bold vision for Hope during his inauguration just a few weeks into the semester: fully funded tuition.

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Hope President Names Fully Funding Tuition as Top Goal During Inaugural Address

Hope College president Matthew A. Scogin shared a bold vision for the private, Christian liberal arts school during his inauguration on Friday, Sept. 13: fully funded tuition.

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Hope Forward: Three Pillars