/ Philanthropy and Engagement

Get Involved

Hope College is only as strong as the community that supports it. For generations, alumni, parents and friends have contributed to the success of the college in countless ways.

Today, you can continue this legacy and get involved. Take part in the greater Hope community and make our college the best it can be. We look forward to partnering with you in any of the following areas:


校园事工负责协调每月的祷告请求,以确定学生和希望社区的当前需求。世界杯英格兰队vs丹麦队足彩You can subscribe to an email update by emailingalumni@www.icarseries.comorfamilies@www.icarseries.comwith the following information:

  • First and last name
  • E-mail address
  • Indicate you are interested in subscribing to the monthly prayer request through Campus Ministries
Make a Career Connection

The Hope College Connection是一个创新的在线社区的召唤和职业,汇集了学生,校世界杯英格兰队vs丹麦队足彩友和家庭为指导和体验学习。比利时vs俄罗斯比分在你的职业生涯中,你可以利用Hope的智能匹配算法来识别新的人际关系。

Refer a Student

Make Hope known to prospective students and families by communicating with the youth of your community and sharing with friends and family looking for colleges.Learn more about referring a student to Hope.

Make a Gift

The impact of the Hope experience is made possible by a community of generosity. Join other donors insupporting the college financiallythrough contributions towardHope Forward, through scholarship gifts, donations to the Hope Fund or another special project.Please also let us know who you think we should reach out to, including classmates, corporate leaders and prospective students. Your connections are a gift, too!

Attend Events
Attend eventsin your area, including Alumni and Family Engagement sponsored events or arts and athletic events. You can even volunteer to plan an event in your community. If you are interested, reach out to us atalumni@www.icarseries.com,families@www.icarseries.comor 616.395.7250.

There are a variety of ways for alumni and parents to volunteer at the college. From class reunions to the Alumni Board, from the Parents’ Council to social media champions, there’s something for everyone. If you’re interested in volunteering at Hope, reach out to us atalumni@www.icarseries.com,families@www.icarseries.comor 616.395.7250.

Hope Spirit Gear

You never know when a Hope College license plate holder or hat will spark a meaningful conversation. Show your school spirit by purchasing Hope College merchandise through thebookstore.