/ Philanthropy and Engagement


Your investment in the Hope College endowment is an investment in Hope’s future.

Our endowment generates a permanent source of income that is used to provide financial aid to students, expand student-faculty research opportunities, continue academic initiatives, recruit and retain exceptional faculty and support programs in perpetuity.

Establishing an endowment is a visionary and generous act that will benefit Hope. It will give the college a competitive edge now and far into the future.


Endowment Funding Opportunities

Endowed Scholarship Funds

Help keep Hope affordable and accessible. A scholarship fund is considered endowed once it reaches a balance of at least $25,000.

Learn more about Generations of Hope

Endowed Professorships and Chairs

Help Hope attract and retain outstanding teacher-scholars. A contribution of $1 million allows Hope to fully recognize our most distinguished faculty and staff in innovative research and sabbatical activity. A contribution of $2 million recruits and creates a new position on the faculty.

Endowed Lectureships

Help Hope continue its rich tradition of fostering debate and discourse. An endowed lectureship helps attract nationally renowned speakers. Investments toward an endowed lectureship begin at $100,000.

Faculty Development Funds

Help Hope faculty engage in research within their field of study. Our faculty are active, engaged scholars who encourage the intellectual excitement essential to a lifetime of learning. Investments toward faculty development funds begin at $100,000.

Student-Faculty Research Funds


General Endowment Named Funds

Help Hope further its mission by creating funding opportunities that speak to your personal interests and passions. Investments toward general endowment or named funds begin at $25,000.

Questions about making an endowment gift?Contact a staff memberfor more information.