Jill VanderStoep

Assistant Professor of Mathematics Instruction
Profile photo of  Jill VanderStoep

Jill Vredevelt ’87 VanderStoep joined the faculty at her alma mater in 1999. She primarily teaches statistics courses, but also enjoys teaching General Education Math & Science courses and First Year Seminar. Jill is a co-author on theIntroduction to Statistical Investigationstextbook used at Hope College.


Jill is interested in improving statistics education. She has presented at national conferences and many workshops. The focus of her work is on curriculum development that enhances statistical learning through simulation and randomization techniques and active learning pedagogy.


  • M.S., biostatistics, University of Michigan, 1991
  • M.S., applied mathematics, University of Illinois, 1989
  • B.S., mathematics, Hope College, 1987


  • BestJournal of Statistics Educationpaper, 2018 and 2012
  • Daniel Solow Author’s Award forIntroduction to Statistical Investigations, Mathematics Association of America, 2018
  • Most Promising New Textbook Award forIntroduction to Statistical Investigations, Textbook and Academic Authors Association, 2017
  • National Science Foundation grants to develop and disseminate simulation and randomization techniques for teaching statistics, 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2017

Published Works

  • Intermediate Statistical Investigations, withTintle, B. Chance, K. McGaughey, S. Roy and T. Swanson, John Wiley & Sons, 2020
  • Introduction to Statistical Investigations,AP Version,withTintle, Ruth Carver, B. Chance, G. Cobb, A. Rossman, S. Roy and T. Swanson, John Wiley & Sons, 2018
  • “Assessing the Association between Pre-course Metrics of Student Preparation and Student Performance in Introductory Statistics: Results from Early Data on Simulation-based Inference vs. Non-simulation Based Inference,” with N. Tintle, Jake Clark, K. Fisher, B. Chance, G. Cobb, S. Roy, and T. Swanson,Journal of Statistics Education, 2018
  • Introduction to Statistical Investigations, with N.Tintle, B. Chance, G. Cobb, A. Rossman, S. Roy and T. Swanson, John Wiley & Sons., 2018; 2nd ed., 2020
  • “Combating Anti-Statistical Thinking Using Simulation-Based Methods throughout the Undergraduate Curriculum,” with N. Tintle, B. Chance, G. Cobb, S. Roy and T. Swanson,The American Statistician, 2015
  • “Retention of Statistical Concepts in a Preliminary Randomization-Based Introductory Statistics Curriculum,”Statistics Education Research Journal, 2012
  • “Development and Assessment of a Preliminary Randomization-Based Introductory Statistics Curriculum,”Journal of Statistics Education, 2011

Outside the college


Profile photo of  Jill VanderStoep
Jill VanderStoep

Phone Number616.395.7408

A. Paul Schaap Science Center 302735 East 12th StreetHolland,MI49423-3617
A map showing the location for  Jill VanderStoep A. Paul Schaap Science Center 3027 35 East 12th Street Holland MI 49423-3617