Dr. Mike Seymour

Retired Faculty
Profile photo of Dr. Mike Seymour

Dr. Michael Seymour is a professor of chemistry and has been a member of the Hope faculty since 1978.


  • Analytical chemistry
  • Computers in general chemistry labs


HPLC-MS is being used to identify and quantify antibiotics in water/s oil systems. The goal is to model the behavior and predict the transport of these compounds in the environment.


  • Ph.D., University of Arizona, 1978
  • B.A., St. Johns University, 1972

Selected GRANTS

  • NSF-MRI, Acquisition of an ICP for Environmental Metals Analysis and Undergraduate Training at Hope College (with co PI Graham Peaslee), 2001–2003
  • Hope College development Grant, Expanded Applications of Computers in the General Chemistry Laboratory, 2001
  • Pfizer Global Research, Chemistry Dept. Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 2000
  • Howard Hughes Curriculum Grant for GEMS course, Chemistry and the Environment, 1999
  • 世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地NSF-ILI希望学院比赛,原子吸收光谱引入普通化学实验室(与Graham Peaslee合作),1998–1999
  • NSF-ILI, The Introduction of Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy into the General Chemistry Lab (co-PI with Graham Peaslee), 1998–1999
  • Hope College-Howard Hughes Medical Institute, On-Line Multi-media Instructional Resources for the General Chemistry Laboratory, 1996
  • Hope College-Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Laboratory Computers in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum, 1995
  • Hope Match (NSF-ILI), Laboratory Computers in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum, 1994–1996
  • NSF-ILI, Laboratory Computers in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum, 1994–1996
Profile photo of Dr. Mike Seymour
Dr. Mike Seymour

Phone Number616.395.7635

Retired Faculty
A map showing the location for Dr. Mike Seymour