Rebecca Rozema started at Hope College in 2020. She teaches Interventions in the Department of Sociology and Social Work. Rebecca has 20 years of experience in the social work field primarily in the areas of clinical services, program development and administration.

Areas of Expertise

  • Traumatic stress— the experience and effects of trauma on individuals, particularly children in the context of chronic and complex trauma
  • Foster care and adoption— the policies and emotional impacts on children, families of origin, substitute caregivers and families who have adopted
  • Social support— both emotional and practical support from a variety of sources and its usefulness in promoting resilience in the context of risk and stress
  • Clinical supervision— the need for thoughtful clinical and emotional support to social workers who are on the front lines
  • Public policy— the policy development and changes that impact individuals and groups in a variety of intentional and unintentional ways, often disproportionately


  • MSW, Grand Valley State University, 2007
  • BSW, Calvin College, 2001

Honors, Grants & Awards

Rebecca has presented on a variety of adoption and trauma related topics at the Refresh Conference, Christian Alliance for Orphans and the Replanted Conference. She also provides frequent training to Michigan child welfare workers on trauma, grief and loss, prevention of placement and adoption disruption and dissolution, and the mental health needs of children in care and their families.

Outside the College

Rebecca is a member of 14th Street CRC in Holland. She enjoys sitting outside with a cup of coffee, listening to the birds in the trees, while reading a book that challenges her thinking. She is married to Jeff Rozema, a mechanical engineer, and has six children, Joshua, Noah, Dontae, Samuel, Sh'Quiz and Sarah. Life with six children is full of unplanned adventures, and she enjoys seeing what each day brings.

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