Dr. John Patnott

Retired Faculty
Profile photo of Dr. John Patnott

约翰·帕特诺特博士于1978年秋从加州州立大学弗雷斯诺分校来到霍普。最初,他的角色是教授健康动力学和活动课,并指导男子和女子游泳队和跳水队。After a few years he moved into exercise science and has taught:

  • Exercise Physiology and Exercise Physiology Laboratory
  • Nutrition and Athletic Performance
  • Exercise Science and Health
  • Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription

He taught Exercise Physiology and Laboratory as well as Science of Conditioning, Strength and Power.

Dr. Patnott's research focused on lactate production in competitive swimmers, specifically training to enhance lactate production and training to enhance the onset of blood lactate. He also served as chair of the Internal Review Board for faculty and student research.

AREAS OF Expertise

Dr. Patnott specialized in performance exercise physiology for all sports.


  • Ph.D., exercise science, University of Utah, 1984
  • M.A., exercise science, Fresno State, 1972
  • B.A., physical education, Fresno State, 1969


Dr. Patnott was awarded the Provost's Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2003. He was voted the NCAA Division III National Coach of the Year by the College Swimming Coaches Association three times. He was named the men's national Coach of the Year in 1991 and the women's national Coach of the Year in 1994 and 1998.

Outside the College

Dr. Patnott enjoys woodworking and hiking in national parks.

Profile photo of Dr. John Patnott
Dr. John Patnott
Retired Faculty
A map showing the location for Dr. John Patnott