Carrie Olesh

Associate Director for Admissions
Profile photo of  Carrie Olesh

Carrie Olesh began her Hope admissions career in the summer of 2011 after moving back to the states from Dusseldorf, Germany. She is currently responsible for recruiting students to Hope from Indiana and the northeastern United States.

Outside of admissions, she is the advisor for the Hope men's rugby club team, serves on the board of the Saint Benedict Institute and enjoys being involved with the activities offered through Hope Catholics.


  • B.A., telecommunications with a minor in comparative literature, Indiana University, 1986


Carrie loves working with people. In her early career, she worked in marketing and public relations for Storer Cable Communications, in Miami, Florida. She then moved to Chicago and was employed by Viacom in a sales and marketing role. After several years there, she left to raise a family and moved to Cincinnati.

2008年秋天,她的丈夫因为事业的原因举家迁往杜塞尔多夫,在那里,她有机会成为“青年指南针”(Youth Compass)的董事会成员。“青年指南针”是一个基督教组织,允许来自不同国家的第三种文化的孩子与其他同龄的学生在社区里参与服务项目和宣教旅行。世界杯英格兰队vs丹麦队足彩




Carrie and her family enjoy traveling overseas and experiencing different cultures. She also enjoys cooking, exercising, reading, attending Hope sporting events, watching movies, attending theater performances and shopping in downtown Holland. She loves all dogs, but Roxy, her Jack Russel/dachshund mix and Ella, her golden retriever, are the best dogs of all.

Profile photo of  Carrie Olesh
Carrie Olesh

Phone Number616.395.7914


Bekkering Admissions Office69 East 10th StreetHolland,MI49423-3515
A map showing the location for  Carrie Olesh Bekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland MI 49423-3515