Dr. Jesus Montaño

Associate Professor of English
Profile photo of Dr. Jesus Montaño

Jesus Montaño began teaching at Hope College in 1999. His teaching interests involve multi-ethnic American literature (Survey of Ethnic American Literature and Introduction to American Ethnic Studies), children’s and young adult literature (Ethnic American Young Adult Literature), Latinx literature (The Latina Novel), hemispheric literature (Literature of Our Americas) and vocation (Vocational Discernment, for Humanities students). Further, his curricular development initiatives were instrumental in the development of Hope College’s American Ethnic Studies program. He served as first director of the program.

他是拉丁裔学生组织的教师导师。他经常参与多元化和包容中心的项目,如Step2Success,以及美国民族研究项目,如绿色讲座。世界杯英格兰队vs丹麦队足彩社区参与包括致力于种族与和解,与文化与种族和谐联盟和灯塔移民倡导者分享他的移民故事。他最近还向NEA Big Read lakesore展示了他关于拉丁美洲和拉丁美洲儿童及青年文学的作品。

As a complement to his teaching, he is currently working on two book-length projects.Tactics of Hope in Latinx Children’s and Young Adult Literature, co-authored with Regan Postma-Montaño, is under contract to University of New Mexico Press (under review, manuscript submitted). His latest book project is entitled,Latinx Shakespeare: Being and Doing Latinx in Young Adult Appropriations of Shakespeare.

Areas of expertise

  • Children's and Young Adult Literature
  • Latinx Literary Studies
  • Shakespear and Adaptation
  • Multi-Ethinic American Literatures
  • Vocation and Calling in the Humanities


  • Ph.D. June 1999. Ohio State University, Department of English
  • M.A. August 1996. Ohio State University, Department of English
  • B.A. August 1991. University of Texas at Austin

Honors, grants and awards

  • “Secrets of the Universe.” Technology and Society Pathway, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Grand Challenges Initiative at Hope College, 2018
  • “我的故事可以建立我们的桥梁。”大湖学院文言史协会。Faculty-Student Collaborative Project Oral History Mentorship Opportunity, 2018
  • “Tactics of Hope in Latinx Children’s and Young Adult Literature,” Jacob E. Nyenhuis Collaborative Faculty Grant, 2018
  • H.O.P.E. Award: Hope College Professor Educator 2010
  • Sluyter Fellowship, Hope College, 2002–3

Academic work and art work

  • Tactics of Hope in Latinx Children’s and Young Adult Literature, University of New Mexico Press (under contract, manuscript submitted)
  • “Bordercrossing in Children’s and Young Adult Literature,”Multicultural Review, spring 2009
  • Sir Gowther: Imagining Race in Late Medieval England,”Meeting the Foreign/er in the Middle Ages, ed. Albrecht Classen, Routledge, 2002
  • “A Sense of Place,” photography, Challenging Borders: Displaced People, GLCA Global Challenges Grant, Deborah Sturtevant, 2018
  • “Dignity of Work,” photography, Martha Miller Center, Hope College Permanent Collection, 2009
  • “Imagining Blue and Red,” photography, Van Zoeren Hall, Hope College Permanent Collection, 2006

Additional passions

He is a believer in the power of books, and the element of which they are made: words. His academic writing, storytelling, and poetry emanate from this well. He also is fascinated with art. Photography calls to him on his various road trip to the American West. Lastly, though probably most important, Jesus puts tattoos on Herman Miller fiberglass chairs. He recently presented several chairs to Herman Miller; they “returned” home, with Latinx tattoos on them. In this way, they provided a story of where they had gone and whom they met.

Profile photo of Dr. Jesus Montaño
Dr. Jesus Montaño

Phone Number616.395.7973

Lubbers Hall-Room 309126 East 10th StreetHolland,MI49423-3516
A map showing the location for Dr. Jesus Montaño Lubbers Hall-Room 309 126 East 10th Street Holland MI 49423-3516