Dr. Stephen Maiullo

Interim Dean for Arts & Humanities
Profile photo of Dr. Stephen Maiullo

自2010年加入霍普学院以来,斯蒂芬世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地·迈乌洛博士一直在教授拉丁语和希腊语课程,以及关注古典世界文学的课程——从荷马到柏拉图Republicto the New Testament, and work by other classical authors such as Vergil, Apuleius and Cicero. The thread that runs through everything he does is teaching students how to read old books, and how they might be applicable in their lives now.

Dr. Maiullo also teaches general education courses on topics including classical mythology, the history of Rome, sport in the ancient world and freedom in the modern world. He advises students who are preparing to apply for post-graduate fellowships, most notably the Fulbright program.

His recent research has focused on the reception of the classical world, particularly among intellectuals in the early modern period. An upcoming book with his Hope colleague Dr. Anne Larsen is a translation of the works of 17th-century Dutch intellectual Anna van Schurman.

Areas of Expertise

  • Greek literature
  • Greek and Roman philosophy
  • Reception of classical literature


  • Ph.D., classics, Ohio State University, 2010
  • B.A., classics, Saint Anselm College, 2003

Selected Publications and Presentations

  • “The Selfie as a Pedagogical Tool in the College Classroom,” with S. Johnson et al.,College Teaching, 2014
  • “Philosophical Pursuit and Flight: Homer and Thucydides in Plato’sLaches,”International Journal for the Platonic Tradition, 2014
  • “Daily Life in Ancient Rome,” presentation at Michigan Classical Conference, 2014
  • “Rereading theRepublicthrough Er: The Clash of the Political and Theoretical,” presentation at conference of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South, 2014

Outside the College

Dr. Maiullo is a marathon runner, and enjoys hiking and playing the guitar.

Profile photo of Dr. Stephen Maiullo
Dr. Stephen Maiullo

Phone Number616.395.7748

Lubbers Hall Room 124126 East 10th StreetHolland,MI49423
A map showing the location for Dr. Stephen Maiullo Lubbers Hall Room 124 126 East 10th Street Holland MI 49423