Dr. Christopher Fashun

Associate Professor of Music
Profile photo of Dr. Christopher Fashun

Christopher H. Fashun博士是一位非常多才多艺的指挥家和演奏家。在霍普世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地学院,他担任管弦乐队总监和巴西音乐合奏团的音乐总监,教授应用打击乐,也是器乐教育导师。

Most recently, Dr. Fashun was a 2018 recipient of a U.S. Postdoctoral Fulbright Award in All Disciplines and lived and researched Afro-Brazilian music in Salvador da Bahia in 2019. His project focused on the dissemination of Afro-Brazilian music and culture in the city of Salvador da Bahia.

In addition to his activities at Hope College, Dr. Fashun is an active guest conductor, clinician, adjudicator and percussionist. Notable engagements have included:

  • Holland Symphony Orchestra
  • Elkhart Symphony Orchestra
  • St. Ambrose University Community Symphony Orchestra
  • University of Iowa Philharmonia
  • All-University String Orchestra

Dr. Fashun has conducted the Symphony String Orchestra at the Iowa IMEA Conference for the All-State Iowa Junior Honors String Orchestra Festival Concert and the Midwest Mennonite Festival Orchestra and Concert Band. He has served on the music faculties at St. Ambrose University and Goshen College and has directed orchestras, wind bands, jazz ensembles, percussion ensembles and drum lines at the secondary level.

A passionate educator, Dr. Fashun’s versatility and eclectic background allow him to work in areas of orchestral, percussion and world music. As a conductor, he is frequently invited to guest conduct, clinic and adjudicate orchestras at the professional, collegiate and secondary levels. His expertise and knowledge in Brazilian music serve general music educators and elementary schools alike. As the founder and music director of the Hope College Brazilian Music Ensemble, Dr. Fashun presents frequently at music education conferences and the Brazilian Music Ensemble performs educational outreach assemblies for elementary schools during the academic year. He has concentrated his study of world percussion in Brazilian and Afro-Brazilian music and dance over the past 15 years. Most notably, his teachers include:

  • Mestre Mario Pam
  • Mestre Jorge Alabe
  • Michael Spiro
  • Mark Lamson
  • Curtis Pierre
  • Jorge Martins
  • Scott Kettner

An accomplished percussionist and violist, he has several years of orchestral and chamber music experience and has enjoyed success in both areas as a soloist by winning three concerto competitions, one on viola and two on marimba.

His research in conducting combines developing musicianship from the podium and health and wellness for music educators.

When he’s not making music, he is either cycling, paddle boarding or practicing Pilates and enjoying the fabulous beaches in Holland with his wife and daughter.

Profile photo of Dr. Christopher Fashun
Dr. Christopher Fashun

Phone Number616.395.7650

Jack H. Miller Center for Musical Arts 173221 Columbia AvenueHolland,MI49423
A map showing the location for Dr. Christopher Fashun Jack H. Miller Center for Musical Arts 173 221 Columbia Avenue Holland MI 49423