Aug 24, 2022
2022-2023 Catalog
2022-2023 Catalog

Mathematics and Statistics

Mathematics is the study of patterns, both quantitative and spatial. As such, it is the key to understanding our natural and technical world. Through the study of mathematics, students develop skills in problem solving, critical thinking and clear, concise writing. Statistics is the study of data. In a world where data is readily available and so many decisions are made from data analytics, students need to be equipped to extract meaning from data.

About the Program

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers courses which serve as a fundamental part of a liberal education and as a basis for work in other disciplines. In addition, the department offers a complete major program providing opportunities for a deeper study of mathematics as well as an optional concentration in statistics. Mathematics majors pursue a wide range of career options, including work in teaching, business, industry and government service. Many mathematics majors choose to continue their studies with graduate work in mathematics, statistics, computer science or other fields which require significant mathematical background, such as economics or science.

The department also provides opportunities for independent study and research. Collaborative student/faculty research projects have been conducted in the areas of mathematical modeling, chaos theory, dynamical systems, statistics, real analysis, complex analysis, linear algebra, algebra, representation theory, geometry and bioinformatics.

Study abroad opportunities are available in Budapest, Hungary and Aberdeen, Scotland. In addition, majors can study off-campus at a variety of domestic locations such as Oak Ridge National Laboratory.


The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers both a Bachelor of Science and a Bachelor of Arts in mathematics with the option for a concentration in Statistics. Many of our majors are double majors or minors in areas such as chemistry, physics, computer science and economics. We also have majors who have a second major or minor in areas such as music and English. About half of our mathematics majors become teachers. We offer a Mathematics Secondary Education Major for students intending to become middle school or high school mathematics teachers.


The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers a Minor in Mathematics and a Minor in Statistics for non-mathematics majors. We also offer a Mathematics Secondary Education Minor for students intending to become middle school or high school teachers.


    Majors Minors

