Aug 24, 2022
2022-2023 Catalog
2022-2023 Catalog


TheDepartment of Chemistryis known nationally for its excellent program. In a study of chemistry programs at private four-year colleges published in theJournal of Chemical Education, the department was recognized as outstanding for the productivity of its research program and for the accomplishments of its graduates. The chemistry program is approved by the American Chemical Society’s Committee on Professional Training.

About The Program

The program provides students with a rigorous introduction to the fields of chemistry and biochemistry in a setting that emphasizes knowledge of current developments in chemistry and experience with modern instruments and laboratory techniques. The chemistry faculty maintains a keen interest in each student’s professional involvement and scholarly development. The department has an active seminar program which brings students into contact with nationally recognized authorities in chemistry and chemistry-related fields.

The chemistry program places a strong emphasis on faculty-student research. Chemistry majors are encouraged to begin work with a professor on a research project early in their academic program. Research stipends are available to enable many students to work full-time on their projects during the summer. Student research is directed toward professional development and may result in joint authorship of scientific publications and in the opportunity to present research results at a regional or national scientific meeting.


The chemistry major includes sequences of both lecture and laboratory courses designed to establish a fundamental understanding of the major areas of the discipline. Students can elect to complete a chemistry major for a B.A. degree or a more extensive major for a B.S. degree. Students planning to do graduate work in the field or to enter industry should fulfill the requirements of the American Chemical Society’s (ACS) Certified Major Program. An ACS-certified B.S. Degree Program in Chemistry with Biochemistry Emphasis is available for students who have interests in chemistry and biology. A B.S. degree inBiochemistry and Molecular Biologyis offered jointly by the departments of Chemistry andBiology,也适用于那些在这两个学科之间寻求学位的学生。打算进入医学或牙科学校或计划在中等教育职业生涯的学生可以根据他们的具体目标设计他们的专业课程。因为学生有很多选择选择化学专业,所以在他们的学术项目早期,与系主任或化学顾问讨论他们的计划是很重要的。


    Majors Minors

