Aug 24, 2022
2022-2023 Catalog
2022-2023 Catalog

World Languages and Cultures

The Department of World Languages and Cultures seeks to provide undergraduate students communicative competence in a second language, greater understanding of and appreciation for other cultures, insight into the human experience of other peoples, intellectual development through enhanced cognitive and analytical skills, and the integration of these experiences with liberal arts into a world view which encompasses the historic Christian faith.

About The Program


Since appreciation of other cultures and fluency in the use of another language is greatly enhanced by maximum immersion in the culture and constant challenge to use the language, the department offers many opportunities in which language students may participate:

  • Faculty-student research
  • Informal conversation classes
  • French and Spanish language houses in which native speaking students provide conversational leadership and tutoring
  • Co-curricular activities, such as, foreign films, lectures, and field trips
  • Semester or year abroad or summer programs in target language countries
  • Tutoring opportunities
  • Practical experience through local or international internships

The DWLC is one of the largest departments at Hope (15 full time faculty and 7 part-time faculty), with native professors from Japan, China, Netherlands, Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay, Armenia, Dominica, and France; all are active researchers with advanced degrees in the disciplines and languages in which they teach.

Alumni of Hope have integrated their foreign language major or minor into a great variety of careers in business, communications, health care, journalism, international studies and international affairs.

Study Abroad

When you study abroad, a number of core classes you can take in an overseas program may count for both the language major and minor and the general education requirements at Hope. Students are encouraged to takeIDS 171(CH1) orIDS 172(CH2) at Hope. Many courses offered abroad can help fulfill the Cultural Heritage requirement, especially the CH2 requirement. Students should discuss study abroad courses with their faculty advisor prior to registration in order to discern which Hope requirement(s) the course(s) will fulfill. Students may take up to 12 credits abroad towards their major or minor in a specific language.


    Majors Minors


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