Aug 24, 2022
2022-2023 Catalog
2022-2023 Catalog


The Department of Psychology provides its students with significant learning opportunities through integrated coursework, research, and service for effective and faithful engagement in a diverse world.

About The Program

By learning psychology’s core concepts, methods, findings, and applications, students are equipped for bachelor’s level positions and graduate degree programs–needed for careers as psychologists and professionals in related areas.

The department equips students for lives of leadership and service in a global society through formation in coursework, research labs, field placements, perspective-taking courses, personally tailored advising meetings with faculty, and co-curricular learning opportunities through the Psychology Club and Psi Chi honor society. They have opportunities in the major to engage in collaborative research with faculty and internships in community human-service agencies, schools and businesses. Students also participate in off-campus study programs at The Philadelphia Center and the Chicago Semester, as well as study abroad.

The department’s exceptional facilities include multimedia instruction, an animal laboratory, an EEG machine, a psychophysiology laboratory, a psychoacoustics laboratory and other computer-controlled laboratories for data collection and analysis. Many students collaborate with faculty in research in much the same way that graduate students do in universities. Each year psychology students are involved in collaborative research, and many present their research at professional conferences.

Hope’s Department of Psychology is nationally recognized. The international honor society in psychology has awarded regional research awards to 34 student research projects in the past 23 years; approximately 10% of approximately 250 eligible submissions are granted a national research award are awarded from the 11-state Midwest region. Several leading psychology textbooks and multi-media instructional resources are authored by department faculty. Psychology graduates have been recruited by top graduate schools, assuring that the department will continue to be a prominent source of future psychologists. Additional information about psychology faculty teaching and research interests is available on our website.


Those psychology majors intending to work in the human-service professions with a B.A. degree or intending to seek an advanced degree in this area (e.g., masters or doctorate) should consider courses aimed at developing helping skills through thePSY 265 - The Theory and Practice of Helpingcourse. Students who aim to pursue masters and doctoral degrees ought to take the Advanced Research LabPSY 390, and pursue additional research opportunities (e.g.,PSY 290,PSY 490, andPSY 493). Students intending to enroll in an MSW program can choose either the social work major or the psychology major.

Students considering work in probation and the criminal justice system might want to takePOL 237andPOL 339andSOC 221andSOC 222.

Human service professions related courses includeSOC 101,SOC 232andSOC 233andIDS 200 - Encounter with Cultures.

Students interested in human resources and/or business should takePSY 350andBUS 222.

Consultation with your psychology advisor is recommended in making choices from among the courses listed above.

Recommended courses for other possible career paths for psychology majors, information about careers in psychology and information about graduate study in psychology are available on ourwebsite.


    Majors Minors

