开始:VCALENDAR版本:2.0 CALSCALE:公历PRODID: iCalendar-Ruby开始:VEVENT类:校园生活,学生生活,周年,校友描述:事件的最后一天,期间将取向fo r新来的2019级\,立即跟着几个圣每股收益年度学生活动有关——我们把这种公平,帮助传入studen ts学习在大学课余生活。\ n \ nThe仪式将在下午4:30 h古人沿着前大学和哥伦比亚大街12号街。公众是邀请\,免门票。\ n \ n”吉姆和马rtie Bultman学生中心已经从开始的设想和开发算法的空间为学生独特\,我们绝对希望studen ts帮助庆祝开始建设\”理查德·弗罗斯特\说:学生发展副总裁和院长的学生。从现在\”两年,我们最新的班的学生将在那些享受分er \,将校园相当于一个家庭房间。“\ n \ nAnnounced在2011年的秋天的一部分大学的“更大希望”c omprehensive竞选\,吉姆和玛Bultman学生中心将在中央校园\ c onstructed毗邻希望的松树林。,42 \ \ 000平方英尺的设施,它将在201年开始的时间开放7 - 18学年\,将学院的第一个专门的幼童spa ce超过35年。\ n \ nThe中心将建在该网站自1956年以来占领音乐\ Nykerk大厅,将在未来一周年代夷为平地。学生中心的建设开始等到Nykerk哈哈我可以成功的新杰克·h·米勒音乐艺术中心\ w -也被“更大的希望”的倡议,是打开这莫n。Nykerk大厅附近的场地工作一直持续整个夏天。\ n \ n e建筑被命名为希望前总统詹姆斯·e·妻子玛蒂Bultman Bultman一个d。詹姆斯Bultman担任学院的11日总统从1999年到2013年鉴别\,他和玛是强劲参与\年代生活,他们真是干劲冲天撬机会与学生\ p实习期间和在他任期早些时候希望当教员\,迪恩和教练从1968年到1985年。 The Bultmans are both 1963 graduates of the c ollege.\n\nThe Jim and Martie Bultman Student Center will be connected to t he DeWitt Student and Cultural Center\, which opened in 1971 as a student c enter but gave much of its space to college offices following the April 198 0 burning of the Van Raalte Hall administrative building. The new building will support a student-life program that has grown substantially since 197 1 as enrollment has increased\, from 2\,101 students 44 years ago to more t han 3\,400 during the 2014-15 school year.\n\nA large\, multi-purpose room with links to an adjacent patio will provide space for a variety of program possibilities. A family lounge with picture windows looking across the Pi ne Grove toward Dimnent Memorial Chapel and Graves Hall will provide space to socialize or bask by one of the building’s fireplaces. A theatre will h ost the long-running student film series\, speakers or Nykerk practices. A small prayer chapel will provide a place to worship and reflect on God. M ultiple student organizations will have offices and shared space for workin g on projects. The building will also have an exciting state-of-the-art fo od and coffee area. On the second floor\, the offices of Counseling and Ps ychological Services will be housed.\n\nThe “student way” will connect the registrar’s\, residential life and dean of students offices in the adjacent DeWitt Center through a dynamic link to the Bultman Student Center\, allow ing a seamless transition between the two areas.\n\nTotal project cost for the student center is approximately $22.5 million\, which includes the new construction\, related renovation of the DeWitt Center and an operating end owment. Major support includes a $10 million lead gift to the student cent er and the “A Greater Hope” campaign from the Cheri DeVos family of Ada. DTEND:20150831T213000Z DTSTAMP:20230827T003744Z DTSTART:20150831T203000Z GEO:42.786692;-86.104955 LOCATION:Nykerk Hall of Music\, Van Raalte Commons SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Bultman Student Center Groundbreaking Ceremony UID:tag:localist.com\,2008:EventInstance_1456178 URL:https://calendar.www.icarseries.com/event/student_center_groundbreaking_ceremony END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR