开始:VCALENDAR版本:2.0 CALSCALE:公历PRODID: iCalendar-Ruby开始:VEVENT类:艺术,荷兰移民的电影系列,公共活动描述:“Roise和弗兰克”是一个喜剧有严重问题。Roise仍悲伤失去她的丈夫\,弗兰克\,当一个神秘的狗狗秀年代在她的门前。温和生气的狗试图扰乱她莫缸\,她试图忽略他。但不久\,一系列一致nces说服她不知何故这毛茸茸的狗是弗兰克转世。很快,狗会在他们的小镇\战胜别人,除了害羞\成为可能的教练,hurling-loving当地男孩。这部电影是在盖尔人ic与英文字幕,运行90分钟放映fr om下午7:30分6月21日至6月24日。\ n \ nWatch拖车DTEND: 20230622 t020000z DTSTAMP: 20230806 t232049z DTSTART: 20230621 t233000z GEO: 42.790047; -86.103276地点:纽约人剧院\主要剧院序列:0摘要:Roise & Frank |电影系列UID:标签:localist.com \, 2008: EventInstance_43045335220377 URL: https://calendar.www.icarseries.com/event/spring_film_series_8735结束:VEVENT开始:VEVENT类:艺术,荷兰移民的电影系列,公共活动描述:“Roise和弗兰克”是一个喜剧有严重问题。Roise仍悲伤失去她的丈夫\,弗兰克\,当一个神秘的狗狗秀年代在她的门前。温和生气的狗试图扰乱她莫缸\,她试图忽略他。但不久\,一系列一致nces说服她不知何故这毛茸茸的狗是弗兰克转世。 Soon the dog will win over others in their small town\, in addition to becoming the unlikely coach to a shy\, hurling-loving local boy. The film is in Gael ic with English subtitles and runs 90 minutes with showings at 7:30 p.m. fr om June 21 to June 24.\n\nWatch the trailer DTEND:20230623T020000Z DTSTAMP:20230806T232049Z DTSTART:20230622T233000Z GEO:42.790047;-86.103276 LOCATION:Knickerbocker Theatre\, Main Theatre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Roise & Frank | Film Series UID:tag:localist.com\,2008:EventInstance_43047761576086 URL:https://calendar.www.icarseries.com/event/spring_film_series_8735 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Arts,Knickerbocker Film Series,Public Events DESCRIPTION:“Róise and Frank” is a comedy with serious questions. Róise is still grieving the loss of her husband\, Frank\, when a mysterious dog show s up at her door. Mildly annoyed by the canine attempting to disrupt her mo urning\, she attempts to ignore him. But before long\, a series of coincide nces convince her that somehow this shaggy dog is Frank reincarnated. Soon the dog will win over others in their small town\, in addition to becoming the unlikely coach to a shy\, hurling-loving local boy. The film is in Gael ic with English subtitles and runs 90 minutes with showings at 7:30 p.m. fr om June 21 to June 24.\n\nWatch the trailer DTEND:20230624T020000Z DTSTAMP:20230806T232049Z DTSTART:20230623T233000Z GEO:42.790047;-86.103276 LOCATION:Knickerbocker Theatre\, Main Theatre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Roise & Frank | Film Series UID:tag:localist.com\,2008:EventInstance_43047761578135 URL:https://calendar.www.icarseries.com/event/spring_film_series_8735 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Arts,Knickerbocker Film Series,Public Events DESCRIPTION:“Róise and Frank” is a comedy with serious questions. Róise is still grieving the loss of her husband\, Frank\, when a mysterious dog show s up at her door. Mildly annoyed by the canine attempting to disrupt her mo urning\, she attempts to ignore him. But before long\, a series of coincide nces convince her that somehow this shaggy dog is Frank reincarnated. Soon the dog will win over others in their small town\, in addition to becoming the unlikely coach to a shy\, hurling-loving local boy. The film is in Gael ic with English subtitles and runs 90 minutes with showings at 7:30 p.m. fr om June 21 to June 24.\n\nWatch the trailer DTEND:20230625T020000Z DTSTAMP:20230806T232049Z DTSTART:20230624T233000Z GEO:42.790047;-86.103276 LOCATION:Knickerbocker Theatre\, Main Theatre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Roise & Frank | Film Series UID:tag:localist.com\,2008:EventInstance_43047761580184 URL:https://calendar.www.icarseries.com/event/spring_film_series_8735 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR