开始:VCALENDAR版本:2.0 CALSCALE:公历PRODID: iCalendar-Ruby开始:VEVENT类:校园生活、学生发展、学生生活,拉描述:古老的霍普学院拉拔河今年秋天,这是其125年——将在周六\ \ 10月1,下午3点在南边的林肯和Fairba nks大街11号街。世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地公众\ n \ nThe邀请。免门票。1898 \ \ n \ nFirst举行,每年秋天拉强调,希望。在竞争\ f reshman、大二团队\,盘踞在浅坑\两侧,试图获得最绳通过他们的力量和耐力。这个你们基于“增大化现实”技术的竞赛将会2025年的二年级和freshm 2026级。\ n \ nAlthough \它已经存在了125年,这不会b e 125把。有五个已知取消\,有n o的记录是否有拉在最早的rs在第一。\ n \ \ nEach团队相同数量的成员,与t o 18个学生每人在绳子“车夫”和一个等价的总肌动蛋白g指南和士气助推器\,或“moralers。“新生指导b y三年级,二年级的指示的老年人。教练安排也会导致年之间的竞争和奇数年类。\ n \ nThe拉于2020年取消最近\,因为全球COVID-19大流行。其他四个航班被取消在世界大战期间(1918 \ 1943年和1944年)\,因为校园范围内流感epidemi c (1957)。没有比赛从1899年到1908年的记录。\n\nHe ld across the Black River near U.S. 31 and M-21 from 1910 through 2018\, th e Pull moved to the current campus location in 2019 due to high water level s. As best can be gleaned from memory and period accounts\, the Pull has t aken place at just two other sites since it began in 1898: first across a s mall stream near Pilgrim Home Cemetery\; and — also because of wet conditio ns — across the Black River at the former American Legion golf course in 19 52.\n\nIn 1977\, the Pull set a record for length and uniqueness. The fresh men and sophomores tugged for three hours and 51 minutes before judges call ed a tie due to darkness. In contrast\, the shortest Pull lasted two minute s and 40 seconds in 1956.\n\nNew rules were implemented in 1978\, following the 1977 marathon\, limiting the event’s duration. The rules now allow the judges to determine the winning class by measuring the amount of rope pull ed from the other team if one team has not claimed all of the rope within t hree hours.\n\nThe sophomore Class of 2024 won the 2021 Pull\, held on Satu rday\, Oct. 2\, 2021. Through the years\, the sophomores and even-year clas ses have held the edge in the win-loss column. Since 1909\, the sophomores have taken 71 contests to the freshmen's 33\; the even-year/odd-year split for the same period is 57 to 47. There are three draws on record: in 1916\ , 1952 and 1977.\n\n11th Street will be closed between Lincoln and Fairbank s due to the Pull\, although there will still be access to the DeVos Fieldh ouse parking lots along 11th\, which will be available for public use. The re will be no parking on the south side of 11th Street along the Pull site. DTEND:20221001T200000Z DTSTAMP:20230505T155730Z DTSTART:20221001T190000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Pull UID:tag:localist.com\,2008:EventInstance_39829029777960 URL:https://calendar.www.icarseries.com/event/pull_8388 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR