开始:VCALENDAR版本:2.0 CALSCALE:公历PRODID: iCalendar-Ruby开始:VEVENT类:艺术、大阅读,公共活动描述:作者马特•德拉佩纳\有两本书在这是的r的小湖畔\儿童阅读,将主题演讲abo血型ut文学变革的本质和教育的力量我们dnesday \ \ 11月9日下午7点希望学院音乐厅的江淮k h·米勒音乐艺术中心。世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地公众\ n \ nThe邀请。承认我自由。\ n \濒死经历拉佩纳是《纽约时报》畅销书\,纽贝里Medal-win宁七个年轻成人小说的作者和六个图画书。2016年他w授予性别知识自由奖。今年的小阅读,他的儿童图画书”最后一站在市场街\”,这是说明了基督教罗宾逊\;,为中间的读者\ \他年轻成人小说《超人:Dawnbreaker。“\ n \ nThe地址将包括讨论他的书\ n,但会围绕他的旅程从不情愿的读者t o作者。“我没有爱上书,直到我上大学的时候,我在一个篮球奖学金,但一旦我\ \它改变了我的生活,”他年代援助。11月9日事件还将提供一个现场表演学院StrikeTime舞蹈剧场的基于“最后一站在市场街。“\ n \ n”我们很高兴有马特·德·拉·佩纳访问我们希望大学校园和Lakeshor e社区\“黛博拉·范·世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地Duinen \博士说,他是阿诺德和以斯帖年世界杯英格兰队vs丹麦队足彩代onneveldt副教授希望学院英语教育和可怕的男星的大的、小的阅读计划。 “This year our program explores w hat it means to be a hero across different times\, places\, and cultures an d we love the ways that ‘Last Stop on Market Street’ encourages all of us t o be everyday heroes in our own communities\, recognizing the good and beau tiful and hopeful things around us.”\n\nde la Peña received his MFA in crea tive writing from San Diego State University and his BA from the University of the Pacific. In 2019\, he was given an honorary doctorate from UOP. He currently lives in Southern California. He teaches creative writing and vi sits schools and colleges throughout the country.\n\nHe and StrikeTime Danc e Theatre\, which is an affiliate of the college’s Department of Dance\, wi ll also be making a presentation for 750 area students earlier in the day o n Nov. 9. In addition\, de la Peña will be in Muskegon on Thursday\, Nov. 10\, for a school-oriented event in the morning that will be attended by mo re than 800 second graders\, and a public presentation at 7 p.m. at the Fra uenthal Center.\n\nMore than 100 events are being presented throughout the West Michigan Lakeshore in conjunction with the NEA Big Read and Little Rea d Lakeshore during the latter half of October and the month of November. T his year\, the community-wide programs are exploring Greek mythology\, the Hero’s Journey\, and untold stories through the lives of characters ranging from an ancient mythological enchantress-goddess to a modern child and wel l-known superheroes.\n\nIn addition to de la Peña’s books\, this year’s Lit tle Read includes three other books for middle readers: Homer’s “The Odysse y”\; “Miles Morales: Spider-Man\,” by Jason Reynolds\; and “Zita the Spaceg irl\,” by Ben Hatke. The NEA Big Read Lakeshore is focusing on “Circe\,” b y Madeline Miller. More information\, including a complete schedule of even ts\, is available at bigreadlakeshore.com\n\nThe NEA Big Read is a program of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with Arts Midwest\, a nd the Little Read Lakeshore is made possible in part by a grant from the M ichigan Humanities. The two programs were named the Statewide Community Im pact Partner of the Year for 2021 by Michigan Humanities in May.\n\nBoth th e NEA Big Read and the Little Read Lakeshore are organized by Hope College with community partners throughout West Michigan. The Nov. 9 evening prese ntation is co-sponsored by Gentex\, Lakewood Construction and West MI Pedia tric Dentistry\, and the Nov. 9 morning event is being presented in partner ship with Ready for School.\n\nAudience members who need assistance to full y enjoy any event at Hope are encouraged to contact the college’s Events an d Conferences Office by emailing events@www.icarseries.com or calling 616-395-7222 on weekdays between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Updates related to events are posted wh en available in the individual listings at www.icarseries.com/calendar DTEND:20221110T013000Z DTSTAMP:20230804T173207Z DTSTART:20221110T000000Z GEO:42.789233;-86.100323 LOCATION:Jack H. Miller Center for Musical Arts\, Concert Hall SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Little Read Author Event with Matt de la Pena UID:tag:localist.com\,2008:EventInstance_40382192783615 URL:https://calendar.www.icarseries.com/event/little_read_author_event_with_matt_de_l a_pena END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR