开始:VCALENDAR版本:2.0 CALSCALE:公历PRODID: iCalendar-Ruby开始:VEVENT类:校园生活,中心的多样性和包容性,G.R.O.W.描述:博士。戴安娜Sorrentino \,安全主任和强度利哈伊谷骑士\ lligence操作,将地址“Lo向前积碳而反射”作为今年的年度+同性恋群体历史嘴里周三\希望学院讲座,10月19日\,下午4点在马斯河中心礼堂。世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地公众\ n \ nThe邀请。免门票。校园社区的成员不能参加这次活动可以请求访问l世界杯英格兰队vs丹麦队足彩墨水使用这种形式的记录:https://forms。gle / JgdqHDuxPSATTEic 8。\ n \ nThe主题演讲将专注于一个历史+运动和同性恋群体和个人的积极变化Sorrentino目睹了一个d亲自经历了过去25年。她今天将分享是多么不同版本y +同性恋群体的社区在信誉方面可能信息和获得可行的资源相比,当她b egan经历1960年代性别焦虑症。世界杯英格兰队vs丹麦队足彩Sorrentino将探索wh o”+社区驱动的影响他们的生活和影响他们的行为和世界杯英格兰队vs丹麦队足彩决定。她将审查影响和来讲ibutions”+社区使用可信的和事实方面与生理\ associa泰德,生物\,情感和心理eleme世界杯英格兰队vs丹麦队足彩 nt。\ n \ nSorrentino的学术资历包括社会学和心理学的博士学位。的广度和深度知识\ \的经验,技能和资源尽可能全面的多样化。 She has enjoyed an eclectic professional career with a portfolio of real-world experiences an d expertise which have been attained and enhanced through the diversity of her career. This career\; which encompasses a period of more than 40 years\ , includes: service as an intelligence officer\, researcher and analyst for the U.S. military with responsibilities for counter terrorism and counter intelligence operations for the Middle East and Southwest Asia.\n\nSorrenti no is a regular media contributor as a security consultant. She also provi des behavioral analysis\, threat assessment and in-depth interrogation serv ices in the criminal defense cases as well as for the prosecution of capita l murder cases. Sorrentino designs\, develops\, implements and presents cu stomized programs\, in-service training and seminars.\n\nThe event is being co-sponsored by the college’s Center for Diversity and Inclusion\, Prism a nd the campus-wide GROW (Growing Relationships through diverse Opportunitie s to strengthen involvement in an ever-changing World) initiative.\n\nAudie nce members who need assistance to fully enjoy any event at Hope are encour aged to contact the college’s Events and Conferences Office by emailing eve nts@www.icarseries.com or calling 616-395-7222 on weekdays between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Updates related to events are posted when available in the individual listi ngs at www.icarseries.com/calendar\n\nDue to the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic\, t he Center for Diversity and Inclusion requests and encourages wearing masks indoors. DTEND:20221019T210000Z DTSTAMP:20230818T214754Z DTSTART:20221019T200000Z GEO:42.787618;-86.100348 LOCATION:Maas Center\, Auditorium SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY: LGBTQ+ History Month Lecture UID:tag:localist.com\,2008:EventInstance_39683357665142 URL:https://calendar.www.icarseries.com/event/disability_inclusion_lecture_8867 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR