开始:VCALENDAR版本:2.0 CALSCALE:公历PRODID: iCalendar-Ruby开始:VEVENT类:学者、艺术与人文的分歧,历史,公共活动描述:诱人的历史遗憾将t他的重点解决“如果林肯住呢?“林肯由世界知名学者D r。艾伦周五\ c .普林斯顿大学的他,9月16日\,六点半p打烊。希望学世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地院。事件将在Winants礼堂Gra大大厅和在线通过谷歌满足\,并提前预定9月17 - 18 th e Van Raalte农场内战。公众\ n \ nThe邀请。一个dmission是免费的。\ n \ nJoin谷歌满足:meet.google.com/wvk-uvng-mks \ n \ nGuelzo的高级研究学者委员会倡议主任人文和政治和政治家的儿子詹姆斯Madi普林斯顿大学项目。\ n \新人道了书奖”亚伯拉罕·林肯:R edeemer总统\”,“林肯的解放宣言:在美国奴隶ry \,”和“林肯和道格拉斯:定义的讨论,美国。”他的文章和论文发表在学术期刊\,同时我n \《华尔街日报》,《基督教科学箴言报》\,纽约Ti mes \大西洋\,国家利益\ \每周标准,洗ington邮报\,《洛杉矶时报》。他一直出现在NPR \,探索频道\,国家地理频道\,布莱恩羊肉Booknote s和乔恩斯图尔特每日秀。\ n \新人道是国家人文\ C ouncil,一位美国学会理事会的社会表“状态”\,麦克尼尔公司早期美国研究中心大学的P ennsylvania \,和查尔斯·沃伦在哈佛大学美国研究中心。\ n \公司最新的书是“重建:简洁Histor y”和“罗伯特·e·李:一个生命。“他的网站是allenguelzo.com。\ n \ nGuel佐薇周五的演讲\,9月16日\,是通过“荷兰Van Raalte农场内战召集社区教育计划\”元素合作希望和Van Raalte农场内战。世界杯英格兰队vs丹麦队足彩合伙企业由子基金埃德·格兰特通过“没有比家更好的地方:安德鲁·w·梅隆基金会以社区为基础的伙伴关系的总统倡议希望公司llege和荷兰\,密歇根。世界杯英格兰队vs丹麦队足彩“\ n \ nThe Van Raalte农场内战召集\,th e第13届\,将于周六\ \ 9月17日,从早上9点到9 p打烊。9月18日,\,周日\ \,从早上9点到下午4点。 On-going features t hroughout the two days will include military and civilian encampments\, pre sentations\, sales of authentic Civil War items and a variety of souvenirs by vendors\, Civil War music and food. There will also be reenactments of the Battle of Antietam at 2 p.m. on each of the two days.\n\nGuelzo will al so speak at the muster\, on Saturday\, Sept. 17\, at 11 a.m. on the porch o f the farmhouse at Van Raalte Farm. The topic on Saturday will be “Our Sha dow in the Storms: Ulysses S. Grant\, The First Civil Rights President.”\n\ nThe public is invited to the muster and its events\, and admission is free . Additional information about the muster is available at vanraaltefarmciv ilwarmuster.com\n\nInformation about Hope College events is located at hope .edu/calendar\n\nGraves Hall is located at 263 College Ave.\, between 10th and 12th streets. The Van Raalte Farm Park is located west of Country Club Road between 16th and 24th streets\, and the address of the farmhouse is 1 076 16th St. DTEND:20220917T003000Z DTSTAMP:20230807T032039Z DTSTART:20220916T223000Z GEO:42.787605;-86.103684 LOCATION:Graves Hall\, 112 Winants Auditorium and Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Civil War Muster Weekend Speaker - Dr. Allen Guelzo UID:tag:localist.com\,2008:EventInstance_39550725218957 URL:https://calendar.www.icarseries.com/event/civil_war_muster_weekend_speaker_-_dr_a lan_guelzo END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR