开始:VCALENDAR版本:2.0 CALSCALE:公历PRODID: iCalendar-Ruby开始:VEVENT类:学者、自然科学和应用科学,化学和Bioc hemistry描述:“光学特性的新颖功能有机和无机M aterials“\ n \ nABSTRACT \ n \ nOrganic共轭分子光学和选举ronic应用收到了极大关注由于其通用性和相对较低的生产成本。虽然已经大improveme nt的光转换效率在某些光伏材料\,仍有关于电子的结构和不均匀性问题和能源运输过程。在这方面\,理解快速流程(fs)在当地的水平(nm)在这些系统是至关重要的设计标准,并对更好的性能在光学和电子设计应用。在这个演示\,结果photo-physical org阿尼奇动力学和无机光吸收材料将被描述。这些伴侣里亚尔使用时间分辨吸收和荧光分析了sp ectroscopy显微镜以及非线性和量子光学spectr oscopy。超快的极值问题,干涉显微镜测量调查连贯的能源运输的作用在这些有机越南河粉tovoltaic材料。使用这些方法提供见解的玉米螟百株卵量种群动态上和程度异质性在小说有机材料光学d电子应用程序。\ n \ nBIOGRAPHY \ n \ nProfessor西奥多古德森III (b: \ 4月5日,1969年)收到了他从沃巴什大学文科学士学位在1991年和1996年从你的博士学位。他是一个博士后al助理在芝加哥大学和牛津大学的博士后研究员(物理)。他曾在韦恩州立大学的教员f罗1998年到2004年,搬到密歇根大学是国际扶轮甜菜巴里·伯恩斯坦教授的化学教授应用Physi cs。 Dr. Goodson's research centers on the investigation of ultra-fast\, non linear optical\, and quantum optical properties in organic multi-chromophor e and metal cluster systems for particular optical and electronic applicati ons in the condensed phase. This has included contributions to the understa nding of ultra-fast exciton migration in organic dendrimers and novel molec ular aggregates\, correlations of ultra-fast dynamics in organic polymers w ith photovoltaic performance\, the nature of ultra-fast electronic process es in in small (magic number) metal clusters\, ultra-fast two photon effect s for the determination of DNA-drug binding modes\, ultra-fast nonlinear op tical detection of remote IEDs\, ultra-fast processes of the aggregation pr ocess in the formation of amyloids\, the interaction of organic molecules w ith non-classical (entangled) light\, the quantum optical response of biolo gical macromolecules. His research has been translated in to technology in the areas of two-photon organic materials for eye and sensor protection\, l arge dielectric and energy storage effects in organic macromolecular materi als\, the remote detection of energetic (explosive) devices by nonlinear op tical methods\, quantum optical communications and remote chemical sensing\ , tissue imaging and photodynamic therapy with small metal clusters. He h as published over 170 scientific papers and one book (Solar Fuels) and has given more than 250 invited talks. Professor Goodson has been awarded numer ous awards including the Distinguished University Professor Award\, the Nat ional Science Foundation American Innovation Fellowship\, The Percy Julian Award (NOBCChE)\, Fellow of the American Chemical Society\, Army Young Inve stigator\, National Science Foundation CAREER Award\, Alfred P. Sloan Resea rch Fellowship\, Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award to name a few. He ha s been a Senior Editor for The Journal of Physical Chemistry since 2007. He has done extensive work with the U of Michigan President’s office to enhan ce efforts for diversity in the STEM fields at the University of Michigan a nd beyond. DTEND:20230303T220000Z DTSTAMP:20230801T052314Z DTSTART:20230303T210000Z GEO:42.786861;-86.104963 LOCATION:A. Paul Schaap Science Center\, Auditorium 1000 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Canceled: Chemistry Seminar: Professor Theodore Goodson III\, Unive rsity of Michigan UID:tag:localist.com\,2008:EventInstance_40178705315674 URL:https://calendar.www.icarseries.com/event/chemistry_seminar_8233 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR