开始:VCALENDAR版本:2.0 CALSCALE:公历PRODID: iCalendar-Ruby开始:VEVENT类:校园生活,中心的多样性和包容性,学者、Disabil密度和可访问性服务描述:卢西亚里奥斯\,荷兰残疾人权利活动家\,会给他主题“完整的循环——它是我生命的旅程”sday \星期二,10月4日\,下午4点在马斯河中心希望学院的礼堂。世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地Sh e将讨论残疾的交集和种族复合易访问性壁垒作为学校的残疾包容并Hispan ic遗产讲座。公众\ n \ nThe邀请。免门票。\ n \ nCommu思路成员被鼓励参加面对面。这个事件也将李ve-streamed www.icarseries.com/live和通过希望学院YouTube频道。世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地请求se注意,由于持续的COVID-19流行\,面具将要求所有面对面的与会者。\ n \ nRios是一个提倡残疾和acc essibility从荷兰\,她在那里住了她的整个生活。她的财富o f经验来源于工作了20年的五个组织sp \专攻资源,指导和包容的社区成员将残疾。世界杯英格兰队vs丹麦队足彩\ n \ nShe毕业于西密歇根大学\ e在哪儿她收到新闻学士学位和一个比较宗教。校园作为一个轮椅导航用户加强她的决心改善conditi ons在类似的情况下为自己和他人。\ n \ nAfter毕业\,她开始为残疾工作网络湖岸\ t o创建的非营利组织帮助残疾人获得连接到在社区资源。世界杯英格兰队vs丹麦队足彩 Ri os worked at Disability Network Lakeshore for 15 years as the accessibility specialist and youth services coordinator. In these roles\, she was an edu cator for the community on disability etiquette and barriers to employment\ , as well as working one-on-one with disabled children and adults.\n\nRios currently works for Salesforce\, a software development company based in Sa n Francisco. There\, she is a workforce navigators program associate for pe ople with accessibility needs. She uses her knowledge of workforce developm ent issues and policy to create a more equitable and sustainable place for those with disabilities at her company.\n\nThe event is being co-sponsored by the college’s Center for Diversity and Inclusion\; the Latino Student Or ganization\; Hope Advocates for Invisible Conditions\, Disability and Acces sibility Resources\; and the campus-wide GROW (Growing Relationships throug h diverse Opportunities to strengthen involvement in an ever-changing World ) initiative.\n\nAudience members who need assistance to fully enjoy any ev ent at Hope are encouraged to contact the college’s Events and Conferences Office by emailing events@www.icarseries.com or calling 616-395-7222 on weekdays betw een 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Updates related to events are posted when available i n the individual listings at www.icarseries.com/calendar.\n\nThe Maas Center is locat ed at 264 Columbia Ave.\, between 10th and 13th streets. DTEND:20221004T210000Z DTSTAMP:20230819T041410Z DTSTART:20221004T200000Z GEO:42.787618;-86.100348 LOCATION:Maas Center SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Hispanic Heritage and Disability Inclusion Lecture: Lucia Rios UID:tag:localist.com\,2008:EventInstance_41040630131544 URL:https://calendar.www.icarseries.com/event/address_to_discuss_intersection_of_disa bility_and_race END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR