Why Read Zita the Space Girl

Our third middle-grade book for this year’s NEA Big Read Lakeshore 2022 isZita the Spacegirlby Ben Hatke.Zita the Spacegirlis a graphic novel series and can be considered our more traditional middle-grade heroes’ journey story.


Now, this is not where our story ends, it is actually where it begins. Having her friend taken into an unknown universe forces Zita to do everything in her power to get him back. That includes taking on any space creatures in her path and becoming Zita the Spacegirl.

Not only does the story of Zita help to keep readers intrigued in this space hero journey, but the story of author Ben Hatke and the art style also helps. In aninterviewwith MacMillan Publishers, Ben Hatke explained that being a writer and an artist are not things that can be separated:


Ultimately, the goal of choosing a graphic novel likeZita the Spacegirl是为了表明英雄可以以任何形式出现,英雄的旅程书有许多不同的风格。Though in addition to this the team at the Big Read Lakeshore hopes that you will giveZita the Spacegirlby Ben Hatke a try and even complete the series.

Themes in Miles Morales: Spider-Man

In the last blog post, we discussedMiles Morales: Spider-Manby Jason Reynolds and gave a brief synopsis of the book. But what are some of the book’s main themes that you should know about, and what will be different if you decide to read the novel version and your friend chooses to read the graphic novel?


There are three main themes inMiles Morales: Spider-Manand they are the school-to-prison pipeline, racism, and coming of age. Theschool-to-prison pipelineis a term that refers to a larger set of rules and policies which place students of color into the criminal justice system. This theme can be seen in many different ways throughout the book. Still, it is most prevalent when Miles and his father visit his cousin Austin in jail and when Miles notices that many of his classmates who are people of color either go missing from school or are suspended in large numbers.

The next theme, racism, is also very prevalent in the book. Mr. Chamberlin, Miles’ history teacher, seems to embody racism. In his history classes, Mr. Chamberlin frequently lectures about the Civil War, where most of them are pro-slavery.


Novel vs. Graphic Novel

While the themes may not change that much depending on whether or not you read the novel or the graphic novel version ofMiles Morales: Spider-Man,you should know some key differences.

  1. 这部小说几乎没有提到蜘蛛侠(彼得·帕克饰)。
  2. The graphic novel takes place in a world where Spider-Man (Peter Parker) has failed.
  3. 漫画小说有一个更传统的“坏人”。
  4. 小说中有一个“坏人”,但他代表了一个更大的主题:种族主义和从学校到监狱的通道。
  5. The novel does not focus much on the action or physical things that Miles Morales as Spider-Man can do.
  6. 这部漫画小说主要讲述了蜘蛛侠迈尔斯·莫拉莱斯的身体和蜘蛛侠技能。
  7. 小说和图画小说中的人物似乎是一样的。

Hopefully, whether you read the graphic novel or the novel, you can spot the significant themes, find other themes, and have meaningful discussions about their differences.

Miles Morales: Spider-Man

If you are a fan of Marvel, then you should definitely pick up a copy of the second middle-grade read that the NEA Big Read Lakeshore has chosen, which isMiles Morales: Spider-Man杰森·雷诺兹。在这一点上,杰森雷诺兹应该是一个家喻户晓的名字,任何人参加NEA大读湖畔活动。Not only has Jason Reynolds been to Holland, Michigan before, but he is also the author of our other middle-grade read,A Long Way Down, which you can read more about in thisblog post.

Though what isMiles Morales: Spider-Manabout? Well, the book version, there is also a graphic novel version, follows the story of Miles Morales, a half African-American and half Puerto Rican boy from Brooklyn who goes to the Brooklyn Vision School on a scholarship. His father, Jefferson Davis, is a police officer who got into trouble during his teenage years, and his uncle, Aaron, never moved past his troubling teenage years. However, Miles is trying to stay on the straight and narrow and be Spider-Man simultaneously. Even with Miles keeping his head down and focusing on school, something is still off. His spidey senses seem not to be working as well; he is suspended from school and is butting heads with his history teacher. Yet, with the help of his roommate slash best friend, Miles will find that there is a deeper reason for everything feeling off.

最终,这本书对每个人来说都有一点。这和蜘蛛侠有联系。还有杰森·雷诺兹的精彩作品。有一些相关的潜在主题,我们将在下一篇博客文章中讨论,以及更多内容。So, even if you are older than the typical middle-grade reader or are wondering if a Spider-Man book is for you, I highly suggest you pick upMiles Morales: Spider-Manby Jason Reynolds and give it a try.

Themes in the Long Way Down

In the last blog post, we discussed why you should readLong Way Downby Jason Reynolds and even gave you some background information about the author and the book to entice you to pick it up and begin reading. This blog post will discuss the major themes that makeLong Way Downa book you need to read.


Grief is a theme that is strung throughoutLong Way Down. It is very clear from the beginning of the book, when the first murder happens, and the family is made aware, that grief will play a significant role in the book. ThoughLong Way Downdoes not just deal with having grief, it also deals with coming to terms with your grief and doing that in a healthy way which is what Will, the main character, does throughout the book,

A Cycle of Violence:

The cycle of violence is also an essential theme in the book and helps to push the plot along. The most memorable quote from the book, “There’s a code of conduct, and what those rules are is number one, no crying, number two, no snitching, and number three, always seek revenge.” help to show that with each act of violence more violence will follow.

Toxic Masculinity:

According toThe Good Men Project,toxic masculinity is a “narrow and repressive description of manhood, designating manhood as defined by violence, sex, status, and aggression. It’s the cultural ideal of manliness, where strength is everything while emotions are a weakness;”. The idea that emotions are a weakness can be seen throughout the book, like in rule number one, which states no crying.


Though not all the themes inLong Way Downare sad, some can be heartwarming, like family. Family is an essential theme in the book; it is intertwined with other themes, like grief, and it also kicks off the action when Shawn is murdered while coming home from getting an eczema cream for his mother.

Ultimately, there are many ways these four themes can be seen throughoutLong Way Down还有更多的主题有待发现。Grab a copy ofLong Way Down并告诉我们你能找到什么主题。

Why read the Long Way Down

In keeping with our 2022 NEA Big Read Lakeshore and Little Read theme that anyone can be a hero, our team decided to show that with our middle-grade books. These are books that are targeted at late elementary, middle school, and early high school students, but are perfect for any reader.

The first middle-grade book we have chosen isLong Way Down杰森·雷诺兹。Jason Reynolds is an award-winning author, andLong Way Downhas even won the John Newberry Award. This award is given to the author of books considered a distinguished contribution to American children’s literature. Also, if you were in Holland, Michigan, in March of 2018, you may already be familiar with Jason Reynolds because he had an author visit at the Herrick District Library.

Long Way Downis an interesting book. Will, the main character, is a fifteen-year-old boy who witnesses his brother, Shawn, die because of gun violence. Will then takes it into his own hands to kill his brother’s murderer because of the neighborhood’s rules: don’t cry, don’t snitch, and take revenge. However, a ride in his apartment building’s elevator, which is the main setting for the book, and some frank talks with people from his past make Will rethink if following the neighborhood rules is something he should do.

Another thing that makesLong Way Downinteresting是用诗歌写的。Now, if you participated in the 2021 NEA Big Read Lakeshore and read along as we worked our way throughAn American Sunrise由乔伊·哈乔所著,你会成为阅读诗歌的老手。Though even if you did not join us forAn American Sunrise,Reynolds writes in such a way that there are still poetic qualities along with a clear storyline and many themes, which we will discuss in the next blog.

Q&A with the Big Read Synlesa App Creators

This summer two Hope College students, Tatiana Beranand Luke Van Hout, have been working on an app for the Big Read and Little Read programs. The creators of the app were kind enough to answer a few questions about the process and what they learned along the way.


Student Bios

Tatiana: I am from Stevensville, Mi about an hour south of Holland. I chose Hope because of the community aspect and I could see myself in their Computer Science department. I am planning to major in Computer Science and Mathematics. At Hope, I love Chapel services, hanging out with friends, and going to sporting events, especially basketball games. Some of my favorite Hope memories are late-night study sessions, hammocking in the pine grove, and worship nights at the beach. Looking to my future, I hope to continue my education and eventually work as a software developer.




Luke: I was excited to take an already existing project and completely overhaul it. I liked being able to have some creative freedom with the layout and design of the site.

Can you outline for us the process of creating the app?

Both: There were a lot of different steps to creating this app. We were given a rough draft of the chatroom that we manipulated and changed to fit what we wanted with Synlesa. In the beginning, there was a huge learning curve as we had to learn multiple new programs and languages for this project. Then we made some elementary fixes to be able to upload different types of data in the chatroom. After we met with Dr. VanDuinen though, it was clear we needed to do some major refactoring to add the Bookrooms. After creating this, we added different features to the user interface and separate features to the admin interface. Finally, there was just a lot of debugging and fixing different features to work as smoothly as possible. We both underestimated how big of a difference-making all these small modifications would make on the website as a whole. It was all very worth it though, and we’re both very proud of this project.



Luke: The hardest part of the project for me was learning to implement our database into the website. We used a free service from Google, called Firebase, to store all of the data entered into the site. Getting the data to display correctly across the site was a big challenge in the beginning, as it wasn’t like anything I had done before.

What was the most enjoyable part of the process?



Why the name Synlesa?

Both: Dr. Jipping’s technique for naming apps is to google translate the English name into different languages and see what sounds cool. This seemed like a fun technique so we translated read into different languages and finally chose Icelandic because lesa sounded pretty. We also loved the idea of students coming together to read and grow through the discussions so we added the prefix syn to the front of lesa. Synlesa symbolizes reading together or coming together to read.

How do you think the Big Read app can contribute to the program goals of fostering a culture where reading matters and readers, of all ages, learn from each other?

Both: We think Synlesa will allow readers, of all ages, to engage in discussion over books and topics that interest them. Books enable readers to make connections across different topics including current events, historic events, art, and especially other books. By sharing these connections with others, it will encourage readers to venture deeper into the book’s content and gain more from the book as well as make connections with other readers. This will not only further their enjoyment of the book itself, but also further their enjoyment of reading in general.

What books do you enjoy reading?




Both: Our advice would be to be open-minded and ready to learn from other users. Everyone comes from a different background and will have their own inferences and thoughts based on that, so be ready to learn from others who differ from you. Be kind.


Tatiana: I chose to do this project because of my love for reading and books. I have always loved reading. My favorite classes in high school were when we had Socratic Seminars and discussed the books we were reading because I enjoyed hearing how others read the same book I did. Everyone has a different background and brings something different to the discussion.


What to Know Before Reading The Odyssey

Who is Homer?

Homer is a Greek poet born between the 12th and 8th centuries BC. Scholars know very little about Homer other than the fact that he wrote bothThe Iliadand《奥德赛》.


BothThe Iliadand《奥德赛》是史诗诗。这意味着文本是一本书长度的故事,以诗歌的形式。史诗通常会重述一个人或一群人的英雄旅程,因为他们完成了超人的事迹并开始冒险。

Where Does This Story Take Place?

《奥德赛》mostly takes place on and around the Aegean sea. The Trojan war took place in Troy, believed to be a place in modern-day Turkey, and Ithaca is a Greek Island located off the coast of Greece.



The Iliadtakes place 10 years into the Trojan War and follows the Greek hero Achilles, while《奥德赛》begins after the Trojan War is over and Odysseus journeys home to Ithaca.


Odysseus- the main character of《奥德赛》who was a favorite of the goddess Athena. This epic poem tells the story of his journey back home to Ithaca after the Trojan War

Penelope- Odysseus’s wife in Ithaca and the mother of Telemachus known for her loyalty and faithfulness

Telemachus- the son of Odysseus and Penelope who tries to protect his mother from various suitors in his father’s absence. After his father’s death, he arrives on Circe’s island and marries Circe

喀耳刻——一个仙女和女巫,当水手们登陆她的岛屿时,她把他们变成猪。Odysseus landed on her island in《奥德赛》and stayed with her for a year before resuming his journey

Telegonus- the son of Circe and Odysseus who left Aeaea, Circe’s Island, and accidentally killed his father with a poisoned lance. After his father’s death, he married Penelope, Odysseus’s widow


As you probably know, the Big Read’s 2022 book selection is Circe by Madeline Miller. Our program also selected several middle-grade books and a little grade book. One of our big-grade and middle-grade reads is a version of Homer’s《奥德赛》.


我们选择这本书的一个原因就是这个原因。许多高中课程在他们的课程中使用这一文本,它与赛斯很好地配对。Miller’s book retells portions of《奥德赛》from Circe’s point of view. Circe is a villainous character that is a barrier to Odysseus, the main character of《奥德赛》. It is important to take the time to understand different perspectives and pairing these pieces together allows our lakeshore readers to do that.

Many of our student participants will be reading this in school with a teacher to guide them through the tricky content. Yet, if you are thinking of reading this on your own, then choosing Garth Hinds graphic novel version of《奥德赛》may help you understand the story in an accessible way. There is also a version by Gillian Cross that gives illustrations along with the narrative text of《奥德赛》.

我们的项目旨在激发湖岸读者阅读文本,推动和帮助他们理解文学中的重要主题。《奥德赛》does this by incorporating the hero’s journey, a better understanding of Greek mythology and culture, themes of pride, loyalty, and vengeance, and many other reasons.


Circe – What’s to Know?

This year our Big Read Lakeshore selection isCirce玛德琳·米勒。我们有许多包含英雄之旅主题的中读和少读书籍。我们相信,为了了解和借鉴他人的经验,阅读文学作品是很重要的——我们选择的2022年书籍提供了充分的机会来讨论这一点!

About the Author:

Madeline Miller was born in New York City and then moved to Philadelphia. Throughout her childhood, she recalls loving museums in the city and was drawn to exhibits about the Egyptians, Romans, and Ancient Greeks.


Her first novel,The Song of Achilles, was awarded the 2012 Orange Prize for Fiction and was a New York Times Bestseller. Her second novel,Circe这本书立刻成为《纽约时报》畅销书的第一名,并获得了多个奖项,包括独立选择年度最佳成人小说奖。

Background on Circe:

Madeline Miller’s Website gives some background information on Circe in the introduction to a Photo Essay that explains:

“Circe, the witch who turns Odysseus’ men to pigs, has proved one of Homer’s most memorable creations. We first meet the goddess in book 10 of the Odyssey, living on her lush, deserted island of Aiaia, surrounded by tame wolves and lions. When Odysseus’ ship lands on her shore, she gives the crew wine mixed with spell-drugs, then transforms them to pigs. When Odysseus comes to rescue them, she attempts to give him the same potion, but he is protected by magical herbs, courtesy of Hermes. Circe and Odysseus become lovers, and Odysseus and his men (returned to their regular shape) dally in luxury on her island for a year.”

“It is no surprise, given such a vivid story, that Circe has proved irresistible to generations of artists. Below is a sample of the many faces our favorite witch has worn over the millennia.”

Madeline Miller’s Photo Essay at www.madelinemiller.com/circe/circe-photo-essay/

Circe is an infamous Greek figure and this book includes many other Greek figures like Odysseus, Greek gods and goddesses, Prometheus, and Scylla and Charybdis.

This map shows where Circe’s Island likely would have been in context to the ancient Greek world.

Where to Find More Information About Circe:

Are you interested in learning more aboutCirce? Thisvideofeatures Madeline Miller as she answers questions about her book. You could also check out herwebsite为更多的信息。


We are so excited to have Lakeshore readers read our 2022 book (Circe玛德琳·米勒(Madeline Miller)的作品),并开始谈论它的主题和主题。



I started readingCirce在圣诞假期。在一个漫长的学期里,我不得不阅读大量的东西作为家庭作业,我很犹豫是否要开始阅读另一本书,尽管这是为了乐趣。也就是说,我非常喜欢这本书,读了几天就读完了。


不只是我喜欢这本书!The New York Timesreviewed this book in 2018 and said that it was, “A bold and subversive retelling of the goddess’s story that manages to be both epic and intimate in its scope, recasting the most infamous female figure from the Odyssey as a hero in her own right.”

Let us know what you think about this year’s selection below in the comments. We are excited to start reading with you!