Launching Hope Forward

A college education is priceless, but way too expensive.

Given our Christian mission and our name – HOPE! – we aim to lead the charge toward a new college funding model.


Our goal is to provide a transformative Hope education for all students who come through our doors, with tuition fully funded by the generous gifts of others. This, in turn, will free up our graduates to pursue impact, working to make the world a better place rather than working to pay off student loan bills. These alumni will then commit to “pay it forward,” investing in the generations of students who follow them.这与基督教福音的核心是一致的——你被覆盖了;now go and live differently.

This is Hope Forward! It’s a college funding model based on the biblical principles of generosity and gratitude. It could change everything.

Hear more about how it works:

To do this in a financially sustainable way, we need to raise a significant amount of money in the endowment. So far, we have raised more than $30 million toward this vision. In addition, this fall our first pilot group of Hope Forward students will join our campus. These 22 students have big hearts, open minds and a God-given passion to bring hope to the world.

We need your help to accelerate this momentum.

Spread the word! Share this message with your friends, family and colleagues on your social media accounts!

Learn more about how you can participate in this bold initiative

Campus Resources for these heavy times

Campus Community,

As we enter the last few weeks of this Spring 2021 semester, we acknowledge that the past year has been mixed with much pain, division, and hurt. As many of us were planning on the details of summer research and Fall 2020 details, we were also grieving the brutal murder and killings of many. Of these, the murder of George Floyd gripped and shook the world–causing many to pause, lament, and wrestle with systems and practices that have subjugated too many based on the physical form God put his divine breathe in.

While we may not know the precise end of the current Chauvin trial, we do want to remind our campus community of our Mission, Christian Aspirations, and Virtues of Discourse. We are living in very challenging times–grieving a pre-pandemic life and dealing with the ramifications of racist sins.


CDI Resources

CAPS Resources
CAPS has same-day scheduling for appointments – just call the CAPS office at (616-395-7945) to arrange an appointment. There is also an after-hours crisis on-call service available for times when the CAPS office is closed. This service can be reached by calling the CAPS number and following the recorded prompts.

Faculty & Staff Resources
Our Employee Assistance Program has a 24/7/365 hotline available. Just call 1-800-448-8326 to immediately connect with someone for support. Here is anewsletter(1Hope login required) focused on identifying resources and methods to help heal in the midst of national and global tragedies.

Spiritual Resources
I.Personal Support:在这个季节,希望的牧师可以为任何和所有正在挣扎的学生祈祷、交谈和支持。Feel free to reach out to Trygve Johnson (, Jennifer Ryden (, Jill Nelson (, Paul Boersma (, Bruce Benedict (, Nancy Smith (, and Matt Margaron (

II.Pray the Psalms.挽歌时期祈祷的经文:挽歌是《圣经》中的祈祷书,在150篇祈祷文中,有42篇挽歌,其中30篇为个人挽歌,其余为公共挽歌。在极度悲痛、不确定、愤怒、沮丧的时候,这些诗篇一直是神的子民的向导。这也提醒我们,上帝能够处理我们的愤怒和为正义而哀叹的呼声。If you are looking for help to know how to pray I encourage you to use these Psalms as a guide for to pray – both individually and with your friends or community corporately.

These Psalms are often helpful for communal prayers of lament: Psalm 12, Psalm 44, Psalm 58, Psalm 60, Psalm 74, Psalm 79, Psalm 80, Psalm 83, Psalm 85, Psalm 86, Psalm 90, Psalm 94, Psalm 123, Psalm 126, Psalm 129.

For individual Laments these are recommended Psalms to guide you in prayer: Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 5, Psalm7, Psalm 9-10, Psalm 13, Psalm 14, Psalm 17, Psalm 22, Psalm 25, Psalm 26, Psalm 27, Psalm 28, Psalm, 31, Psalm 36, Psalm 39.

III.Create.In times of pain, anger, and personal and communal trial it is often helpful to write your own prayer of lament to God. Following the form of the psalmists, here is a guide for you to use for your own prayer of laments.

  1. Invocation – The initial cry to God to take notice
  2. Complaint – the description of the psalmist suffering against God or some enemy/ies.
  3. Request – the psalmist petitions God to act on the Psalmists behalf.
  4. 信心的表达-通常是神在历史上值得信赖的特性或行为的陈述。
  5. Vow of Praise – assurance of praise that will follow deliverance.

IV.The Harvey Prayer Chapel你可以单独去祷告,也可以和牧师或朋友一起祷告。在哈维祈祷教堂里,你可以找到各种资源,比如日记、《圣经》、《公共祈祷书》和哀悼祈祷指南,还有一面祈祷墙,你可以把你手写的祈祷文放在那里。

V.Chapel and Worship.教堂周一、周三和周五对所有学生开放。在试炼的时候,我们作为一个团体的回应方式之一就是去敬拜神。世界杯英格兰队vs丹麦队足彩专注于神,他的品格激发了信心、希望和爱,我们共同的希望美德是你的资源。


On behalf of the following offices:
Office of the President
Provost’s Office
Center for Diversity and Inclusion
Campus Ministry
Counseling And Psychological Services
Public Affairs & Marketing

Easter Message

Dear Hope Community,

A colleague recently focused me on the side of the Easter story I am usually too quick to skip over: Jesus’ suffering. The injustice He faced. His death.

Emotionally, it’s easy to jump to resurrection Sunday and the joy of Easter morning. But the suffering Jesus endured is a vital part of the story.


On Good Friday, we see a God who suffers first-hand from the grief of losing a loved one – His only son. Many of us have lost loved ones during the last twelve months. Hope College has lost two of our own colleagues: Dianna Machiela in Human Resources and Dr. Jenny Hampton in the Physics Department. Easter depicts a God who knows the pain of loss and endured it Himself.

The Easter Story also shows a God who is the victim of injustice and oppression. The Old Testament says that God identifies with the poor and oppressed (Proverbs 14:31). The New Testament — especially on Good Friday — goes a step further: Godbecomespoor and oppressed.

Jesus, the King of Heaven, was born to a poor family in a dirty stall. He was ridiculed, beaten, endured a trial that was a miscarriage of justice, put to death, and buried in a borrowed grave.


So this year, as we celebrate the joy of resurrection Sunday, let’s not forget the suffering of Good Friday. And let’s remember that we serve a God who suffers with us.

Spera in Deo.

Looking Ahead to the Fall

President Scogin
President Matthew A. Scogin

One year ago today, March 12, 2020, we cancelled classes to give faculty a chance to prepare for remote learning and provide students an extra day to pack their things. Little did we know that we were embarking on a journey requiring extraordinary patience, perseverance and resilience.

Today, with one year behind us, we look ahead. We are preparing now for the 2021-22 academic year, and our plan is to return to a normal campus environment.

We know from experience circumstances can change, but assuming vaccinations progress as expected and state guidelines allow, we will resume regular campus operations and policies by August 1. This will include the removal of restrictions on campus gatherings, residential life and dining as well as requirements such as mask-wearing. In the months leading up to August, staff and faculty will return to standard on-campus work and operations, so that when the academic year begins, our community will be fully together.

Over the course of the last year, we’ve been at our best when we have shown bold leadership. Hope was one of the first small institutions to go remote last March, and last summer, we made an early commitment to resume in-person learning in the fall — even reimagining the academic schedule to make it happen.


Let’s also use this light at the end of the tunnel as a chance to renew our commitments today. We are surely closer to the end of the pandemic than the beginning. Yet currently, the virus remains a real threat to our community.

Therefore, while we will do our best to incrementally provide a more normal experience this semester, most current restrictions will remain in place through the end of this term, as well as May/June terms. Our mitigation strategy of masking up, distancing, wastewater surveillance testing, and quarantine/isolation is working to maintain a strong and healthy learning environment. Thank you for your efforts!

We are stronger than we were a year ago. And we look to the future with HOPE — a confident and joyful expectation that something good is going to happen!

Philanthropy: Love of Humanity

Today is Hope’s annualDay of Giving

“慈善”这个词听起来很高调,通常与有钱人把钱捐给“慈善事业”联系在一起。That only scratches the surface.

In its purest form, “philanthropy” means love of humanity. “Philos” means love (think: Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love); “Anthropos” (think: anthropology) means mankind or humanity. A philanthropist is one who acts out of love for mankind.

That –philanthropos-是我们在希望学院工作的核心。世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地We raise money for scholarships out oflove对学生来说,现在和未来,使大学教育的机会对学生和他们的家庭更负担得起和更容易获得。比利时vs俄罗斯比分

但我们做的还不止这些。We don’tjust提供高质量的基督教教育。我们希望传播。

第一个“慈善家”也是如此。The wordphilanthroposwas first used in Aeschylus’Prometheus Bound写于2500年前的希腊神话。在故事中,一个原始的人类,过着野蛮的生活在黑暗的洞穴,激起了宙斯的愤怒。To prevent Zeus from destroying mankind, the titan Prometheus, out of hisphilanthropos tropos(“humanity-loving character”), gave humanity two redeeming gifts.


The second gift washope


Prometheus is a 1934 gilded, cast bronze sculpture by Paul Manship, located above the lower plaza atRockefeller Centerin Manhattan, New York City.

That’s what philanthropists do: give the hope and tools necessary to better the human condition.

That’s Hope College: out of a Christ-like love of mankind, we offer the tools andhope这是改变生活的必要条件。

Through Day of Giving this year, we’re asking you to join us in ourphilanthropicendeavor. More important than ever due to the economic challenges of the pandemic, scholarship dollars make this transformative Christian education even more accessible and affordable for our students.

要成为一个慈善家,你不需要富有或有影响力。All you need is a love for humanity – for these students at Hope – and a heart to give the gift of hope.

Partner with

People of Hope

Dear Hope Community,




Last night I felt personally worried. I spent part of my career working in Washington, D.C. and have been to countless meetings inside the Capitol Building. I know people who work there, and Hope College has many alumni who work in and around the Capitol complex.


It is rumored that after the Constitutional Convention concluded, a passerby saw Benjamin Franklin and asked, “What do we have, a monarchy or a republic?” His supposed response, “A republic, if you can keep it.” Today our republic feels particularly fragile.

问题是,我们能做什么?“希望”说,我们的存在,在某种程度上是为了“追求真理,更新思想,丰富学科,改造文化”。What does that look like now?


So what can we do?

First, we should pray. This might feel like inaction to some, but could there ever be anything more powerful than seeking intervention from the one whose very name makes evil tremble?


Third, as we prepare to come back together in a couple weeks, let’s look for ways to actively live into our aspired campus culture characterized by grace, understanding and belonging. Here’s what these mean in short:

Grace:We extend our best to each other and we believe the best of one another. We strive to foster a culture of trust and accountability. Our culture is free from threat, intimidation, gossip and retaliation. People always have someone they can turn to for help.
Understanding:Even when we don’t agree, we work to understand each other better and move forward. We disagree well.




It may feel difficult to feel God’s “joy in the morning.” And yet, we are a People of Hope.

Spera in Deo,
Matthew A. Scogin

Freezing tuition, room and board rates for 2021-22

Dear Hope Community,

As we wrap up this semester and begin to look ahead, I’m excited to announce that the Hope College Board of Trustees has approved a freeze to the tuition, room and board rates for the 2021-22 academic year. For the first time since 1968, the cost of a Hope education will not increase in the coming year.


A counter-cultural position.The decision to keep costs flat, however, is more than simply a response to challenging times. Against the spiraling cost of higher education, it is a deliberate move to be counter-cultural.

For decades, colleges and universities in the United States have increased the sticker price of tuition at roughly double the rate of inflation. Increasing tuition year over year is now assumed — as if it’s the law of gravity. It’s no longer “if,” but “by how much?” Hope has not been immune to this cultural assumption; until now, we’ve followed the trend, raising our tuition every year for more than 50 consecutive years.

Looking ahead, tuition increases for an excellent residential college education are unlikely to slow — and may even get worse in the coming years.

Here’s what’s happening on a national level: The cost of running a college has never been more expensive than it is right now (due to COVID-19), and at the same time, revenue is decreasing because of declining enrollment. The combination of higher expenses and less revenue means more pressure on scholarship dollars. With less scholarship money available, the real cost of college will go upyet again-今年和可能在未来几年。



A new thing.In my inauguration speech, less than 18 months ago, I said something that was and continues to be on my heart: “God is one who never changes . . . and yet also a God who does new things. I feel God moving here now . . . doing a new thing at Hope College.” I’ve never lost the feeling that God is doing a new thing at Hope College. In fact, I feel it even more strongly today than last year.


Hope has already set itself apart this year, and we can continue to do so by tackling tough questions facing higher education. This is the first step toward the goal of a different approach to funding higher education and, ultimately, improving how we provide a transformational Christian education that equips students to bring HOPE to the world.

Spera in Deo!

Matthew A. Scogin

See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland.

Isaiah 43:19

Dr. Gordon Van Wylen (1920-2020)

To the Hope College Community,


Dr. Van Wylen was a remarkable human being — a vibrant and passionate leader who devoted his life to God, the pursuit of knowledge, and public service. He had a profound, positive impact on countless lives.

He served as Hope’s president from 1972 until 1987, and his extraordinary leadership and vision has left an enduring mark on this college.




Dr. Gordon Van Wylen had a human spirit that radiated the Christian gospel. He fought the good fight and finished the race well; he was indeed a good and faithful servant. Today he joins Margaret, his wife of 66 years, in heaven.


You can read more about his life and legacyhere

Spera in Deo,

Matthew A. Scogin

Resilient Hope on Election Eve

Dear Students of Hope,


As the COVID-19 pandemic rages on, the most vicious, mean-spirited political season in modern history has reached its pinnacle. We are on the eve of the 2020 election – and we are worn out. We are tired of all the vitriol, name-calling, stereotyping and polarization.


然而,我们的明确立场,是关于我们的忠诚。At Hope, our allegiance is to God above politics.


That means our identity is not defined by the outcome of tomorrow’s election. No matter who wins, we have reason to take heart, because God is on the throne.

When all is said and done, I pray that we will look back and say that 2 Cor 1:12 characterized the Hope community. “We have conducted ourselves in the world . . . with integrity and sincerity from God. We have done so, relying not on worldly wisdom but on God’s grace.”

Conducting ourselves according to God’s grace has never been more needed.

As a result of a large number of people voting by mail, it is likely that the final outcome of this election will not be clear right away. It is important to be prepared for uncertainty – and the potential for anxiety – that may follow. During this time, let’s conduct ourselves according to God’s grace.


The potential for prolonged uncertainty combined with heated rhetoric, polarization and already high levels of anxiety from the COVID pandemic, has caused many to predict civil unrest or violence throughout our country after the election. This could manifest itself in large or small ways.


The story of our semester, it seems, is coming to a climax this week – with COVID cases rising, election day drama peaking and the stress of final exams looming. As we go through the next several days, it is worth stepping back and remembering how far we’ve come this year. You all have proven to be the most resilient group of students to study at Hope in several generations.

You are resilient. You have endured. You have bounced back from unprecedented disruption. As we near the finish line of this extraordinary semester, remember where endurance comes from. Endurance comes from HOPE (1 Thess 1:3).

You have inspired me in profound ways this year. Let’s continue to show the world what it means to be a people of hope.

Spera in Deo!

Matthew A. Scogin


Election Season: A Time for Belonging, Understanding and Grace — and HOPE

We are just over two weeks away from Election Day. Throughout this campaign season, our nation has been experiencing increasing levels of vitriol, disrespect and hostility — and those experiences are having a corrosive effect on our communities. At a time when others are sowing seeds of discord, we aspire to live fully into our name, HOPE.


At the heart of our work is a commitment tobelonging, understanding and grace— the three-part framework that Hope’s Culture Task Force established last year.

Understanding:Even when we don’t agree, we work to understand each other better and move forward. We disagree well. We can respectfully discuss emotional and consequential issues.
Grace:We extend our best to each other and we believe the best of one another. We strive to foster a culture of trust and accountability. Our culture is free from threat, intimidation, gossip and retaliation. People always have someone they can turn to for help.

As important as it is to define belonging, understanding and grace, it is equally important to be clear about what isnot被希望社区所接受世界杯英格兰队vs丹麦队足彩In the weeks before and after the election — and indeed atalltimes — it is unacceptable to:

  • Display symbols of hate
  • Speak racial slurs
  • Participate in acts of vandalism
  • Participate in acts of intimidation or violence



Spera in Deo —
Dr. Richard Frost, Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Students
Dr. Gerald Griffin, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
Rev. Dr. Trygve Johnson, Dean of the Chapel
Dr. Sonja Trent-Brown, Chief Officer for Culture and Inclusion