If You Want It Done…Do It Yourself

“For a while now, we have been trying to find the perfect laboratory book to supplement our teaching in the human anatomy lab, but were not having luck.” Those are the words ofKevin Cole, Ph.D.和运动学副教授,他们准确地描述了我们对公开和商业上可获得的《人体解剖学》工作手册的共同关注和哀叹。As instructors for the Hope CollegeDepartment of Kinesiology’s Human Anatomy course, Dr. Cole and I have been experimenting for several years with multiple texts for our lab instruction, but never felt comfortable with any of them. It was only after COVID-19 forced us into virtual instruction during the Spring and May Term semesters of 2020 that we found a solution.

In March of 2020, COVID-19 forced us to quickly transition into an online teaching format. In addition to producing and recording our lectures online, we searched for a viable alternative to replace our cadaver lab instruction. We were aware of a smartphone/tablet app titledVisibleBody并迅速转变为使用它来提供类似于虚拟实验室的人类解剖学探索的机会。“可见身体”应用程序具备虚拟操作所有主要器官系统结构的能力,就像学生在尸体实验室中可能体验到的那样。当然,这是不一样的,但它比看图片在教科书的页面。应用程序的增强现实部分,以及无限定位、操作和查看应用程序中描述的结构的能力,使我们满足课程的目标,同时过渡到一种新的教学方式。学生们的反馈是积极的,在我们五月学期的课上,我们发现考试的表现展示了知识的获得和理解类似于面对面的指导。似乎通过我们录制讲座的工作和使用Visible Body应用程序,我们的学习目标仍然得到了满足,即使切换到在线学习。

Illustration by Anastasia Tucker

During our co-taught Human Anatomy May Term course, Dr. Cole and I explored ways to augment the “seek, find, memorize, and know” mentality of our lab. We used structured exploration and critical thinking exercises within the Visible Body app for various class assignments and learning activities. It was after this experience that we began to think of actually addressing our laboratory workbook concerns via creating our own. After thinking about it, we decided that the best way to obtain what we wanted for Hope College students was to do it ourselves. Therefore, work began in earnest over the summer, and two months and 200 pages later, we did it. As Cole states: “Writing our own workbook allowed us to tailor it exactly to our needs and our students’ needs. We also really like that we were able to fully illustrate the text and to integrate the use of a virtual anatomy application along with our in-class cadavers and models.”

希望学院世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地解剖实验室手册将在本学期的面对面实验中使用。工作簿的插图由Anastasia Tucker他是一名运动科学系的学生,也是一名有抱负的医学插画师。

#KeepingHope with Coach Dan Margritz


Coach Dan Margritz

First, let me introduce myself. I’m Dan Margritz, the head strength & conditioning coach here at Hope College. Just like many of you are into your “first” of online classes, this is the very first blog post of my life. What a time we’re living in, am I right?

I was offered the opportunity to give the campus community some healthy tips and motivation for staying fit and getting after it during our stay-at-home advisory from the governor of Michigan. As I thought about what the Hope College community needs, I decided upon a few different at-home, bodyweight workout programs and a healthy recipes to help us get through.

So here we go!


Here is what I’ve created in terms of the bodyweight program:


As far as nutrition and hydration are concerned, I have a fun fact about water. It is recommended that everyone drinks HALF of their bodyweight in ounces of water. So, for example if I weigh 190 pounds, I need approximately 95 ounces of water EVERY. SINGLE. DAY! That is straight water…..not mixed in your coffee. And if you can’t drink half of your weight in water, be sure to drink at least, AT LEAST, a half gallon of water a day.

Need an idea for something sweet and relatively healthy. . . and not ice cream? Here is a recipe that I’ll make from time to time and they are easy and tasty, too.


1 Cup Dry Oatmeal

2/3 Cup coconut Flakes

½ Cup Peanut Butter

½ Ground Flaxseed

½ cup choclate chips

1/3 cup honey

1 Tbsp Chia Seed

1 tsp Vanilla.

*Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl and set in your fridge for 30 minutes. Than roll them into small balls and place into a container in your fridge for storage.


That’s all from me for now. Keep plugging away Hope Nation! Get outside, get your body moving and be strong, be true!

And, yeah, also #keepHope!

Alumni Spotlight – Andrew Borror: Theology of Physical Fitness

Andrew Borror

After graduating from Hope in 2015, I decided to pursue a master’s degree in Exercise Physiology at the University of North Carolina (UNC) in Chapel Hill. During my time at UNC, I became increasingly curious about the bigger questions behind my discipline: What is health? To what extent should we pursue it through exercise? I was troubled that no one in the science community seemed to be asking these questions. Before starting my Ph.D., I took a year off to study the theology of health and medicine at Duke Divinity School. Since being at Duke, I’ve decided to switch paths and pursue a Ph.D. in Practical Theology, examining how the Christian faith ought to form and inform our pursuit of health through exercise. My Ph.D. goal is to construct a Theology of Physical Fitness. Caring for the body is important, but if we want our pursuit of fitness to be properly ordered, we need to place it within the larger narrative of creation and redemption. We also need to consider biblical accounts of strength and weakness, and what it means to be truly human. I believe my time at Hope prepared me well for this path by allowing me to study the sciences in a liberal arts context with a rich Christian heritage. At Hope, students are invited to pursue truth as whole persons and no questions are off the table. My hope is that the work I’m doing will enable not only academics and health professionals, but all Christians to engage with fitness culture faithfully.

Hope’s Professional Tennis Management Program Causing a Racquet

Hello everyone, my name isAdam Fordand I am the Co-Director of theProfessional Tennis Management Program(PTM) here at世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地. If you’re wondering what a Professional Tennis Management program is, it is a combination of academic coursework and practical experiences that prepare college students for a career in the tennis industry. Via accreditation through theUnited States Tennis Association(the governing body for tennis in the United States), ours is one of nine colleges in the entire country that offers this program. PTM students at Hope College can pick any major they want and add the PTM certificate via a specific Kinesiology minor while studying at Hope. Typically, PTM graduates have a 100% job placement rate due to a great demand for tennis-teaching professionals at clubs.

VandePoel-Heeringa Stadium Tennis Courts

Every year, our other Co-Director,Jorge Capestany, runs the American Express Fan Experience court at the U.S. Open in New York City. In the past few years, Jorge has been allowed to bring his own supporting staff and tennis pros to assist him. Thus, many of our students have had the opportunity to teach at the U.S. Open, and participate in many other activities at this international tennis event.

A typical day of a PTM student begins when they arrive on-site around 10:30 a.m. They are given credentials when they first arrive, which allows them to get to just about anywhere on site. The professional matches begin at 11:00 a.m. However, there are six practice courts that are occupied all day by pros like Roger Federer, Serena Williams, Rafael Nadal, Coco Gauff, and Novak Djokovic. If they are playing a match that day, they might not be on the practice courts. The practice courts are a great opportunity to get up close to the pros and potentially snag some autographs. At 1:00 p.m., Jorge and the PTM students teach their first class — a ten-and-under class. Any 10-year-old or younger at the Open may participate at the Fan Experience Court. This runs for about two hours, then there is a break from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. This allows the PTM students to watch some more professional tennis and also meet some very successful people in the tennis industry. Jorge and I try to set up a few of these short meetings for our students to show them all of the possible paths they can take to find their dream career in the tennis industry. Then they are back on the court at 5:00 p.m. to teach an adult tennis group for one more hour. Teaching at the U.S. Open can be a nerve-racking thing, but our students handled it well. After all their time on the court, the students are free to roam the grounds and view some more tennis.

American Express Fan Experience court

One of our senior PTM students, Amanda Bandrowski, was kind enough to share her very own experience with us:

“My Uber driver dropped me off near the U.S. Open grounds, and the first thing I see is the massive globe. This globe reaches 140 feet high, 120 feet in diameter, and is surrounded by a large fountain. It stands there, overlooking the U.S. Open and the rest of Queens as a subtle tip of the hat to the 1964 World’s Fair, whose grounds were transformed into the very place I was standing. As I look past the globe, I see it, the historic epicenter of American Tennis: Billie Jean King National Tennis Center. My dreams of being at the U.S. Open had finally come true.

Through the front entrance, I walked through the court of champions, which is a courtyard-like area depicting all the greatest players who earned the title most dream of: champion. From Serena and Venus Williams to Jimmy Connors, this open area outlines the past, while making room for the future.

I entered before the general public was allowed in because of my credentials. I took this opportunity to take in the setting and explore. A beautiful fountain sprawled in front of Arthur Ashe Stadium, Arthur Ashe being the first African American to win the U.S. Open. It is the main court at the Open, seating 23,771. Looking around and seeing the different paths that led all over the grounds, I was elated that I finally made it. I meandered all over the grounds, trying to see as much as I could before the masses filled the space. I eventually found myself watching some of the professionals in the tournament warm-up. Now, in tennis, their warming up is almost as impressive as watching them play. The main difference is that you get to see more action in practice than in play, taking in the precision and athleticism only found in elite athletes.

Once people started gathering, I made my way to the American Express Fan Experience Court. This was the technical reason for my adventure, but in truth, it was more of a catalyst. I met up with the other people from Hope College who I was working with. Jorge gave us the lowdown on what to expect.”

American Express Fan Experience court

“实际的工作与在霍普的德威特网球中心(Dewitt Tennis Center)工作没有太大区别。网球就是网球,在这一点上,我已经学会了如何与所有年龄段的人合作,从孩子到成年人。和成年人一起,我们做了乔治早期教学生涯中设计的经典练习。和孩子们一起,我们学习一些简单的技能,很快就能成功。这份工作既累又令人满意,就像教学一样。”

In addition to the opportunities for our students at the U.S. Open, Jorge and I also take them on a trip to theUnited States Tennis Association National Campusin Orlando, Florida. The USTA National Campus is a 110 tennis court facility that USTA calls the “Home of American Tennis”. This trip is a bit more informal, with a lot of “meet and greet” opportunities with very important people in the tennis industry. Also, our students to hit/play on both the hard and clay courts found at the National Campus. This is a unique opportunity since clay courts are rare in the midwest.

Amanda at the United States Tennis Association National Tennis Campus in Orlando, Florida

While we were on our last visit to the National Campus, our PTM students met a woman named Kathy Woods, who is the Director of Tennis. It was through this meeting that Amanda was able to obtain a summer internship at the National Campus. Amanda remembers:

“Talking with Kathy Woods was a real treat because I had fantasies of working at the United States Tennis Association National Tennis Campus in Orlando Florida. It was because of the Hope College Professional Tennis Management (PTM) that this opportunity presented itself. PTM has opened so many doors for me that my problem has been picking which ones to go through. No matter the roads I take, I know that PTM has prepared me for the demands of the tennis world, and I am excited to get started.”

两年前,希望学院的PTM项目还不存在。世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地现在,我们有8名学生,我们发展迅速。我们对我们的学生和我们的项目的未来感到兴奋。If you want to receive more information, feel free to contact me at ford@www.icarseries.com.

When Sports and Religion Collide

Mark your calendars for the2nd Global Congress on Sport and Christianityto take place on October 23-27 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The gathering will include prominent coaches, athletes, pastors and theologians from all over the world.

The event will take place at Calvin University, but Hope College and Calvin are co-hosts. HopeProfessor Chad Carlsonand CalvinProfessor Brian Bolt在各学校学生大使的帮助下,联合指导活动。

Dig Deep: Sport, Faith, Life Podcast
Dr. Brian Bolt & Dr. Chad Carlson


“This is also a unique event in that we’re bringing academics and practitioners together to share ideas about content meaningful to both groups.” Carlson admits that he and Bolt fall into both categories, sharing that, like so many others, they are “curious practitioners.” Topics of discussion at the Congress will center around the relationship between sport and faith, the cultural impact the two have had together, and the role that sports can play in a life of faith.

The congress includes more than 100 presentations spread out over four days with an additional 10 keynote speakers scheduled. The keynote list includes:


Join us for this special time in October when sports and religion collide, and wonderful discussions open up to bring people together in a way that only sports can.

“Alexa, What Language is My Book Written In?”

There’s something a little unsettling about opening a box from your publisher and in it are five copies of the book you wrote that you cannot read.
Twice now my book,Volleyball: Steps to Success(Human Kinetics), has been published into a foreign language (Greek and Chinese). On both occasions, the only recognizable characters were the ones that spelled out my name. On both occasions I had to resort to Google or Facebook for help in identifying the language and target audience.


一开始,我兴奋地写这本书的原因之一是,想象父母阅读这本书是为了帮助指导孩子的团队;一个学生在活动课上学习热爱一个他们从未有机会参与竞争的新游戏的形象;一个年轻的男孩或女孩在圣诞节的早晨打开它作为礼物,渴望了解更多关于他们喜欢的运动的画面。这些不是说英语的人独有的形象,而是在世界各地的文化中发生的。I am glad that they have access to this book and hope that it helps cultivate a love for sport and play that can’t be confined to specific characters or punctuation.

About the author:Becky Schmidt(’99) is the Head Volleyball Coach at Hope College and an Assistant Professor of Kinesiology. She first publishedVolleyball: Steps to Successin 2015.

Role Reversal


我们的团队由8名学生运动员和3名教职员工组成。We were a rag-tag collection of God’s children who were prompted, prodded, encouraged and coerced into joining togetherto serve God in Uganda, Africa as part of the Hope College种子计划(运动福音派装备门徒)。This program is offered through generous support ofSawyer Productsand at its core is undertaken to teach student-athletes the power of sport as a way to engage in ministry. It is an opportunity for students to come alongside campus and ministry leaders to learn more about God and themselves, as well as, acquiring skills related to cultural competence and living into their faith both at home and in the global church.

乌干达队由朋友和陌生人组成,他们的性别、种族、背景、运动参与度、年龄和经历都是混合的。这群人是上帝为了只有他自己知道的目的而精心组织起来的。We partnered with the ministry ofSports Outreachto serve God and the global church via sport and personal interactions as part of an ongoing ministry in the slums of Kampala, the capital city of Uganda and rural villages near Gulu in the war torn northern region of the country.

体育外展的使命是“恢复希望,改变生活”,通过耶稣基督和圣灵的恩典和力量,我想说使命完成了。We saw第一手的力量和体育外展工作人员的影响,因为他们参与个人参与他们的事工,改变生活的对话和服务围绕着耶稣基督的福音。


As a faculty member and “elder statesman” of the group, I thought my experiences and time spent in the church or classroom would be called upon often during our time together. I believed that teaching or imparting whatever wisdom someone might think I possess was something I would be expected to do. I thought that was a role that I was to fill. However, God had other plans and it became quickly apparent that His plans were not for me to teach but for me tolearn. My world and expectations were turned upside down. The teacher became the student as God used those whom I considered pupils to educate me on how to be vulnerable, present, engaged, compassionate, and fervent in faith formation.

Through the students, I saw God in their ability to acceptcircumstances and each other for what and who they are. I was shown how to enthusiastically embrace the fact that life is a journey and it is more important to keep moving than feeling sorry for ourselves or getting stuck and dwelling on the failures or disappointments.


So, from an educator who received an education, I thank Erica, Olivia, Daniel, Hayden, Colleen, Alli, Noah and Maddie for being willing to serve God through your life and actions. You are wonderful students but even better teachers.

About the writer: Kirk Brumels is the department chair of thekinesiology department. Clickhere去读他的传记。

Hope Athletes’ Journal

Entry #1
by Steve Binnig (’19)

My name isSteve Binnig. I am a senior from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and am a member of theMen’s Soccer teamat Hope College. Here is a piece of my story.

On Tuesday January 8th, 2018, the second day of classes of my second semester of junior year, I woke up in a panic attack.


Let me back track a bit. I come from a great family. I have a set of parents who love God, love each other, and love my sisters and me more than anything in the world. I have a lot of friends. I have an awesome girlfriend. I do well in school. I have a bright future… so why in the world did I have any reason to panic?

While I don’t know exactly what the root of this initial panic and anxiety was, what I can tell you is that the days since January 8th of this year have been hard. Some days have been downright terrible. I have had to do some things that were, at first, really uncomfortable. It started with a conversation that same Tuesday between me and two of my closest friends, Hayden Smith and Tucker Marty. I told them what I was experiencing, and that I had no idea how to stop it. Hayden and Tucker are two understanding and compassionate people, but it is still incredibly difficult to open yourself up like that to others. Luckily, they encouraged me to reach out to my family, my girlfriend Holly, and a few others I consider my closest friends. To set the record straight, I have never had a hard time articulating my thoughts and feelings. I am a verbal processor, and I enjoy working through the thoughts in my head with others. But, attempting to make sense of my brain on that Tuesday felt undoable. That being said, I could not be happier that Hayden and Tucker encouraged me to speak up.

Consequently, for most of this calendar year, I have been going to regular therapy sessions and been prescribed different medications to treat General Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder. I have seen my support system rally around me in ways that I did not think were possible. Bottom line, I got, and am continuing to receive, the help that I need.


Prior to this happening in my own life, when trying to understand someone dealing with mental illness, I would think things like, “Why can’t you just turn it off?”, or “Just get over it already.” Maybe I am just a cold-hearted individual, but my intuition tells me that a friend, family-member, or complete stranger has led you to think these things at least one time or another. Maybe, it’s been thoughts about yourself in your own head that have led you to feel this way.


Fear not, I am not about to dismantle the idea of athletics. I have learned many of my most valuable life lessons on the soccer field. I believe that through sport, we gain invaluable skills that carry over into our day-to-day lives. But do not miss this.

I also believe that in our culture, specifically in the sports world, we have created an environment where athletes are discouraged to speak up about their internal battles. That needs to change.

If I have learned anything from battling mental illness it is this:Tough does not internalize. Instead, tough works through the messiest parts of life and faces its hardest trials head on. Tough asks for help when help is required. And most importantly, tough never, even when it seems absolutely impossible to keep moving forward, gives up.

All things considered, we attend a school that offers both a safe and welcoming campus. Speaking from my own experience, staff and faculty at Hope actually want to know their students. They care about us, and that is not the case at a lot of institutions. However, I understand that fact does not necessarily make it any easier to seek out the help you need. If I’m honest, one of my biggest fears in this whole thing was that my family, friends, and mentors would consider me a “bad Christian” because I was dealing with anxiety, panic and depression. In my head, I was convinced that no “good Christian” would struggle the way that I was struggling. Hear these words that I have had to tell myself repeatedly over the last several months:that is a lie straight from the pit of hell.There is no such thing as a perfect person, let alone Christian. We live in an imperfect world, full of sin, sickness, hardship, poverty… the list goes on. We, as people are inherently fallen and sinful. As a result, things like anxiety and depression exist. My point is that one of the first steps in confronting mental illness is recognizing that struggling with anxious thoughts, panic, depression, thoughts of suicide, self-harm or whatever is not abnormal. It is simply another negative byproduct of our fallen world. As Kevin Love recently stated in his article by the same name, “everyone is dealing with something.” Remember, no man is an Island.

My goal is to get people talking. Friends talking with friends, students with professors, departments with other departments, athletes with non-athletes, Sibs with Delphis, baseball players with football players, community members with Hope students. You get the point.

The people of Hope are too valuable to struggle on their own. We are blessed with too strong of a community to allow one another to fight our demons independently.

No, I don’t have the answer. But, I do know there needs to be change. If nothing else, I am here to tell you that mental illness is very real. I am ashamed to say that I would not have said that a few months ago. It is no secret that there is a negative stigma that surrounds mental health in our country, and I have been guilty of contributing to that stigma in the past. The important piece moving forward is that we can debunk the idea that the person inflicted with mental illness is weak, incapable, crazy and/or a failure.


from creator Stephen Binnig

The mission of the Hope Athletes’ Journal is to give members of the Hope Athletics Community a medium where they can share their stories to relate to, understand, and appreciate coaches, players, prospective students, and fans beyond the game. My goal through this project is that those in and around our community will write vulnerable, principled, honest, and respectful stories that ultimately knit our college even closer together. If you or someone you know has a story that could be shared on the Hope Athletes’ Journal, please reach out to me via email atStephen.Binnig@www.icarseries.com.

If you or someone you know is in need of help, here are some resources both on and off campus:

Hope College Office of Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS): 616-395-7945

Hope College Campus Ministries: 616-395-7145

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673

Alumni Update: Building Upon my Hope College Foundation

By Emily Smith (’15)

During the first year of graduate school, when the material is the most overwhelming and free time is a myth, you find yourself building strong bonds with your colleagues as you commiserate about the journey ahead of you and reminisce about all the different paths that brought you together. At the University of Montana, my physical therapy class consisted of previous school teachers, construction workers, massage therapists, horse breeders, collegiate athletes, and freshly minted college graduates. Regardless of where we had come from, we all had the common grit and determination that comes with working hard to achieve high goals. Unanimously, we knew that was how we would survive graduate school too—pressing on with no intention of stopping now.

As we conquered physical therapy school together, I gave thanks on more thanone occasion for how well prepared I felt by my Hope College undergraduate degrees (Exercise Science and Spanish). Any statistic can speak to the small class sizes at Hope College, which for me created a safe environment to foster my intellectual curiosity and integrity. But what statistics can’t show you is how exceptional the professors are—all of whom learned my name, even in the “larger” lecture halls. Having this personal connection with the professors encouraged me to succeed. I was not just another face in the crowd. From these relationships came powerful role models, lofty expectations, and personalized letters of recommendation that defied the generic mold. I’m sure these further enabled my success. It’s no wonder all the places Hope students have gone.



Emily is seen here competing for the Flying Dutch track and field team.

My kinesiology department academic advisor, Dr. Maureen Dunn, also deserves huge thanks. She knew me by name. She knew which sport I played, which degree my younger sister was also pursuing at Hope (now a proud, successful nursing graduate!), and where I wanted my bachelor’s degrees to take me. She encouraged me and helped me reason through different career paths until I decided on physical therapy. I also was able to interact with her as my professor. She is one who recognizes a student’s potential and isn’t afraid to push them to get there. The challenge presented by her classes lead to deeper retention in subject areas that I continue to use as I further my career and education.

With the intimacy that Hope College’s education provided, I was guided to become a confident and capable student who went on to become the president of my graduate school class for the Physical Therapy Student Association. I was awarded a variety of scholarships and awards for leadership, patient and peer relationships, and academic achievement from both my faculty and my classmates, culminating with the Vince Wilson Outstanding Achievement Award, which they tout as their “highest honor” awarded to only one student in the entire school. I feel so blessed by the successes I have found with this phase of my life. All of my future patients and I owe many thanks to the kinesiology faculty at Hope for the exceptional experience and opportunities they provided to succeed.

My plans, now that I have graduated with my doctorate and passed boards with a license to practice, are to attend the University of Utah’s Orthopedic Residency program to become a specialist in the field of orthopedics. This will consist of a personal patient caseload, as well as, research, mentoring, volunteering, and teaching at the University of Utah. I hope to continue to pay forward the model of caring, compassionate instruction that I received from Hope College professors to foster my own students’ successes someday.