Family Access Chats | Spring 2022


Family Access Chat | Campus Resources for your Student | March 8, 2022
Family Access Chat | Major and Career Discernment | April 12, 2022

And here are the links that we discussed for your reference:

Additional resources available to students:


Fall 2020 Reflections and Questions To Ask Your Student

Yoli Vega ’88 is a senior academic and career advisor with the Boerigter Center for Calling and Career.



从通过Zoom进行教学和学习,到组织食堂流量,再到直播教堂和戏剧作品,我们一直在以我们从未想过的方式培养创造力。小组工作和演讲必须看起来不同于社交活动。然而,有一种适应能力和韧性的精神,使学生和学院不断前进。这一点在我大一研讨班的18名学生的最终项目“图像:对我们日常生活的邀请”中表现得尤为明显。整个学期,他们通过每周提交主题为“我们携带了什么”、“挑战”、“力量”、“光”、“影”、“希望”和“感恩”的照片来练习冥想摄影和神圣的视觉。通过这些主题,我们探讨了“拍照”和“接收”照片之间的区别,以及这种心态的转变如何让我们更活在当下,更有意识。在开发项目的过程中,学生们使用新技术,写诗,互相提供反馈,并反思整个过程。我真的被他们的意图所启发,他们强调了他们第一个学期的时刻,每个项目都是真正的希望的创意画廊。This is just one of many ways the faculty and students of Hope continued their creative and educational adventures despite COVID.



According to author William Cronon in his article,“Only Connect” The Goals of a Liberal Arts Education, there are several qualities that position a student to connect with text, self, others and experiences. These qualities include, “ . . . listening, reading, talking, writing, puzzle solving, truth-seeking, seeing through other people’s eyes, leading, working in a community . . . ” which in turn can equip “ . . . one to make sense of the world and act within it in creative ways.” With or without a pandemic, Hope has maintained a steadfast commitment to offer learning experiences that create space for students to grow in these areas. What did that look like this semester? It looked like students analyzing readings in a course on The Beatnik Generation (a class my son was in), problem-solving in a lab, serving on the Executive Board of a student organization, attending alecture on anti-racism, or perhaps viewing videos such as“The Danger of a Single Story”by Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozo Adichie as in my course. Whether students were excited by or grappled with the new information or perspectives presented through these experiences, they were still making connections to the past, present and future, an exercise that is critical to preparing for lives of service. We are extremely proud of their hard work and honor all of the staff and faculty who offered their support and guidance along the way!


As we look forward, there may be a temptation for our students and us to focus on the unknown. As a parent and staff member, I can sometimes find myself in that space and then, I remember the wise words of my husband, “What can you control and what can’t you control?” While it may seem that there is more that falls into the “can’t control” category, I am grateful for the ways in which our students can access quality resources and support that cultivates their continued growth and well-being. This can include scheduling an appointment with aBoerigter Centerstaff member to explore majors or work on a résumé (shameless plug!) or a time to meet withCAPS或者学术顾问。It can also include a continued commitment to hold one another accountable to theCOVID-19 safety guidelines让这里的每个人都保持健康培育意味着工作和过程,当我们有机会在社区中这样做时,所结出的果实将惠及我们所有人。世界杯英格兰队vs丹麦队足彩

Yoli Vega meets with a student on campus pre-pandemic.


当我儿子长大后,我终于明白,问他上学的日子需要我的创造力、联系和培养。从“你今天学到了什么?”到“你今天问了什么问题?”常常会产生更多有趣的对话。As we spend time with our students during this break, may we enjoy the gift of reflection by seeing this very different fall semester through their eyes.

What questions will you ask today?!
What went well this semester?
What might you do differently next semester?
Where did you notice the extraordinary in the midst of the ordinary?
What was a question you asked that led to a new perspective?
What was the most interesting thing you read or discussed?
What was a challenge you worked through and what did you learn about yourself through that experience?
What surprised you about virtual or hybrid learning?
In what ways did staff and faculty help you feel seen, heard and cared for?
What was one way you encouraged or supported someone else?

Also, check out the Boerigter Center for Calling and Career’s recent blog post“Five Ways to Have a Healthy and Productive Break”从我们的现任职业大使莉丝贝丝·弗兰宗那里获得了一些很棒的建议。

Thank you for sharing your students with the Hope community and the world!

Celebrate Family Weekend with Snacks!


Hello Hope Families!

Are you looking for a way to treat your Hope student? While we all wish that we could celebrate Family Weekend together on-campus this fall, we have a great way for you to spoil your students with some treats in honor of this traditional weekend. This year, as part of Hope’s One BIG Virtual Weekend (Homecoming and Family Weekend combined), we are offering families the opportunity to send a surprise care package to your students, to be distributed just as this special event begins.


Check out these great options!

Basket #1: Health Nut Basket
Strawberry Banana Smoothie, Berry Boost Juice, Propel bottled water, Bubbly sparkling water, Hippeas White Cheddar Chickpea Puffs, Kar’s Sweet and Spicy Trail Mix, Kar’s Yogurt Apple Nut Trail Mix, Kar’s Mango Pineapple Trail Mix, Red Pepper Hummus with Pretzel Crisps, Baby Carrots with Ranch Dip, 2 Kind Bars, Nature Valley Whole Grain Cinnamon Crackers, 3 pieces of whole fruit

Basket #2: Snack Attack
Snickers Bar, Reeses, Twix Bar, Doritos, Cheetos, Fritos, IBC Rootbeer, IBC Black Cherry, Sierra Mist, Haribo Gold Gummi Bears, White Cheddar Popcorn, Slim Jim, Dutch Braids, 3 pieces of whole fruit

Basket #3: Let’s Go Hope
Hope Water Bottle, Hope keychain,1 dozen H-Cookies, Cheddar Sun Chips, Regular Sun Chips, Hope bottled water, Jarritos soda mandarine, Hope Trail Mix

In addition to these three basket options, add-on items can be purchased and added to any of the following basket items:
1 dozen H Cookies (a student favorite): $15
Hope College Sweatshirt Blanket: $25
$25 Gift Card to the Kletz Market: $25

Order your treat basket today

Orders must be submitted by October 9, 2020 to be freshly packed and prepared with love for your students.

If your student has any dietary restrictions please let us know in the comment box on the order form and we will do our best to make any necessary changes. Questions? Emailfamilies@www.icarseries.comfor assistance. And don’t forget to register for all of the great virtual event options as part of One BIG Virtual weekend

Family Access Chats


Learn more about our campus partnership with the Campus事工团队专注于我们正在做的积极的事情,让学生参与其中,并为未来做计划。Join us as we welcome a panel of experts from Campus Ministries to talk through the resources available to students on Tuesday, September 29 at 7 pm EST.

We’ll host the Boerigter Center for Calling and Career on Tuesday, November 10 at 7 pm EST.

Members of each team will share ways they are working to keep students engaged and involved on campus beyond their academics, as well as share plans and ideas for the future. These events will take place live using Zoom and there will be an opportunity to ask questions of the panelists.

Registerfor one or both events today! Zoom links will be sent via email the morning of each event. Questions? Feel free to emailfamilies@www.icarseries.comat any time.

Tips on Talking with Your Student About Returning to Hope’s Campus

Dear Parents and Families,

Darren and Judy Gross

希望大学家长委员会的问候!世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地作为理事会的共同主席,我们听到其他家长的消息,他们的学生在准备返回霍普时经历了各种各样的情绪——兴奋、不确定、紧张和介于两者之间的一切!No matter what the emotion, it’s clear that Hope students are eager to be with each other and with their professors again.


Not sure where to start? Here are some questions that can start conversations:

  • 你渴望重返校园吗?如果有,你最期待的是什么?你最紧张的是什么?Remind your student that the best way to maintain a safe in-person experience, all semester long, is to follow all the safeguards. You’ve heard these before, but they’re worth repeating: wear a face covering that completely covers the nose and mouth; distance six feet or more from others; wash hands well and frequently; keep personal and shared spaces clean; participate in testing; and comply with quarantine/isolation protocols.当在校园里每个人都实行这些保障措施时,这些措施降低了广泛感染的风险,增加了留在校园的机会。
  • 你需要养成哪些新的日常习惯?For many students, the fall semester will usher in new daily habits, including wearing a face covering and screening themselves every morning for symptoms. Hope will provide every student with a machine-washable face-covering. But as you probably know, everybody has a preference for brands and face-coverings designs. Encourage your student to select the kind they like best and bring a supply with them when they come to campus.
  • What are the risks associated with not following the safeguards?在保障措施上稍微松懈一点是很有诱惑力的。Remind your students of the risks of doing so, including:
    • Having to shift to 100% remote classes, as the students experienced in March;
    • Spreading the virus to classmates, professors and staff members, especially those who have underlying health conditions and are immuno-compromised;
    • Spreading the virus to neighbors and residents of Holland as well as employees of downtown Holland businesses; and
    • 感染自己。
  • What are you going to do if there’s a party or social gathering off campus?Socializing is a normal part of the college experience. This semester, students will need to think about how to adapt their social behavior to reduce the risk of spread. The college can help students build a safe and healthy living and learning environment on campus, but students will need to take responsibility for a safe and healthy social environment off campus. Unfortunately, parties and social gatherings have been the source of spread on other college campuses across the country. Students give themselves the best chances of uninterrupted life on campus by practicing the safeguards at all times, not just when they’re at Hope.
  • What will you do if your friends or roommates aren’t following the safeguards?Encourage your student to connect with their roommates and friends about expectations for living and socializing together. If they feel nervous about initiating the conversation, encourage them to reach out to their Resident Assistant (RA) for help. Also, if your student becomes concerned that another student, a group or an employee has chosen to not follow a commitment to safeguards, please encourage them to file a report via theCOVID Concern Form.如有健康问题,健康中心会联络有关人士提供指引。For behavior-related concerns, the individual(s) will be contacted by either Student Development (students) or Human Resources (employees), with possible disciplinary action to follow.
  • What will you do if you’re feeling anxious or isolated?Some students feel nervous about the prospect of coming back to campus and being in a close-knit community. If your student is anxious about the pandemic, listen to them and remind them about the resources they have at Hope. TheCounseling and Psychological Services(CAPS) stand ready to assist, and so does theCampus Ministriesteam. If your student will be living on campus, they can contact the Residential Life staff, including RAs. For questions about physical health and wellness, including questions about symptoms of COVID-19, theHealth Center员工是可用的。当然,教授、顾问、教练和工作人员也很乐意提供帮助。
  • What will you do if a friend tests positive?A positive test prompts a series of actions. If a student is symptomatic or tests positive, they will be moved into Hope’s isolation housing. A member of Hope’s contact tracing team will reach out to the student and begin working with them to prepare for the contact tracing investigation, which will be conducted by the Ottawa County Department of Public Health. The team member will help the student understand the health department’s processes and also help them develop a list of individuals with whom they’ve had close contact. Honesty by all involved is paramount here to ensure the protection of others in this process. Finally, though your student will not be able to visit their friends in person, they certainly can communicate and be supportive from a distance!
  • Did you know you can be quarantined even if you’re not sick?If your student comes intodirect contactorclose contact如果有个人感染了COVID-19,他们将需要搬进隔离房。隔离降低了在整个校园社区传播的风险。世界杯英格兰队vs丹麦队足彩同样,由疾病预防控制中心和当地卫生部门推荐的这一措施大大增加了整个学期校园社区面对面交流的机会。世界杯英格兰队vs丹麦队足彩避免隔离的努力将其他学生和员工置于危险之中,并可能导致转移到远程课堂。
  • 如果你需要被隔离或隔离,你会怎么做?Students will be permitted to go home to quarantine or isolate, if their family is agreeable and within driving distance. If you and your student decide this will be the best option, you will need to following these rules:
    • 学生不得使用公共交通工具回家。
    • If the student is ill, someone (e.g., a family member) must be responsible to pick them up in their personal vehicle.
    • The student will be in isolation on campus until they are picked up.
    • Once the student is at home, public health guidelines should be followed strictly.
    • 学生可以返回校园,一旦他们符合适当的学院和公共卫生准则,以清除。

In significant ways, the ability to remain in person through the semester rests in the hands of our students!

If you need more guidance about how to talk to your student about life at Hope this fall, we encourage you to connect with Dr. Richard Frost, dean of students, atfrost@www.icarseries.comor 616-395-7940. Dean Frost is always happy to talk to parents and families, no matter what the situation!

While there is a lot of uncertainty right now, here is what we know for certain: Hope College is doing everything it can to prepare for the fall semester, and the faculty and staff are fully committed to their students.

We wish you and your student all the best for a happy, healthy and productive fall!


Darren and Judy Gross

Co-Chairs, Hope Parents’ Council

Hope Families Can Join “The Hope College Connection”

Steve and Kristi Sieck
Parents’ Council Co-Chairs

Greetings from our home in Lake Ann, Michigan where we are spending quality time learning and re-learning Spanish with our youngest daughter, Elizabeth. She is finishing up her Hope College senior year at home with us. We have had a lot of fun listening to virtual classes and watching her adapt to this different way of learning.

在我们讲这个的同时,我们也复习了一下心理学。我们被提醒,也想提醒你们,信心、乐观、希望和坚韧的重要性。One of the best ways to boost each of these key areas of positive psychological capital is to connect with others.

To this end, please join us as we launchThe Hope College Connection.这个新的资源将学生、家庭和校友联系起来,提供指导和网络。比利时vs俄罗斯比分

We are asking you to share your experiences and make a big difference in a student’s journey by:

  • Creating your profile and choosing your communication preferences, including type and frequency.
  • Sharing career advice and industry insights with the Hope community.
  • Discovering your own career connections with other families and alumni using the platform’s powerful smart-matching algorithm. I think you will really like this feature!
  • 在你自己的时间里积极地通过免费的、平台内的视频会议(目前是一个很好的工具)和信息交流,包括文本通知。

So go ahead andget startedto help us all build confidence, optimism, hope and resiliency!Don’t forget to encourage your students to create an account as well. If you have questions, please reach out

Climb With Us

Do you rememberCliff Hangersfrom The Price is Right? It debuted just over 44 years ago on April 12, 1976. We are going to have some fun and get that yodely guy (and his famous music)回到游戏中。We have a goal of getting 600 Hope College families onThe Hope College Connection.截至5月13日,我们已经获得了513个家庭的资料。比利时vs俄罗斯比分Help us, and our mountain climbing friend, reach the top byactivating your profiletoday. We will keep this post up-to-date as our journey continues. Come on down!

We’ve passed 500! There are 513 Hope families signed up and climbing!

Steve and Kristi Sieck
Hope College Parents’ Council

Supporting Your Student During COVID-19

You may suddenly find yourself trying to help your student navigate this new normal on the road to their first job or internship. Even though their search might look a little different, there are many ways you can support your student and keep them in the game.

Here are some helpful suggestions:

  • First, if your student is unsure about anything we welcome them to head intoHandshake安排一个虚拟约会。即使他们不知道他们需要谈论什么,Boerigter中心的团队也会为他们提供他们需要的支持!
  • 建议他们多了解一些与他们的专业或其他感兴趣的领域相关的不同领域。
  • Check to see if your student has taken one of ourassessments(PathwayU或CliftonStrengths)。If they want to take an assessment they can鼓励他们通过握手来安排一次约会,以汇报他们的结果。
  • Your student might also want to research different cities and general cost of living. Job/Internship search platforms, such as our recommended resourceHandshake,allows the user to search down to a zip code, so they can take the market into consideration while mulling over their options.
  • This is a perfect time to virtually introduce your student to anyone in your personal network who works in an area of professional interest. Encourage them to set up informational interviews to learn, explore, and network. They can use our exclusive toolThe Hope College Connectionto get in touch with alumni and other Hope parents.LinkedIn是另一个很好的选择!
  • Share ourHow-To Guides与你的学生。如果他们在一段时间内还没有拿出简历或写求职信,现在就是开始的好时机!Boerigter中心很乐意通过预约来审查和反馈。
  • Was your student able to attend one of our webinars? Have your student review our series and/or watch for yourself.

Webinar #1: Career ConversationsApril 1, 2020

This webinar provides a lot of helpful guidance. We reacted to students burning questions but also reviewed several topics including: the job and internship search process, applying for graduate school,The Hope College Connection, virtual interviewing and utilizing Handshake.

网络研讨会#2:职业对话- COVID - 19如何影响工作和实习?April 9, 2020

The Boerigter Center team has been monitoring the labor market closely as new information comes out each day. During this webinar we discussed: the latest trends in jobs and internships, tactical tips for hunting with confidence during this pandemic, and provided resources to learn which industries are hiring and which are freezing.

The Boerigter Center for Calling and Career would love to hear from your student! For more information on any of the above topics, please

Prepare to Pivot


The good news is that theBoerigter Center for Calling and Career在这一路走来的每一步都提供帮助。在这个前所未有的时代,我们是来帮助你的学生的。无论是提出新的策略还是重新设定期望,学生们都应该做好调整的准备。

Many companies are experiencing financial stress and uncertainty. Just a few weeks ago, employers were struggling to find talent and opportunities were abundant. The sudden onset of this pandemic and the financial markets reactions have many companies implementing hiring freezes, furloughs, even layoffs. Now is the time to work together to proactively identify where opportunities have shifted.

我们在做什么?The team at the Boerigter Center is proactively monitoring what employers are doing and working to get perspectives on their future plans. We are also networking with employers, alumni and families to identify opportunities in the shifting landscape. We would love to hear from you regarding opportunities and information, positive or negative, about what employers are doing in your area or field. While many companies are putting hiring on hold, others are actively seeking workers. We are sorting through these opportunities and will get the word out to students as we find them.

What can you and your student do?In a word, network. More than two-thirds of jobs are secured through networking. The Boerigter Center has great networking tools includingThe Hope College Connection.此外,确保与家人和朋友,以及他们的家人和朋友建立联系!同事和客户也是很好的推荐人。我发现人们非常愿意帮助我们的学生。鼓励你的学生有一个敏锐的résumé,良好的在线表现和面试技巧,这些都是基本的准备步骤。The Boerigter Center has abundanttools and resourcesand the staff continue to be available for an appointment virtually throughHandshake

Secondly, be patient. There are still jobs out there. Companies are dealing with many challenges right now, so onboarding new employees may not be their first priority. Help your student reset their expectations that it may take longer than usual to get hired.

As we have seen in the past few weeks, things are changing fast. I graduated from Hope in 1991. The Gulf War broke out my senior year and the job market turned down rapidly. A few of us were fortunate to have jobs lined up early only to face layoffs shortly after starting. A story for another day is how my career path was dramatically changed on September 11, 2001. The networking advice is even more critical in this situation because your student, now a young professional, will have more experience and a broader network of contacts. Also, the Boerigter Center is a resource for alumni just as it is for current students.

Attending a liberal arts college has well-positioned your student to pivot and has provided them the skills that employers and graduate programs are seeking. Remind them of that philosophy or English class where they had no idea what to write about or that seemingly impossible test in chemistry or biology. Perhaps they faced a difficult challenge on the field, court or stage. Your student has successfully executed tasks where they had no idea where to start or faced seemingly insurmountable uncertainty, but through coaching, mentors and encouragement they were well prepared. This is no different. Prepare to pivot.

Family Engagement Event Updates Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

AsPresident Scogin“在霍普154年的历史中,我们从未见过这样的事情。”3月11日,为了响应惠特默州长的建议,支持遏制病毒的努力,希望学院决定开始远程教学。世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地3月20日,这一决定被延长到本学期的剩余时间。学校在学期结束前赞助的所有校园活动都被取消或重新安排。请放心,希望学院社区将继续共同努力,世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地世界杯英格兰队vs丹麦队足彩支持一个目标:让我们的学生在春季学期的终点线!If you are interested in learning more about these decisions, please

You may also be wondering what this means for the opportunities we have planned for alumni and families, both on-campus and in communities around the world. Below is an overview of where things currently stand. As you might expect, things are rapidly evolving, so please check back for future updates. We are committed to keeping you informed and will update this post as the situation unfolds.

March 12 Update on COVID-19 from President Scogin

Presidential Welcome Tour

We have been having a great time introducing President Scogin to alumni and families atWelcome Tourevents since November. We look forward to these continuing. However, all events as part of this series have been postponed. We will send new invitations once they have been rescheduled.

The Hope College Connection Live! | Chicago

学生、活动参与者和工作人员的健康和安全是我们的首要任务。因此,Connection Live!原定于4月7日在芝加哥举行的活动将取消。If you haven’t already, we encourage you to check out The Hope College Connection这是一个创新的在线职业社区,将学生、校友和家庭聚集在世界杯英格兰队vs丹麦队足彩一起,提供指导和体验学习。比利时vs俄罗斯比分你可以激活个人资料,开始与来自任何地方的学生联系,甚至在练习社交距离的同时!

NCAA Tournaments

On March 12, NCAA President Mark Emmert and the Board of Governors canceled remaining winter and spring NCAA championships in all divisions. We are disappointed that our championship caliber student-athletes won’t be able to show the result of all their hard work and that Hope College fans around the world won’t have the chance to cheer them on. Please continue to follow theHope Athletics website为进一步的公告。If you would like to help encourage our student-athletes, check out thisSpread Hope, Not Germspost.

TheAlumni and Family Engagement teamstands by to answer questions and provide additional information. Please contact us atfamilies@www.icarseries.comand we will be in touch as soon as we can.

We agree with President Scogin that this “is certainly not what any of us envisioned for the semester, but it is a time when we can come together as a community to show the world the power of resilience and hope. Spera in Deo.”