Coronavirus Anxiety Workbook

by Aaron Schantz, MA, LLP, CAPS Staff Counselor

Perhaps you have a bit of time over break for yourself?

对你们中的一些人来说,这个问题与你们的假期计划相反,因为你们会疯狂地忙。But maybe the other extreme is true and you may feel relatively confined to home with more time than you are comfortable?In either case–as well as those that fall in between–may I suggest a resource?

Stress and anxious thoughts

A common refrain I hear from students is that anxious thoughts can emerge in the quieter moments of their lives. Activity, work, academics, relationships can all occupy one’s time and mind space, but in the absence of those things, students realize what feelings they may have been avoiding. Avoidance and anxiety often go hand-in-hand.

anxious thoughts can emerge in the quieter moments

But maybe you’ve made a decision that you would like to spend some time recharging and re-evaluating before returning to campus for Spring semester.

If you are a faithful follower of the CAPS blog, thank you! You may have seen this workbook introduced inan earlier post by Dr. Russner.我们只是想进一步推广它,以防你的学期休息允许,并邀请一些时间与你的压力源和焦虑的想法,面对COVID的现实。

The Workbook

The cover and table of contents pages of the workbook are printed out and lying on a table.

Although the resource is called theCoronavirus Anxiety Workbook, its approaches are not limited to addressing COVID worries. The concepts and approaches arevery generalizable to common life stressors and our responsesto them. To call it a workbook may call to mind a “study guide” format that feels too much like homework. In actuality, the format is full oflinks to helpful websites, hassuggestions in liststo jumpstart your own personal brainstorming, and afew simple visualsfor your sketching in your own observations and insights.

The “workbook,” then, is less a structured journal, and more of aninteractive guidebook.在20页左右的篇幅里,希望你觉得它的长度是可以控制的。它有7种语言。也许额外的支持是一个礼物,你可以给自己在学期休息或每当你看到这篇博客文章!

For additional resources, check browse through our other recentCAPS blog posts


by Bonnie Vander Wal, Ph.D., CAPS Staff Counselor

This post is the third in a series of three posts leading up to Election Day, 2020. CAPS staff counselor Dr. Bonnie Vander Wal writes to help the Hope Community navigate the turbulent election season with an eye on maintaining mental health.

Well, here we are. Election “day.”Or, the day we start counting election ballots. In a simpler time, election “day” was a thing. Typically, even though all of the votes were not counted yet, there were enough recorded that a winner could be projected, often to the point where one candidate concedes to the other, and the victory speeches begin.

As you are well aware,it is not that simpler time.确定谁将担任我们的下一任总统可能需要几周甚至几个月的时间。当然,这主要是因为生活在一场大流行病之中,缺席投票虽然不被推荐,但已成为一种可行的投票方式。因此,在不同的时期,我们应该期待一个不同的过程,也就是说,我们不可能在一天内最终知道谁将在未来4年领导这个国家。

If this hasn’t been an unprecedented enough year already…

But please, don’t stop reading yet. This is a CAPS blog so you can be sure we will be offering HOPE and helpful strategies shortly.

First, let me be clear about something. The global pandemic, racial injustice, economic instability, and natural disasters have placed enormous stressors on our way of life. Then we have to put up with a volatile political climate and gear up for finals week.这就是我们现在的现实。Please know that it is quite unrealistic to expect yourself to perform normally in the ways you usually do, given this extraordinary drain on your energy.

Please know that it is quite unrealistic to expect yourself to perform normally in the ways you usually do, given this extraordinary drain on your energy.

Typically we are able to use and replenish energy interchangeably while also keeping some on reserve in our “resilience banks.” When times get tough, we draw it out, we manage, we get by, and we pull through, and then put back in. Currently, the increase in demand and extra pressure quickly depletes our energy supply, often before we can stock up on more. If this rings true for you, you are likely feeling at a loss, drained, and/or defeated.Please recognize that experiencing fatigue, lack of motivation, less interest in things, and disrupted patterns of eating, sleeping, and socialization are natural responses to carrying heavy burdens.I encourage you to give yourself grace and compassion.

Planning for self-care

As we embark on the next few weeks, I want you to think about attending to your needs as a first priority. You’ve likely heard the message that says toplan your vote.Well what aboutplanning for self-care?考虑到目前存在的挑战,尤其是作为一名即将期末考试的大学生,我们难道不应该计划一下如何照顾自己吗?If it sounds like just one more thing to do, I advise you to reconsider howmaking some decisions now will pay off later

Look, in times of high stress, it is more difficult to make decisions. It may be harder to process what you need, when, and how.The more you can determine in advance, the less energy you will have to put into deciding in the moment, which helps you reserve it for other things.如果你能提前制定出一些自我照顾的总体指导方针,你可能会保持更专注,更少分心,专注于你想要和需要完成的任务。

InPart 1of this blog series, we looked at how participation in the political process can empower us, connect us to our communities, and further our sense of purpose. InPart 2we examined how to effectively talk to others whose views differ from us and why this is important. Going outside your bubble helps improve communication skills which builds confidence and comfort around others. These are all important factors in reducing psychological distress and improving mental health.

Part 3 focuses on planning your self-care.Truthfully, we just don’t know what to expect over the next few weeks and that uncertainty wears on us. Let’s shift our focus to what we know and what we can make more certain moving forward.

The 5 “C’s”

Think about this. When we want to boost our immunity, we take Vitamin C.What do we do when we want to boost our self-care? Why not try some more C?That is, these 5 “Cs” in particular: Cultivate, Connect, Contain, Commune, and Comfort.


Attend to your basic needs. You know you are supposed tonourish,move, andrest your body.这对任何人来说都不是什么新鲜事,而且这可能是最容易提前计划的方法。有时候,我们花更多的精力来讨论这些因素,而不是把它们付诸行动。Decide ahead of time when一般来说,你会去吃饭,活动活动,然后上床睡觉。你不需要在你的计划表上定义确切的时间;更确切地说,你应该为每一件事留出一个空间。早上9点到10点吃点早餐,或者晚饭前散散步。晚上10点到11点之间上床睡觉。找出最适合你的时间,然后去做。

This also meansplanning for breaks and things you enjoy.不要等待并决定你是否需要休息,只需要安排你什么时候休息。你有最喜欢看的节目吗?听音乐吗?你喜欢涂色还是花时间阅读?不要忘记规划社交时间。在你的日程安排中建立一些“签到”时间,在那里你评估自己做得如何,并向支持你的系统寻求帮助。不管你喜欢做什么,一定要去做。


注意如何保持信息灵通。不同的人可以同时管理多少信息。有如此多的信息源源不断地通过多个来源,我们几乎随时都可以访问到。It is easy to lose control and quickly become overwhelmed by information overload, especially when每个标题都是“突发新闻!”Remember, media sources are competing for your attention and want to be the first to bring you the latest.无论你什么时候收听,几乎都不可能找不到那条紧急信息。那么,为什么要被别人认为你每时每刻都应该知道的东西轰炸呢?Instead,plan when you will connect to what’s going on in the world.探索你能以健康的方式吸收什么,并认识到什么是足够的量。你的时间是宝贵的——以一种适合你的方式来平衡它。


Do things feel out of control?Focus on what you know in the moment.What can you control in the here and now?

Focus your energy on controllable factors. Be realistic about what you can contain, and this will help you contribute more effectively.试图控制我们无法控制的东西是失败的。Sometimes we perceive we have more control than we do and we deplete our energy working at resolving it. Other times we perceive we don’t have control over things that we could have an impact on.It usually takes some trial and error to bring controllable factors to light.Learn what is under your control and plan for how you engage with it.

Do things feel out of control?Focus on what you know in the moment.What can you control in the here and now? Stay grounded in the present and resist taking flight with your fears. Note a time in the day that you will stop what you are doing andfocus on three things you are grateful for.未来几周可能很难想象,但这让它变得更加重要。Gratitude improves our mood and reminds us that there is good in the world, and we need that right now.


Who you surround yourself with is important to your well-being. Who is your community?Be intentional in planning time with those you know who respect, support, and value you.Think ahead about who is good for you and energizes you, and spend time with those who bring you joy. Alternatively, if you encounter hurtful people, envision for how you will set boundaries and stay safe. You may not always know in advance whether someone will be helpful or harmful, butyou can know where to draw the line about what you will allow.Know your limits and be with those who care about you.


保持一个安全舒适的地方。你能在你居住的地方创造一个保护性的空间吗?确保做一些能让你平静、放松的事情。提前知道去哪里寻找庇护,向谁求助。Recognize your feelings and allow yourself to process them.让你的感觉顺其自然,不要妄下判断。要有同情心,善待自己。

Campus Resources

Make sure to check out the various options on campus to help you stay safe and comfortable. There will be spaces throughout campus, as well as virtually, to process and connect with others this week. You can schedule with CAPS, meet with Chaplains, or join creative outlets hosted by Student Life. Use the buddy system to get across campus and contact Campus Safety, faculty, or staff about reporting incidents. For more information and to stay tuned in with these events, please visit theHope College Election Resources webpage.

External Resources

Additionally, here are more resources aimed at reducing anxiety, promoting calmness, and boosting your mood. TheTen Percent Happier选举理智系列提供指导冥想和正念谈话。If you just need to be distracted by random information, calming moments, a digital stress ball, or graphic for deep breathing, try theNew York TimesElection Distractor.(提示:它会询问你是否投票进入该网站。不管你是否有,说“是”来打通)。

A green leaf from a houseplant is shaped like a heart.

As the election results process are now upon us, please take care of yourself and your fellow peers in the best ways you can. Our suggestions may or may not fit with how you do things, but we urge you to give at least some of these ideas a try, and if nothing else, pleaseencourage and support one another.我们的许多校园领导都呼吁我们要做得更好,做得比我们在世界上看到的更好。As President Scogin advises us, “let uncommon love characterize our campus.”


by Bonnie Vander Wal, Ph.D., CAPS Staff Counselor

This post is the second in a series of three planned posts leading up to Election Day, 2020. CAPS staff counselor Dr. Bonnie Vander Wal writes to help the Hope Community navigate the turbulent election season with an eye on maintaining mental health.



Fellow shopper: “… so you don’t think Hillary was prepared either?”

Friendly older worker: “ …[inaudible]…”


Friendly older worker: “Well I hope not in my lifetime!”

Nice. I was struck in the moment about what to say or do. I wasn’t in the conversation, but it was loud enough for others to hear. Do I interject? Do I offer my unsolicited opinion? As a female, this opinion was not new to me. Yet I still felt a surge of anxiety in the moment and froze in my spot. “Just move along” I told myself, “You’re here to get groceries, not to change the world.” I walked away shaking my head, “Bless his heart,” I thought, “It may be closer than he thinks.”


除此之外,我主要是好奇他为什么会持有这种观点。根据他的经验,他的母亲是否在管理家务方面做得很糟糕?考虑到他的年龄,我对他的成长环境和成长过程中的性别角色做出了一些假设。也许是和女上司的一次糟糕经历毁了他。或者只是一个专横的姐姐?也许这些都不是,但作为一个对人类行为着迷的心理学家,他的评论确实引起了我的好奇心。I wanted to know more.

Our series

InPart 1 of this blog seriesabout mental health and the election season, we looked at how participation in the election process offers mental health benefits such as empowerment, social well-being, and a sense of purpose. Each person’s vote is no greater or less than any other person’s vote, which is pretty powerful. Engaging in civic duty connects us to others and brings us closer to those in our community. Not only does this help us feel like we belong, but asserting what we believe and uniting with others gives us purpose, even if we can’t actually cast our vote in this election.


Certainly it is nice to be around others that share our views. This gives us empowerment, connection, and purpose – all important factors in mental health. Honestly, it is much easier to insulate ourselves with like-minded folks and just avoid “the other side.” Our efforts to stick with “our people” keep us safe and give us strength in numbers. It’s comfortable. Given our human nature and need to belong, is this really a bad thing? Not exactly; however, sequestering ourselves in safe zones has also contributed to deeper political polarization and staunch tribalism. When people revert to their respective sides and don’t talk to others who hold different viewpoints or positions, it furthers the divide and we don’t accomplish much, if anything.

At Hope we hear a lot about theVirtues of Public Discourse我们有责任以有意义和有尊重的方式与彼此接触。President Scogin, in his address “Who Would Jesus Vote For?鼓励我们在彼此的对话中体现爱和倾听。他建议,在我们反驳一个论点之前,我们反思一下我们从另一个人那里听到的,总结一下那个人是同意的,我们多听,少说。Dr. Sonja Trent-Brown challenges us, being rooted inbelonging, understanding, and grace, to be different than what we see around us, and to illustrate HOPE to the world. The Rev. Dr. Trygve Johnson offers us an opportunity to claim our culture to be a different kind of place, and reminds us to bequick to listen and slow to speak

So… we get it… we need to talk more to each other, notably those who hold different perspectives than our own. All of these messages sound great and are quite inspiring when we hear our campus leaders, in their own right, “campaign” for them. We may feel reassured that we can have difficult dialogue with one another and even energized to bridge the divide! On second thought though, after the excitement fades and the fear sets in, or our critical voice taunts us that we are ill-equipped at best to handle such an adventurous endeavor, what then do we do? Does it really matter? And if so, HOW do we do this?

Going Beyond Your Bubble

Dr. Tania Israel,professor of counseling psychologyat the University of California, Santa Barbara, offers insight and effective methods for dialogue in her book “Beyond Your Bubble: How to Connect Across the Political Divide, Skills and Strategies for Conversations That Work.” In case you are thinking, “well so much for that now, the election is next week,” I urge you to still read on. The goal of connecting across the divide is not to change someone’s mind, and thus, their vote. Would it really be that easy to change your vote? The issues we discuss at election time don’t go away the rest of the year. We still need strategies on how to discuss complex concerns, especially with the holiday season – correction, the holiday season after an election – approaching.

伊斯雷尔博士的书教授和发展了帮助你驾驭对话的技巧。在你可以学习和练习技能之前,你要评估你的意图来决定对话。一旦你理解了对话是什么,你就可以决定是否要参与其中,与谁进行对话,在什么语境中进行对话。伊斯雷尔博士介绍了对话的准备、如何倾听以及作为成功对话基础的情绪管理。在这个基础上,她通过讲述我们的故事和寻找共同点来帮助我们有效地沟通。Here are a few key strategies to consider:

1Assess your motivation for dialogue.改变别人的想法或争论你的立场对促进对话没有帮助。如果你想增进对某人及其观点的理解,或者与某人建立并维持一种关系,你成功的机会会大得多。伊斯雷尔博士说,了解自己的动机可以帮助你克服不适。


3Manage emotion.当谈论你深切关心的问题时,感到焦虑是正常的。这是我们的安全受到威胁时的自然反应。很多代以前,它是我们祖先赖以生存的最有用的工具。快进到今天,我们的身体仍然连接着相同的安全机制;然而,威胁却大不相同。焦虑会产生逃避,从而剥夺我们克服恐惧的机会。因此,今天的焦虑干扰了促进我们生存的进步。

So how we do manage this? One activity in preparation for dialogue isexpressive writing.这种策略可以缓解情绪,帮助我们深入了解正在经历的事情。在对话过程中,当我们试图倾听并向对方学习时,伊斯雷尔博士提醒我们要深呼吸,把注意力集中在当下,注意自己的身体(例如,脚放在地板上,手臂放在椅子上,等等),保持脚踏实地。提醒自己你的生理反应是正常的,你没有危险。你也可以回忆一下,你们正在为一个共同的目标而努力。Stay curious about the person as you listen and remember to consider the context of life experiences.

4Adjust your message.想想当你和和你有相似观点的人交谈时,你是如何表达你的立场的。你在一个问题上对与你观点相同的人说的话,可能不会得到与与你观点不同的人相同的结果。为了帮助别人更好地理解你的立场,提供那些有助于你的信仰或立场的东西。讲一个关于你的生活经历的故事。

5Additional tips.伊斯雷尔博士建议先抛开统计数据来阐明你的观点。从研究中我们知道,我们倾向于关注那些支持我们立场的东西,而忽略那些不支持我们立场的东西。统计数据通常不会像证实我们已经相信的东西那样引发观点。你也可以通过想象别人会如何反对你的观点来练习站在别人的角度。最后,在智力上保持谦逊,也就是对其他观点保持足够开放的心态,考虑自己可能错过或犯错的地方。

Consider learning how to dialogue to enhance your mental health. You提高你的沟通技巧whichbuilds confidence and comfort around others.《对话》揭示了我们在媒体中接触到的各种极端观点之间的不同观点。

Often what we imagine about someone on the other side is fraught with assumptions and stereotypes. This increases perceived threat and can lead to discord which divides us.对话通过提供解决和治愈的空间来减少心理上的痛苦。We are able to discover common ground with those who share differing views and this connects us to each other, our community, and the greater good.

Next steps

Now that we’ve covered how participation in the election process and engaging in dialogue–while challenging–can improve our mental health, our next post will turn tohelpful practices that protect and comfort us在混乱和不确定的时代。你可能听过重复出现的信息来计划你的投票?How aboutplanning your self-careStay tuned for Part 3关于心理健康和选举季的系列博客!

For additional strategies, check out this episode of Hope Ready with Dr. Ellen and Deirdre Johnson. in a new tab)

You can also read about how effective dialogueconnected these two Hope professors

For Dr. Israel’s humorous but useful take on dialogue, check outThe Flowchart That Will Resolve All Political Conflict in Our Country

Mental Health and the Election Season: Part 1, Why Participate?

by Bonnie Vander Wal, Ph.D., CAPS Staff Counselor

This post is the first in a series of three planned posts leading up to Election Day, 2020. CAPS staff counselor Bonnie Vander Wal writes to help the Hope Community navigate the turbulent election season with an eye on maintaining mental health.

It’s that time again…

The incessant political ads –

this guy is wrong forthesereasons, versus

this guy is wrong forthosereasons, and

this guy is right because ofthis,versus

this guy is right because ofthat

And oh yeah, they all approve their own messages.

There’s thesocial media argumentsandoutrage真的是我的亲戚发的吗?Would you dare say that in person to someone’s face?And yet another text message–at least daily–asking if it’s me, who I will support, and how I will cast that support. Ugh, maybe I will just go for a walk…

But wait! Unless I close my eyes or look straight down at the pavement, I can’t even get fresh air these days without knowing who my neighbors are rooting fornow,on November 3rd, andbeyond

Each election season or cycle seems to get longer with shorter periods of rest in between. Is there really a “season” or do they just campaign continuously? And if 2020 wasn’t already the pinnacle of distress being in the midst of a pandemic, with on-going racial injustice, economic uncertainty, and a climate in turmoil!

Do we even have any energy left to

cast that vote,

have that conversation, and

spend time caring for ourselves

Cast that vote!

If you are still here and haven’t exited this page yet you might be thinking,“CAPS的一篇博客不应该旨在减轻我的压力,而不是提升我的压力吗?”Yes, you must be one of the brilliant students who call Hope College home. The answer indeed is YES! There is hope at Hope! If you can spare a few minutes, on three separate occasions,I promise you(oops, sorry, too political), rather,I will offer yousome useful information on navigating through a turbulent election period.

The focus in thisfirstpart is going to be on actuallychoosing to vote.如果你注册了,并且有能力这样做,你就可以获得权力,我将讨论如何做。

Thesecondpart in this series will addressdifficult dialogues如果你选择参与有挑战性的对话,可以使用一些策略。

Finally, thethirdpart in this series will bring in the most important aspect in any turbulent time –self compassion and self-care.所以,请收看本系列的每一部分,努力为你带来一些有用的和充满希望的东西!

2020年11月3日is Election Day in the United States. If you are able, will you vote? Why might this be important to participate in?



投票会带来心理上的好处。The first isempowerment.When you vote, yougive power to your position

Your voice matters. There are many inequities that exist across the nation right now, and although problems exist related to voter access (which would be a different blog at another time), your actual vote is as equal to anyone else’s one vote. The president of Hope College gets one vote. The Dean of Students? Also just one vote. Your favorite professor? Still just one vote. So if you are able, what will you do with your one vote?

Social well-being

Another benefit to participating in the election process is asense of social well-being.当我们一起为某件事工作,并参与到公民义务中,我们开始感觉到我们的归属感。当我们觉得自己有归属感时,我们会感觉与他人相连,并体验到社会意识。

Social consciousness makes us more aware of how interrelated we are and reduces isolation. This brings us closer in our communities where we can feel valued, respected, and loved.

Sense of Purpose


这里讨论的最后一个好处与总体上的政治或公民参与有关。如果你不能在这个赛季真正地投票,也许你仍然能够锻炼你的声音,保持在场和活跃,并加强你的心理健康。怎么做?By giving you asense of purposeandasserting your rights

When people get involved with what they feel passionate about, they experience joy and satisfaction,even if the work is discouraging at times.对于有色人种、LGBTQIA+人群以及那些经济上处于不利地位的人来说尤其如此。当人们团结起来支持共同关心的问题时,这就会增强他们的耐力,给他们一种控制感,并建立韧性。




by Aaron Schantz, MA, LLP, CAPS Staff Counselor

在CAPS办公室,我们一直在思考塔拉·黑尔(Tara Haelle)的一篇文章,她是一名传染病记者,在她的职业生涯中,她在秘鲁8级地震中幸存下来。She begins her article with a realization thatlifetodayis harder for her than surviving that earth-shaking disaster

How is that possible?

As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded in Spring 2020, her motivation decreased but she wouldn’t describe herself as simply depressed. In fact, her self diagnosis was as follows:

an “anxiety-tainted depression mixed with ennui that I can’t kick,” along with a complete inability to concentrate

I’m no science journalist, nor am I a mother with two school-aged kids navigating at-home schooling. Something about Haelle’s description, however, just made sense to me.In her article她介绍了three conceptsand interviews three researchers to glean their suggestions for coping strategies. The three concepts she names are what resonated with me most and seemed all-too-familiar despite our different life situations.

Three concepts you probably “get” intuitively

When she writes about a concept called “surge capacity,” its unique activation in a pandemic, her usual ability to handle crises, and the time-limited effectiveness of her former coping patterns, I get that. Months into this pandemic and its effects, as healthy as I thought I was, I understand.

When she describes “ambiguous grief,感觉很熟悉。我知道模棱两可是什么意思,我也知道悲伤。在人生的这个阶段,我也失去了一些经历和机会。有些是显而易见的,有些是非常私人的,非常痛苦,以至于我有时试图避免去想它们,这对我造成了损害。

When she introduces a “resilience bank account,” I realize my previously un-recognized wish that I had a few more self-care resources saved up for days and moments in which I might draw on them. I jump right to planning and action: maybe nowis现在是学尤克里里的好时机吗?

Upon laying this foundational understanding–establishing our human common ground aroundsurge capacity,ambiguous loss, andresilience bank accounts, Haelle turns to a few implications of our current living situation and these words from one of her experts:

“It’s harder for high achievers,” she* says. “The more accustomed you are to solving problems, to getting things done, to having a routine, the harder it will be on you because none of that is possible right now. You get feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, and those aren’t good.”

*Pauline Boss, PhD, family therapist and professor emeritus of social sciences at the University of Minnesota who specializes in “ambiguous loss.”

If it is harder for high achievers to manage some of these seismic shifts, what must it be like for a community like Hope College? How disruptive to a placefull of high achievers?我们如何才能更好地应对2020年的现实生活?如果黑尔引用博斯博士的话是正确的,绝望和无助是可能的结果,这些地方确实是非常具有挑战性的!

I won’t itemize Haelle’s recommendations in this post, because I highly recommend her article. Some of the author’s suggestions, however, are changes in our thinking patterns that take practice–not quick fixes. They do not work immediately and overnight, but are useful ways to bebothhonest about realityand专注于自己能够改变的事情。“Both-and thinking,” as a matter of fact, is a strategy she suggests.

Self-compassion and grace

Haelle would likely agree that when we cultivate some grace or self-compassion on this journey, we can cope better. One of her three experts reassures her:

“Why do you think you should be used to this by now? We’re all beginners at this,” Masten* told me. “This is a once in a lifetime experience. It’s expecting a lot to think we’d be managing this really well.”

*Ann Masten, PhD, a psychologist and professor of child
development at the University of Minnesota, as quoted by Tara Haelle

We may have been down tough paths before, but none quite like this. I have not survived a catastrophic earthquake, but I have had significant challenges–some that lasted longer than I wanted them to.我猜你也有。

We have all lost things important to us–experiences, opportunities, relationships.


But maybe I’m being presumptuous to assume that Haelle’s experience and everyone else’s is similar.Does it sound like you, too?Haelle gives readers a chance to see ourselves in her particular situation, and draw from our common experience of this pandemic in a way that transcends the oft-repeated phrase “we’re all in this together.”

Your ‘Surge Capacity’ Is Depleted — It’s Why You Feel Awful:Here’s how to pull yourself out of despair and live your life, Tara Haelle, Aug 17, 2020

Read the full article for yourself.The web page says that it’sa 13 minute read

Looking for additionalstrategies来帮助我们应对这些挑战?Check out our other recent blog postsfor additional coping skills:

Dear Hope community (a letter from CAPS)

Dear Hope community,

As we return to campus (both physically and virtually) from the summer recess, we join the community in welcoming students back, and look forward to the ways in which we will serve the mental health needs of our campus. We strive to deliver appropriate and effective services to all of our students, even though we are challenged in these unprecedented times.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) recognizes the distress that exists in our world right now for a variety of reasons and specifically, would like to address the racial injustices that plague our nation.


As mental health professionals, we personally see the painful burden that living in an oppressive, racist, and invalidating environment places on the physical and mental health of our students of color. In particular, our Black and African-American students may be feeling irate, terrified, devastated, dismissed, and exhausted, among other things, from the on-going exposure to racially-induced violence and trauma. These reactions make sense and they are all valid.




We invite and encourage students to consider reaching out for support and/or consultation with any of our counselors.如果您想与我们见面,我们可以随时提供,我们也完全理解,我们可能不是您在寻找的。Please know that we will support you in finding access to what you do need, whatever that may be.CAPS has a list of resources on our webpage, including resources on how to connect with counselors outside of Hope College.

Finally, we recognize the significant pain this has placed on our Black and African-American students and colleagues in our Hope community. We believe that we are all interconnected in our mission at Hope and thus,when one of us hurts, the health of our whole community is at risk.虽然我们可能不完全理解你们的经历带来的影响,但我们与你们分享情感,与你们一起悲伤。



The Staff at CAPS – Jody, Kristen, Bill, KJ, Bonnie, and Aaron


by Dr. Bonnie VanderWal, LLP, CAPS Staff Counselor



Journaling is form of writing that is not new, but many people find helpful. Expressive writing is a specific kind of journaling.

表现力的写作有点不同。这是一种特殊类型的日记写作。该活动的结构与写作提示和时间限制,使其简单,轻松,容易做。Many studies have shown improvement in mental and physical health by using expressive writing as an outlet for distressing experiences.

Dr. James W. Pennebaker她是德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin) Regents百年心理学教授,研究群体如何处理和应对广泛的创伤。Currently, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Pennebaker and his research team have launchedThe Pandemic Project, a website that offers free resources for dealing with the impact of COVID-19. In particular, the website provides an expressive writing tool, which is anonymous and confidential, to help people learn more about their reactions to the outbreak.

How do I get started?

点击这里查看详情!It’s as simple as clicking on this link to The Pandemic Project’sexpressive writing page.选择你想写的提示,评价你的感觉,然后放松。你不必担心语法、拼写或语言——只管写!它很简短,当你完成后,你将完成一个简短的调查,计算机程序会分析你的写作。你会立即收到关于你的调查和你写作方式的反馈。

Set aside 5-10 minutes in your day and try it for 2-4 days.看看富有表现力的写作是否对你有影响!

Looking for additionalstrategies来帮助我们应对这些挑战?Check out our other recent blog postsfor additional coping skills:

A Brighter Hope Lies Ahead (Guest Blog with Tim Koberna)

Tim Koberna is theHead Athletic Trainerand an Assistant Professor ofKinesiologyat Hope College. He is passionate about student resiliency and grit, and approached CAPS about ways to collaborate to support all Hope students–in particular, the approximately 600student-athletes–during this time. In that spirit, he writes the following to the Hope community in histhirdof three posts this semester.


  • We as a campus community have been forced tobecome more agile——更有精神——不仅在完成学业的时候,而且在交流的时候。
  • We are learning more aboutempathy以及我们在关系中表达的不同方式。
  • Lastly, we are reminded to be a“people first”family at Hope College.

Please allow me to briefly elaborate on each of these.

Improving agility

在我作为一名运动教练的日常工作中,我与学生运动员密切合作,他们不断地努力使自己变得更优秀agileandathleticas it relates to their individual performances. This involves a number of qualities to master. Individuals first need thedesire and motivation, followed by asupport mechanism(coaching), and they need to betested.在下半学期的过程中,希望学院社区(学生、行政人员和教职员工)在抗击COVID-19疫情方面变得更加灵活。世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地世界杯英格兰队vs丹麦队足彩我们的信念、我们的勇气和我们的决心是胜利的,我们的斗争没有结束,我们将继续坚持下去,面对摆在我们面前的任何挑战。

Increasing empathy

Empathy is defined as “the ability to sense other people’s emotions, coupled with the ability to imagine what someone else is feeling.” COVID-19 has forced each of us to accelerate the time and effort it takes to understand the how and why of being empathic. With so much of our communication occurring virtually, we have to go the extra mile to reach out and consider how another person is coping. Author Justin Bariso, author ofEQ Applied: The Real- World Guide to Emotional Intelligence, wrote an article forINC.comentitled “There Are Actually 3 Types of Empathy. Here’s How They Differ—and How You Can Develop Them All.” In his article, he gives descriptions of the types of empathy to remind us how to build stronger and healthier relationships.

Investing in others

The mantra “people first” has been reinforced in schools, businesses and churches all over the world in the wake of the pandemic. To think that we, as a college community, will come out of this adversity with stronger communication, and a deeper appreciation for one another and the campus, should be one element of hopefulness to COVID-19. Dawn Delgado, LMFT, CEDS-S, EMDR is the author of an article inPsychology Todayentitled “In Search of the Silver Lining of COVID-19.” In it, she discusses the ways we have become better connected with one another, more grounded, and more resilient through all this. She also discusses the potential forpost-traumatic growthbeyond our pre-pandemic level of functioning.


This pandemic will pass, and our Hope College community will be stronger because of it. We are improving our agility, increasing in empathy, and investing in others as the days and weeks go by. We work hard at those things because we believe that光明的希望在前方。



Don’t miss the previous two CAPS Guest Blogs by Tim Koberna this semester!

A Time for Mindfulness Meditation

by Dr. Kristen Gray, Licensed Psychologist, Associate Dean for Health and Counseling, Director of CAPS

It seems as though mindfulness meditation is mentioned in almost all recommendations for coping with COVID-19. But just exactly what is mindfulness meditation? Is it right for you? Are you willing to give it a try?

According toJon Kabat-Zinn, the person who developed this form of meditation, mindfulness meditation isthe awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally.当我们这样做的时候,我们开始体验到更大的平静和幸福的感觉。

mindfulness meditation isthe awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally

But what does that mean?

When we meditate, wetrain our brains to focus on something specific instead of wandering all over the place.我们可以选择专注于当下,或者专注于一个特定的想法、感觉或想法,而不会分心。当我们把注意力集中在我们选择的事物上时,我们会有一种更强烈的平静感。

One way to meditate is to use the felt sensation of the breath in the body, noticing where you feel the in-breath and where you feel the out-breath. It really is that simple to begin!

Try it out!

Sit in a relaxed (butalert– to avoid falling asleep) position, close your eyes and notice where you feel your breath. It might be in the chest or shoulders or belly, it might be in the throat or the nose. See if you can continue to follow this felt sensation of the breath for a few minutes. If you are flooded with thoughts and ideas and feelings when you first start doing this, no worries, that is a very common experience. Just begin again by focusing back on the breath.



  • Consider readingThe Mindful Christian: Cultivating a Life of Intentionality, Openness, and FaithbyDr. Irene Kraegel
  • 看看这些很棒的YouTube视频吧!每一个都值得2-3分钟!

Mindfulness 101

Why Mindfulness is a Super Power

Ready to give Mindfulness Meditation a try?

CAPS offers aweekly mindfulness meditation groupon campus during the academic year!

In the mean time, look into using an app such as

  • Insight Timer
  • Headspace(recently announced a special partnership with the State of Michigan)
  • Calm
  • Stop, Breathe and Think
  • and many others…

just see what works for you.Please note: some have additional features if you set up an account or pay a small fee.YouTube also has lots of free guided meditations if that is helpful to you.

Mindfulness meditation doesn’t require any special clothes, equipment or awkward behaviors such as sitting funny or chanting, it just meanstaking time each day to sit and breathe in a focused and non-judgmental way.开始正念练习,无论是在疫情期间,还是在我们希望回归学术和社区生活时,都能有所帮助。世界杯英格兰队vs丹麦队足彩

Looking for additionalstrategies来帮助我们应对这些挑战?Check out our other recent blog postsfor additional coping skills:

and watch for an upcoming post on Expressive Writing.


By Dr. Bill Russner, Licensed Psychologist, CAPS Clinical Coordinator

During these extraordinary times that we are all experiencing, uncertainty, stress, and anxiety are likely familiar companions for many of us. While we can understand that these reactions are normal given the current circumstances,none of us enjoys feeling stressed and anxious,我们可能经常觉得我们无法逃避这些不愉快的感觉。

幸运的是,有一些心理健康资源可以帮助我们更好地理解和应对焦虑和压力。The Wellness Societyhas developed theCoronavirus Anxiety Workbook, which presents sound mental health principles and proven behavioral health techniques in an easy-to-read and understand self-help format. The workbook guides us through understanding the emotional, mental, and physical effects of living under chronic stress, and then provides an easy-to-follow structure for adding helpful coping strategies to our every day routines.

As with any self-help resource, to actually experience improvement it is critical to complete the exercises as directed in the workbook!

The workbook is copyright-free and available in PDF format.

Looking for additionalstrategies来帮助我们应对这些挑战?Check out our other recent blog posts for additional coping skills:

and watch for upcoming posts on Mindfulness Meditation and Expressive Writing.