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Hope College Athletics Athletics Name, Image, and Likeness Policy

On July 1, 2021, the NCAA adopted an interim Name, Image and Likeness (NIL) Policy. This interim policy will remain in effect until either federal legislation or new NCAA rules are adopted.

Hope College Athletics supports student-athletes receiving compensation for the use of their name, image and likeness from sources outside the College. Student-athletes must adhere to all rules under the interim NCAA NIL policy, state laws and institutional policies.

Failure to comply with this policy could impact a student-athlete’s eligibility to participate in intercollegiate athletes and may result in penalties imposed by the NCAA and/or Hope College.

Name, Image and Likeness Activities

A name, image and likeness (NIL) activity is one that involves the use of a student-athlete’s name, image and likeness for commercial or promotional purposes. Examples of these activities include, but are not limited to:

  • Promotion of private lessons (as conducted by a Hope College student-athlete)

  • Promotion of their own camp or clinic

  • Autograph sessions

  • Payment for appearance at a commercial establishment (e.g. car dealership, restaurant)

  • Promotion of commercial products via social media platforms (e.g. brand ambassadors)

  • Provide testimonials for a product or service

NCAA Policies

Under the interim NIL policy, NCAA Bylaws prohibit student-athletes from the following:

  • NIL agreement without quid pro quo (e.g. compensation for work not performed).

  • NIL compensation contingent upon enrollment at Hope College.

  • Compensation for athletic participation or achievement. Athletic performance may enhance a student-athlete’s NIL value, but athletic performance may not be the “consideration” for NIL compensation.

  • Hope College cannot provide compensation in exchange for the use of a student-athlete’s name, image or likeness.

Hope College Policies

When engaging in NIL activities, Hope College student-athletes must adhere to the following institutional policies:

  • Student-athletes may not use any Hope College logo, campus building, athletics uniform/apparel, or other intellectual property of the College unless given written permission to do so.
  • Student-athletes may not enter into an apparel contract that requires them to wear anything that is in conflict with any existing apparel contract at Hope College.
  • Student-athletes cannot engage in NIL opportunities during organized team activities.
  • Student-athletes may not enter into NIL agreements for products or services prohibited by the NCAA or Hope College. Examples of these products include, but are not limited to:
    • Gambling or sports wagering, and vendors associated with gambling or sports wagering (e.g. BarStool Sports);
    • Alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana
    • Substances that are on the NCAA Banned Substance List
    • Products or services that are illegal.

Student-athletes may use professional service providers in connection with their name, image and likeness activities. This includes, but is not limited to, an agent, tax advisor, marketing consultant, attorney, brand management company or anyone who is employed or associated with such persons.

Student-athletes should follow all applicable tax laws for reporting NIL compensation.

International student-athletes should not enter into any NIL agreements without seeking guidance from the Hope College Center for Global Engagement (or most appropriate department). The receipt of compensation for NIL activities may affect immigration status.

Pell Grants and other need-based financial aid could be impacted by the receipt of compensation for NIL activities. Any questions in this regard should be directed to the Hope College Office of Financial Aid.

Hope College Disclosure Requirements

Any Hope College student-athlete who plans to engage in NIL activity must disclose arrangements made by submittingthis format least seven (7) days prior to committing to the opportunity or contract. Members of the athletic administration team will review these details to ensure the NIL activity is in compliance with all NCAA rules, state laws, and institutional policies. If a conflict/concern is identified, it will be communicated back to the student in order to allow for a revision of opportunity or contract, which will then be subject to additional review.

Additional NIL resources

NCAA Name, Image and Likeness Policy Q&A

NCAA Cycle of Individual Engaged in NIL Activities

Complete Guide of NCAA Resources

Hope College Athletics NIL Quick Facts

Hope College Athletics NIL Disclosure Form