/ Kruizenga Art Museum

Appraisal Information

Kruizenga艺术博物馆的工作人员可以帮助霍普学院和当地的西密歇根社区的成员识别和理解他们自己的私世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地人收藏的艺术作品。However, museum staffwill notprovide any guarantees or written attributions andwill notprovide any evaluations or appraisals of monetary value.


To find a qualified monetary appraiser for works of art, we recommend visiting the following websites:

Both websites allow you to search by location and types of expertise to find qualified specialist and generalist appraisers in a city, state or region. We recommend contacting several appraisers to get a sense of what services they provide and what fees they charge. The ISA and ASA are membership organizations, so it is worthwhile checking both websites when searching for an appraiser.


If you are interested in selling works of art, we recommend contacting one or more reputable auction house. Reputable auction houses in this region include:

You may also contact art galleries and antique shops near you. We recommend getting several evaluations to get a sense of the fair market value range before you decide to sell.