/ 杰克·瑞德尔访问作家系列



他毕业于霍普学院(Hope Coll世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地ege),并在弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia)获得艺术硕士学位。安德鲁斯生前出版了三本诗集和一本回忆录,可待因的日记这本书讲述了他如何与血友病妥协,并坚决拒绝让它限制自己的生活。他还编辑了两部文集,万物交汇之处:查尔斯·赖特论文集而且论威廉·斯塔福德:乡土事物的价值


查尔斯·赖特(Charles Wright)这样描述安德鲁斯:“树叶就像从他的指间迸裂。他对世界和语言有一种奇怪的态度,使他写的任何东西都显得新鲜而未被发现,就像从海底打捞到海上的宝藏一样。”




汤姆在霍普学院读大三的时候,在上剧本写作课。世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地一天,我对他说,我想他可能想试试写诗。他很惊讶。“我这辈子从来没写过诗,”他说。他想了想。然后他说:“你建议我怎么做才能学会?”我告诉他,这个夏天,他应该拿一本当代美国诗人的选集,从其中挑选25至30位诗人,按照每位诗人的风格写一首诗。他说:“好的。”那年秋天,当他把它们拿给我看时,我目瞪口呆。就好像他选中的每一位诗人都写了他们的下一首诗。 It was uncanny. It was the stuff of prodigy. “Now what should I do?” he said matter-of-factly as if what he did was what anyone could do. “Well, now all you have to do is compose your own poems,” was all I could think to answer. He enrolled in Introduction to Poetry writing. We’d talk for hours after class. During that fall term, Tom and I went to Kalamazoo College to a reading by Gwendolyn Brooks and David Young. Young was the editor of the prestigious literary magazine FIELD at Oberlin College. Half way through the reading, I asked Tom if he’d be interested to going to Oberlin to be an intern at FIELD if David took interns from outside the college. Tom whispered an enthusiastic, “Wow! Yeah!” After the reading, I asked David if he’d be willing to take a student from another college as an intern. He said no; they’d never do that. I said, “If I sent you poems by this student, would you be willing to say no again?” and I laughed. And David laughed, too, and said, “Yes, I’ll say no again. Send them to me.” I sent them to him. He called and said, “Send Tom Andrews here for the second semester.” Oberlin is one of the colleges that annually awards a student one of the prestigious prizes from The Academy of American Poets. Tom won it. The Oberlin students all agreed that he deserved it. Tom graduated Summa Cum Laude from Hope College and won the Hoyns Fellowship to the University of Virginia where he studied with Charles Wright and Gregory Orr. After that, he went on to become the brilliant writer he was, published in the finest of places and winning critical acclaim and prestigious awards for individual poems, as well as for his collections and for his prose memoir and for his edited editions of definitive work on William Stafford and Charles Wright.


汤姆的太阳穴包罗万象。他最喜欢的两位诗人是威廉·斯塔福德和约翰·阿什伯里。现在,在诗坛上,这两个人很少在同一段令人钦佩的谈话中被提及。汤姆可以在30秒内让你相信他们几乎一模一样。当然,他是对的。汤姆会在PBS看一部英剧,然后转到ESPN看最新的纳斯卡比赛。他会随身携带维特根斯坦的哲学、摩托车零件目录和《疯狂》杂志。他会为最深奥的数学杂志《数学评论》工作,然后去打篮球。他会走进我的房子,表演一种新的溜溜球戏法,一边表演,一边问我是否看过玛丽安·博鲁克刚刚发表的诗歌。圣奥古斯丁和马克思兄弟是他的宗教人物。 He had the lightest touch with the heaviest material of anyone I’ve known. He could juggle.

汤姆·安德鲁斯曾经是越野赛冠军。然而,他发现自己患有血友病。“然后我就退休了,”他说。“血友病越野赛有点保险风险。”他保持着连续鼓掌的记录,并因此被列入吉尼斯世界纪录。他获得了爱荷华奖和极具声望的罗马奖学金,并想成为一名单口相声演员。他的作品入选了国家诗歌系列,并获得了古根海姆奖。他在霍普学院编辑作品,是一个访问作家系列的梦世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地想家。我们把今年的系列节目献给他。他的诗被选为最佳美国诗歌,他也会为一本摩托车杂志写稿。 His publications include “Hymning the Kanawha”(Haw River Books), “The Brother’s Country” (winner of The National Poetry Series, Persea Books), “The Hemophiliac’s Motorcycle” (Winner of the Iowa Prize, University of Iowa Press), the memoir “Codeine Diary” (Little Brown), “On William Stafford: The Worth of Local Things” (University of Michigan Press) and “On Charles Wright: The Point Where All Things Meet” (Oberlin College Press). He was amazing. While at Hope College, he published in OPUS and in The Wallace Stevens Journal. Tom could do a handstand on a skateboard that was sitting on another skateboard while rolling downhill. Yes, he was amazing.




