/ Alumni and Family Engagement

Get Involved

As an active Hope graduate you can positively impact today’s students, strengthen your professional network, increase the value of your degree and have some fun!

Two alumni talking

Attend Events
Attend eventsin your area, including Alumni and Family Engagement-sponsored events or arts and athletic events. You can even volunteer to plan an event in your community. If you are interested, reach out to us atalumni@www.icarseries.comor 616.395.7250
Buy Hope Gear
You never know when a Hope College license plate holder or hat will spark a meaningful conversation. Show your school spirit by purchasing Hope College merchandise through thebookstore.
Join Prayer List

校园事工负责协调每月的祷告请求,以确定学生和希望社区的当前需求。世界杯英格兰队vs丹麦队足彩You can subscribe to an email update by emailingalumni@www.icarseries.comorfamilies@www.icarseries.comwith the following information:

  • First and last name
  • E-mail address
  • Indicate you are interested in subscribing to the monthly prayer request through Campus Ministries
Make a Career Connection

The Hope College Connectionis an innovative online community for calling and career that brings together students, alumni and families for mentoring and experiential learning.You can tap into the power of the Hope network with smart-matching algorithms to identify new connections as you navigate your career.Activate your profile today!

Make a Gift
The quality of the Hope experience is made possible by a community of donors. Join them andsupport the college financiallyby contributing to The Hope Fund or another special project. Let us know if we should contact an organization or individual to financially support Hope.
Refer a Student

Make Hope known to prospective students and families by communicating with the youth of your community and sharing with friends and family looking for colleges. Learn more aboutreferring a student to Hope.

Travel with Hope
TheGlobal Travel Programincorporates learning through exploring history, culture, art and language on international trips with Hope alumni and faculty experts.

There are a variety of ways for alumni and families to volunteer at the college. If you’re interested in volunteering at Hope, reach out to us atalumni@www.icarseries.com,families@www.icarseries.comor 616.395.7250 orcomplete the online form.