/ Admissions Office

Transfer Students

We are glad you are here! Hope College is excited to welcome transfer students from across the country and around the world.Let us help you transition to Hope College.

Whether you are transferring from a community college or another four-year institution, starting at Hope will create unique opportunities. Our goal is your success! We are here to guide you through your transition and welcome you to our Hope community.

Apply for Admission

To apply to Hope, please submit the following items:

Scholarships and Financial Aid


  • Your Hope Admissions application will serve as your application for scholarships
  • Hope offers Transfer Scholarships that range from $4,000-$10,000

Need Based Aid

  • Apply for need based aid by submitting your Federal Application for Student Aid (FAFSA)
  • Hope College’s Federal Code is 002273

Award Letter

  • You will receive a financial aid package after you have completed the Admissions process.

Transfer Credits


  • Transferologyis a user-friendly tool with up-to-date information about how other schools’ coursework transfers to Hope College.
    • Create an account in Transferology.
    • Select any courses you have taken or plan to take before transferring to Hope.
    • See a personalized report of courses approved to transfer
      • Match-courses approved to transfer
      • Miss- courses not approved to transfer
      • Maybe- courses not yet reviewed for transfer
  • Request more information from inside your Transferology account to start the evaluation process for any courses in the Maybe column.
  • Your official transcripts are the final step in receiving Hope College credit.

Learn more about the credit transfer process


Living on campus is one of the most exciting parts of being a student at Hope, and you have several options available!

  • We work individually with you to find the best fit, typically placing you with a student your own age and cohort. Housing options at Hope include:
    • Residence halls
    • Cottages
    • Apartments
  • Hope requires students to live on campus through their Junior year. (Unless commuting from home)

Learn more about residential life at Hope College

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