Anchored Tuition Pledge

Anchored Tuition Pledge: Affordability. Accessibility. Stability.

Affordability. Accessibility. Stability.

These guiding principles led us to implement the Anchored Tuition Pledge, our assurance to hold tuition in place, at one rate with each incoming class.

By “anchoring tuition,” our students pay the same tuition rate for the duration of their education at Hope. The tuition rate they start with is the tuition rate they end with.
The Anchored Tuition Pledge provides confidence and financial peace of mind when a family budgets for their student’s time at Hope. It also means that students’ renewable scholarships retain more of their value over the course of a four-year education.

And it’s also the firstHope Forwardinitiative that impacts ALL students.

The Anchored Tuition Pledge is yet another way that Hope College stands apart as we begin to correct the broken business model of higher education. For decades, the rate of college tuition has risen at double the rate of inflation.

With the Anchored Tuition Pledge, we are saying: No more. We vow to hold your tuition rate constant because we are committed to the ambition of making Hope more affordable and accessible, both now and in the future.

Read the full announcement about the Anchored Tuition Pledge