Join us in asking and exploring answers to the age-old question, “Why does it work?”

As a physics major or minor, you’ll find that you’re able to contribute to our research programs right from the beginning. Even before you enroll as a physics student, there are opportunities for you to start taking part in our research programs. Once you’re a student in our courses, we listen to what you want to learn, designing our elective options based on your interests.

Explore how the world works

Physics is an investigative science testing theory against experimental measurements.

Discover something new

Learning through experimenting and collaborative research is a hallmark of our department — and of Hope College. It’s important for our students to learn directly alongside faculty members as research apprentices. Not only will you be learning something new, but you’ll be contributing directly to the field. View ourblogfor more information about ourresearch groups.

Learn from the best

Each faculty member's research program is supported by external grants they've earned through competative programs. We currently have active awards totalling over $1 million. External funding has come from several nationally prestigious agencies and endowments, including:

For detailed information, view ourfaculty pages.

Hear from our Physics community

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Recent blog posts

  1. Alex Medema Update

    Postedby Paul DeYoung

    The post Alex Me...

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  2. Remembering Jenny Hampton, great friend, great scholar

    Postedby Paul DeYoung

    The post

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  3. What is inside Hope’s particle accelerator?

    Postedby Paul DeYoung

    The particle accelerator at Hope College is a 1.7 MV tandem accelerator that is capable of creati...

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  4. Doing More than Physics

    Postedby Paul DeYoung

    Not only is Kamaron Wilcox (’22) a physics and mathematics major, he has been diving with dis...

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  5. What are our majors doing now

    Postedby Paul DeYoung

    Recently Yong-Chul Yoon (’18) and Elizabeth Lindquist (‘17) (now married) stopped by Hope Col...

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  6. Nuclear Group Students Participate in Recent Experiment

    Postedby Paul DeYoung

    Gabe Balk and TJ Mann joined an international collaboration to study r-process nuclei (141, 143, ...

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Hope by the Numbers

  • 1.7 millionVolts

    Our laboratory houses the 1.7 million volt Van de Graaf particle accelerator.

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  • 80%Graduate School

    Our department sends students to graduate school in physics, materials science, medical physics and medicine. Those who don’t pursue further education often succeed in careers in national and industrial labs, business and secondary education.

  • $1 millionRecent Grants

    Our faculty has received over $1 million in recent grants toward their research.

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  • $70kMedian Salary

    The median salary for physicists with bachelor’s degrees is $70,000, and can increase by 41% for physicists with graduate degrees.

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