/ Music Department


Picture yourself on the Concert Hall stage, teaching in the music classroom or even in a musical production! Whatever it is, you can find it here.

The Department of Music has several rigorous degree programs that prepare students for professional careers in the field of music. We also provide a rich array of opportunities forallstudents who wish to experience and explore music for pure pleasure, creativity and self-expression, because we believe that music is a basic and universal human need. We offer many music scholarships for prospective majors and non-majors alike.


Jack H. Miller Concert Hall

Music Scholarship Auditions

Each year we offer over $200,00 in scholarships of various types, including DAAs.

  • Submit your application through your Distinguished Artist Award application. There will be three in-person scholarship auditon dates for students enrolling in fall 2022:
    • Monday, January 16, 2023 (noon–5 p.m.)
    • Friday, February 17, 2023 (noon–5 p.m.)
    • Saturday, February 18, 2023 (8 a.m.–5 p.m.)
  • 学生不需要通过试镜才能成为希望学院音乐课程的一部分,但只有通过试镜的学生才会被考虑获得奖学金。世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地
  • If you are unable to come to campus for an in-person audition, please contact the office for information on how to proceed: 616.395.7650, ormusic@www.icarseries.com.

Audition Guidelines

  • Each audition will be approximately 10 minutes long
  • Audition pieces should be prepared in their entirety
  • Select literature that you have studied thoroughly and that you and your teacher believe represent your best work

We recommend that you prepare two or three contrasting selections that demonstrate a range of styles and abilities.

You may also be asked to sight read a short selection. Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis, so memorization is highly recommended, though not required.

Faculty Contact

David Keep


We recommend that you play one slow and one quick piece:

  • One of the pieces must be by J.S. Bach
  • The other must have been composed after 1850

Memorization is encouraged, though not required. Furthermore, you will be expected to read at sight a short passage of organ music (i.e., using pedals) written on three staves.

You will be given ample opportunity to become acquainted with the organ you will be playing prior to the audition.


Dr. Huw Lewis


We recommend that you prepare two contrasting pieces or movements from the standard repertoire for your instrument.

For violin, viola, cello and string bass, we recommend that you choose from the following:

  • One movement (preferably first) from the standard concerto repertoire
  • One movement from a solo Bach sonata/partita/suite

Faculty Contact

Mihai Craioveanu

Winds and Percussion

For brass and wind instruments, we recommend that you prepare:

  • Major/minor scales
  • Two contrasting pieces or movements from the standard repertoire for your instrument

For percussion, prepare an audition that demonstrates as much as possible the following characteristics:

  • The basic snare rudiments; a piece or etude on snare
  • Scales and a piece on a keyboard instrument
  • Work on an auxiliary instrument (timpani, for example)

Faculty Contact

Dr. Gabe Southard


We recommend that you prepare two songs of contrasting styles from the standard vocal repertoire. It is preferred thatone of the selections to be in English and the other in a foreign language.

  • Repertoire that is appropriate for solo and ensemble contests or NATS auditions is considered standard vocal repertoire
  • Popular songs, contemporary Christian literature and original compositions are not considered appropriate
  • Choose repertoire that you sing well and shows your voice to its best advantage
  • Selections should demonstrate the full range of the voice, expressive potential, and good diction
  • Memorization is expected

In addition to hearing the prepared solos, the voice faculty will have each student sing a short excerpt at sight and perform pitch patterns.

Please note that recorded accompaniments are not permitted, and students should not accompany themselves.

Faculty Contact

Dr. Sarah VandenBrink


For each instrument, please prepare the following:

  • Scales
  • Sight-reading
  • Two standard tunes
  • Improvisation

Winds:Scales, range/doubling, sight reading, transcription/standard tunes, improvisation

Piano/Guitar:Comping (different styles), sight-reading, transcription/standard tunes, improvisation

Bass:Walking (different styles), sight-reading, transcription/standard tunes, improvisation

Drums:Grooves (different styles), sight-reading, time/solo/time

Faculty Contact

ProfessorRobert Shipley


Please submit two or three sample compositions (score and recording/midi file if possible) towaterstone@www.icarseries.com, along with a resume or brief statement describing your previous experience and training in composition.

Faculty Contact

Dr. Ben Krause