Communication majors create and share meaning for the common good.

Join our department to discover the central, complex role of communication in society and learn to communicate effectively across multiple contexts — in civic life, across cultures, in workplaces and in relationships.

With a degree in communication from Hope, you’re showcasing your commitment to ethical, competent communication.

Learn to communicate effectively

Receive intensive faculty mentorship by collaborating on research and media projects, and use our state-of-the-art television studio and media labs to boost your creativity and technical skills.

Dig deep into research-based inquiry

Research is a hallmark of Hope’s curriculum — and ours. Communication majors are required to takeLoading...and — depending on your academic and career interests — eitherLoading...或传播学研究中的定性方法。我们所有的选修课都是理论与应用相结合的。你将有机会通过研究合作与你的教授建立密切的工作关系。

Become an ethical leader

Our courses prepare you for ethical decision-making. In courses such as Intergroup Dialogue and Task Group Leadership, you will lead discussions on difficult issues and understand how to communicate ethically both in small teams and across cultures.

Develop cultural competency

At Hope, we prepare students to become global citizens. In addition to courses such as Intergroup Dialogue, Intercultural Communication and Gender Communication, students can participate in off-campus study programs led by faculty members in diverse locations, like the United Kingdom, South Africa, Japan, and South Korea.

Personalize your plan of study

You may choose courses fromseven academic concentration areas, focusing on one or multiple, overlapping areas. These concentrations serve as a map for academic exploration and quest as the department offers a broad range of interests and opportunities.

  • Corporate Communication
  • Global Communication and Peace Studies
  • Journalism and Writing for Media
  • Media Production and Criticism
  • Organizational Communication and Leadership
  • Relational Communication
  • Rhetoric and Public Advocacy

Talk to your advisor or a communication faculty member to design a plan of study specific to your interests and career goals.

Whatever you choose to do with your communication degree — and trust us, the opportunities are boundless — you’ll get a head start on life outside of the classroom by taking part in aninternship, completing rigorous coursework, exploring the world throughoff-campus study, and finding your place in student clubs throughout campus.

Student Projects

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Coffee? – A COMM 354 production
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Remembrance – A COMM 354 production

Recent blog posts

  1. Dr. Deirdre Johnston Retiring After 27 Years at Hope College

    Postedby Dr. Sarah Kornfield

    The Communication Department is celebrating Dr. Deirdre Johnston’s retirement! We are beref...

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  2. Welcoming Dr. Stephanie Pangborn

    Postedby Dr. Sarah Kornfield

    通讯部欢迎潘伯恩医生!The post

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Hope by the Numbers

  • 7–9Career changes for today's students

    The Carnegie Foundation projected that college students will change careers 7–9 times in their lives. The communication department provides you with the skills to flexibly work in this rapidly-changing society.

  • 100%Internship participation

    Every communication major gets real-world experience during their time at Hope by completing at least one internship as part of their major requirements.

  • 83%Employed after graduation

    Our graduates are successful in a variety of workplaces. Our robust liberal-arts curriculum ensures our grads are competitive and prepared to join an ever-evolving workforce.

  • #1Sought-after job skill

    Verbal communication was ranked the #1 skill for job candidates according to the 2016 report by the National Association of Colleges and Employers. Presentation and public speaking skills are integral to our program.