/ Center for Leadership

CFL Consulting

Our motto captures the essence of what we do: outstanding value for clients, invaluable experience for students.

To accomplish this, we create interdisciplinary student teams led by an experienced practitioner coach in solving real world problems for a wide variety of clients. The experiential learning and mentoring helps students to develop their critical-thinking, problem-solving and team-building skills.

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Want to solve real-world problems? This is experiential learning at its best. You’ll have the opportunity to work alongside respected local for-profit and non-profit companies, researching, presenting and recommending solutions to real problems. Our experienced coaches are engaged mentors who lead student teams by using their expertise to guide students in this valuable real-world experience.


  • 项目主题涵盖各种各样的主题,包括人力资源、市场营销、销售、运营、采购/物流、IT、工程、财务/会计、医疗保健和战略。这为学生提供了探索不同职业道路的机会。
  • Projects are completed over the course of a semester. Students will have a diverse client and project experience the earlier they get involved with CFL. Many students have worked on multiple projects for a variety of clients.
  • CFL咨询被认为是一种校内工作。学生平均每周工作五到十个小时。大多数工作都是在每周的团队会议后独立完成的。
  • Three or four students are assigned to each project and the team is led by an experienced practitioner coach. Coaches have outstanding credentials and competency. They not only provide leadership to the team, but also provide mentoring and networking opportunities for students.
  • Projects end with a formal final presentation. Students are highly engaged in preparing and presenting the final product to the client. Clients are generally overwhelmed at the depth of the report and the professionalism of the students.
  • CFL Consulting is a differentiator on a résumé and LinkedIn profile. CFL Consulting alumni report that job interviewers are eager to learn about their consulting experiences.
  • CFL Consulting is a unique networking experience for students and the clients. Students can showcase their talents to potential employers. Clients have hired CFL Consulting students into internships and full-time entry level jobs.

Do you have an opportunity or problem your organization doesn’t have the time or resources to tackle? Are you interested in helping to develop the next generation of leaders? If yes, please take a deep dive into our CFL Consulting program to explore how we can help your organization achieve your goals with an elite group of students led by an experienced practitioner coach.

  • 自2008年该项目启动以来,已经为各种各样的营利和非营利组织完成了225个真实的项目。
  • Project topics have covered a very wide variety of themes including HR, marketing, sales, operations, procurement/logistics, IT, engineering, finance/accounting, and strategy.
  • Projects are completed over the course of a semester (15 weeks).
  • 学生们有工资,每周平均工作8到10个小时。参加这个项目的学生已经申请并被录取进入这个精英小组。许多学生为不同的客户做过多个项目。
  • Three or four students are assigned to each project and the team is led by an experienced practitioner coach.
  • Our project coaches have outstanding credentials and competency. They not only provide leadership to their teams, but also provide mentoring for students. Coaches are paid a stipend for each project.
  • Teams also often include a SME.
  • Having an experienced coach leading the team means the clients do not have to “manage” the students as they do with an internship. With most projects the client’s workload is light.
  • Clients pay a standard project fee of $8,000. Discounts are offered to non-profits, including pro-bono work.
  • Each project has a Statement of Work outlining a detailed game plan. Projects end with a formal Final Presentation and as needed a Final Report.
  • 项目可以为客户提供独特的人才获取渠道。客户已聘请CFL咨询的学生从事实习和全职入门级工作。
  • Often times, clients develop a multi-phase project or new project upon completion of their first project because they are so pleased with the results.


STUDENT Testimonials

“CFL Consulting has been a joy to be a part of. The experience has been of utmost value to me, specifically in cultivating leadership skills."

"I am super thankful for this experience! It has been one of the best experiences I’ve had in college. Moreover, I am thankful for the skills I developed, mentors I met, and friendships I made through my project."

CLIENT Testimonials

"We were very impressed with the students' final presentation to us. They were able to take a project off of our work load and do all the heavy lifting for us in such a way that blew us away. We were very impressed by their ability to understand the information they were dealing with and the process in which they used to give us their recommendation. I would highly recommend this program."

"Working with the students and coaches in the CFL program was a great experience. The professionalism of the students as well as the end product was exceptional. I would easily work with CFL again and highly recommend this program.”

"We are extremely satisfied with the work that the Hope CFL student consultants performed... The students were professional in their communications with us and were driven to provide the best experience and the best deliverables as possible."